Makes a good point honestly

Makes a good point honestly.

Other urls found in this thread:

sometimes OP is a faggot

Sometimes is rains fish too.

sage for this facebook cringe


People covered in tattoos are always annoying. Fuck off, clown.

Tattoos are absolutely degenerate. And no. People with tattoos like that are NEVER nice.

More often the people covered in tattoos are somehow mentally unstable, and will steal shit from you/try to fuck your gf/do other shady shit.

Church people are judgmental and that have every right to be judgmental of the rest of societies garbage.

"Hi I'm here for the job interview"

If people covered in facial tattoos were mentally stable, they wouldn't be covered in facial tattoos.

kikebook level philosophy


Tattoos are a literal badge of insecurity, worn by men and women who are unaware of the fact that people without tattoos view them this way.


Sometimes a lamb is born with two heads.

>all the times you meet someone with face tattos they got molested, but only some of the people you meet in church have been, mostly if you're catholic or orthodox jewish

Tattoos are a symbol of child abuse

If you cover yourself in that way, the message you send to the world is that of emotional instability, of which you have tried to cover up visually.

I have no business talking or hiring someone like this

stop whining you pussy.

People who can't take a critique or a fucking joke will flip out and call people judgmental.

People who don't give a shit about you won't ever bother to critique you.

Judgmental people would piss on you if you were on fire, these nice people who won't judge will watch you burn.

face tattoos are literally reserved only for faggots

I like you

actually it doesn't. It's comparing a person's demeanor to another person's private thoughts. Their is no point made

thanks wanna hang out sometime?

bible say not to punish people for their sins for that is the work of god

there is nothing there about judging then

Filthy degenerate godfag, kill yourself and go to hell already. We don't want your kind on our material plane, delusional people are disease upon mankind.

>people with dignity and standards look normal

Makes sense given the fact the people covered in tattoos are almost always scumbags who shouldn't be judging people in the first place.

to me, seeing a churchfag and seeing someone covered in tattoos means the same thing: they're going to be the most unfunny boring fucking person ever.

the people that feel the need to cover themselves in bullshit to feel interesting are empty inside. not always true, but in my experience that's the case

USEFUL Reminder that shitty (de)motivational jpeg images on a pedophile formu wont' make anyone neither worst nor better

OPPORTUNE Comment on OP, he's a slide interventionists and a well-known faggot in his neigborhood.

TIMELY Judgement on this "Discussion"... it sucks grossly.


>having good judgment is a bad thing
no wonder libertarianism devolved into anal play

>head tattoos
>nice people
Literally do not exist

>tripfag calling someone else a fag

Tattoos are the best thing to happen to man kind. As soon as I see you have one I can instantly put you in the trash bin. No Tats No Piercings Period. Good Warning Signs.

Thanks for making it easy for the rest of us!

>my Atheist religion is superior to your theist religion

Soon we will build a second wall for you snow mexico.

I'm an atheist, but I'd prefer the company of devoutly religious people than people who cover themselves in tattoos.

Religious people can be intelligent and cultured, but tattoos are the mark of the lower caste, the unwashed proletariat who can't appreciate the arts or higher pursuits.

I've had more bad experiences with churchgoers than people with tattoos, but then I don't live in a ghetto.

I guess the guy in the OP pic is lucky then, he's a model and his tattoos are essentially his selling point. Something something freak show.

But this picture is literally judging people?
Whoever made this doesn't realize how hypocritical they are.

nice rare flag

also tattoos are for sailors and criminals

People with tattoos are often nice. They often display poor foresight, impulse control, and professionalism too.

Clearly an under-handed attack on Christians and a message for rebellion.

t. person covered in tattoos

I never understood tattoos. The things that I am concrete in my belief about I don't need to permanently advertise on my body or convince myself of.. The things that I am not rigid in my beliefs about I would never want to be permanently placed on my body. That leaves nothing I want a tattoo of.

Tattoos are haram for a reason.

Ahh so they admit these two examples are statistical outliers. No need to refute anything then.


Never met a tattooed person that's not a degenerate, vain or super self-important. But sure yeah

>The things that I am concrete in my belief about I don't need to permanently advertise on my body or convince myself of.. The things that I am not rigid in my beliefs about I would never want to be permanently placed on my body. That leaves nothing I want a tattoo of.
a lot of my friends have gamer tattoos and I almost got one. Glad I didnt, I havent picked up a game in almost 3 years now.

Really fires my neurons.

And sometimes OP is as gay as a boi-toy in a truckstop...


Funny how most people who get gamer tattoos always pick either a triforce, or the imperial logos from Starwars or Elderscrolls. It's like they think, "Well, I like this game mildly enough, and girls play mainstream shit, maybe it will get me laid."

5 years from now, those games will be boring, and some new trend will take their places.

tattoos are a stigma. your body is a temple

I've only met one total degenerate who wasn't a thief and faggot. He was covered head to toe in tattoos and smoked weed like some kind of weed bonfire but he always had my back throughout college and even helped me pay off my loans after I had helped him with his.
He became a welder and makes decent money now.

I would say more that he is an exception, or that he made a bad call with tattoos early in and regretted it later. Most people who are heavily tattooed are faggots who will steal from you or beg you for shit and when you turn your shoulder to them they'll show their true colors.

this guy looks like my Skyrim character

People with tattoos are trashy as fuck and usually poor and/or criminals

From personal experence, I find the opposite to be true. This is coming from an atheist.

Also note the fact that this meme doesn't make the same claim about jews, muslim..etc. This christian bashing is getting old.

>church people are judgmental and have the right

>judge not lest ye be judged
>let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Practice what you preach christfag

Sometimes, yeah. But most of the time, no.

This. The whole "Religious people are bastards and weirdos are the nice ones" meme was a) never really all that true to begin with and b) so yesteryear. It's the opposite, these days.

there is nothing wrong with judging righteously you pagan commie faggot
thread theme

>tips fedora

having judgement does not equal being judgmental

I have enough judgement to practice common sense when it comes to covering my body in permanent ink

>I dont believe in the bible
>I will quote from it anyway!

Yep, 14 years of private christian schooling will do that to you. I dont believe the bible is law. I do believe it has some great messages on how to live your life tho.

>do unto others

That makes you a hypocrite, you might as well quote any fantasy book.

On that same note, most world religions have messages worth taking to heart

>middle way
>most everything guru nanak taught

Yep, i dont believe any one religion has it 100% correct. I pick and choose from all religions.

Wow, those lines mean that you should be careful how you judge others as you will also be judged by them. And that you shouldn't be a hypocrite, aka don't punish ppl for doing what you yourself have done


because judgemental is the antagonist of nicest

I am literally covered in tattoos and i am not nice. i tattoo people professionally, its the best job in the fucking world, i get paid at the very least $100 an hr. try getting paid as an artist thesee days literally anywhere else.


The world's definition of nice isn't God's definition of nice.

The world is wicked, and they believe the lie.

People who tell the truth are hated, because the world loves sin and doesn't know or love God.



You must be new here.

I have never met a decent person covered in tattoos. maybe one or two tattoos sure, but people who cover themselves with tattoos are usually hyper degenerate and ultra liberal.

the most judgmental people i have ever met in my life were white liberals, covered in tattoos, with a "stop like what i don't like" attitude, who admonish others for not conforming to their bullshit standards

church is the only place where ive ever met nice people

really gets your noggin' joggin'...........

wrong. all my tattoo artist friends and heavily tattooed friends are not liberals.

There is literally nothing wrong with testing someone's belief system and using their own arguments against them in a debate even if it is a different belief system than your own

Yeah, sometimes. Almost never though.

former jesus supporter here, hillarious to watch him crash and burn, but seriously he can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

>anecdotal evidence is fact

>"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Some people just dont understand such an outlandish notion. Some people arent very educated.

agreed, most of my heavily tattooed friends are easily considered alt-right

You're so progressive

But most of the times is the opposite.

My pastor has tats all over and is one of the strongest most faithful and caring dudes ever so checkmate atheist. He's in Africa and other awful counties helping build stuff and help people every other month for months at a time. One of these days I'm going to do the same

Okay this one is good

Yeah shit head losers covered in tattoos and leeching off welfare don't really have a lot to be judgmental about. They are losers.

Good hardworking churchgoers are often well educated and well off. They can be judgemental because they are better.

Equality is a lie. We may be equal under the law, and that's fine, but we are not equal in reality.

I dunno op, people with some tattoos are pretty cool, but all the people I've met covered head to toe in tattoos are usually giant pricks. That's just from my own observations.