You guys still think he is going to win. Wow
I like those odds
Nate silver is a doofus
71.65432189700126698445873 EXACTLY
makes me go hmmMMmmmm
He will win the popular vote yes. But loose the election because you don't pick the president the electoral college does that.
>You guys still think he is going to win.
ha ha ha ha ha ha
He is here.
>nate life-less martian soil
Checkety czech
He will.
that just means she also has a change to lose
You think Nate Copper is still right.
More like Nate Iron by now
i could be wrong but i dont think 71 percent is 100 percent
Wasn't it 90%+ some day ago?
The hero has to make a come-from-behind victory, or it would be boring.
Thank you (((CTR))) for correcting the record
The odds of Trump winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote are ~20x that of the reverse happening.
The principle of 2-senators-per-state regardless of whether it's CA or WY favours (R).
If Hillary only wins the popular vote 51-49, Trump is ~90% likely to win.
Would you roll a dice if you had only 7 out 10 chances to survive or else you get killed ? If no, shut the fuck up about it CTR.
I saw lots of Latino voters at the polls today (Florida here). I don't think Drumpf has a chance to be honest. Line was really long, I was waiting for 4 hours. Honestly Hillary's probably already won, if you're in Florida don't even bother voting
Why was Trump the Republican nominee? He's Hillary's weakest possible opponent. She's shit, but going against him guaranteed her the win. What a dumb thing to do.
I don't understand this
I want him to win; If I was the only person to vote for him I still would
It's really no skin off my back if he loses because I did what I could.
I really don't understand why some people get so fucking riled up by this shit
>Trusting the mainstream media
>Doesn't trust mainstream media
>trusts Sup Forums
> Wasn't it 90%+ some day ago?
Mid-October (3rd debate) was 85% polls-plus, 88% polls-only, 90% now-cast.
Obviously polls-only and now-cast are the same today.
You're really that stupid, huh?
Nate Silver has been wrong several times before. He predicted Democrats winning the House and Senate once... none of that materializes.
He won't even keep records of past predictions on his site.
Besides, he's completely dependent on polls he has no control over.
LA Times/USC poll is polling Trump ahead. That's telling.
LA Times is owned by Tribune, based in Chicago. It's a newspaper from liberal LA. USC is in liberal LA.
Some liberal college professors using a supercomputer, new algorithms, and assuming a demographic shift has occurred in the parties is showing Trump ahead.
when a newspaper owned by people in Chicago and college professors from a university in LA are not towing the Clinton line.... makes you think.
Sup Forums is delusional. They have their favored candidate, spend most of their time in a hugbox where everyone shares their opinion so they think 90% of the American population supports Trump and the media is 100% full of lies. Then when Hillary wins (it's not unavoidable, but it's most likely she will win by a small margin), Sup Forums will cry foul and claim the jews rigged the election.
They simply cannot accept that, for better or for worse, most Americans don't want Trump.
Isn't that supposed to be a probability? Even if that is correct those are much better odds than nothing.
>taking memes seriously
He never stood a chance, at least we had some fun.
>Hillary at 71%
>People think Trump can win
You realize that means this needs to be off by 22%, right?
Holy hell I don't even know how to mock this level of retardation
I realize you think "muh rigged polls" but come on, user.
>you need a greater than 50% chance to win to actually win
You are legitimately retarded
I will celebrate Trumps victory by watching an 1980s arnie movie.
last week they had it over 95%
>even the shills realize how absurd they look and move to correct
>this guy has predicted the last 2 elections state by state
I want the shills to leave
Fellas, I just moseyed on back from m' pollin' spitoon, 'n it's mighty dern grim fer Trump.
As far as the eye could see, 'Woman suffrage' handkerchiefs, all ankles showin'. Outside, 'Women's right ta vote!" postage on 90% of th' buggies in th' horse stalls and even on th' trains loaded with negroes, injuns, and micks brought in ta vote.
Now why didn't that pinhead have one of them city-slicker plan ta git out th' vote?
That's actually a slide down, a week ago it was near 90% if I can recall
Still not a great chance, hopefully we can pull a brexit
Shitpost has reached a new level this election
"Dahnuld won't WEEEEEEEEENNNNNNN! he just won't goyim!" -Nate Haffnium
A doofus who accurately predicted the 2008 and 2012 elections down to the state
Look, I want Trump to win, but it really isn't looking good for him