Every Turk I talk to about US elections root for Trump

Every Turk I talk to about US elections root for Trump.

One even told me he would feel sad if Bill's whore wins.

Turkey is with Trump.


After seeing this image, I was never more proud to be a Fenerfag.


Where does CNN Turk stand? They are pro Erdogan right?

Thanks Turkey, appreciate it

Almost every media in Turkey is pro-Erdogan, they have do.

>They are pro Erdogan right?

No. Neutral. They were anti-Erdoğan a year ago. Pro-Erdoğan in coup. Their owner Aydın Doğan is a snake. Always doing things to secure his ass. When Erdoğan lost power in 2016 elections in June he went full offensive against him. Now he stands with him.

Fenerbahce gegen Istanbul waren fast alle Männer Schwul,

turk in deutschland xD

What does CNN Turk have to do with the American CNN. The Turks just bought the rights to use the name i guess?

kannte den noch gar nicht, lol

yes, and?