How different will your city be if Trump wins?
How different will your city be if Trump wins?
Gilbert Arizona here. My city is fairly white so I don't think I'll see noticeable difference.
San Francisco here
Probably tons of fags crying about how trump is hitler or some shit.
Mesa Arizona here. MY city will change dramatically. My entire apartment complex is going to empty.
Lots of assblasted hipsters
t. Austin Texas
Lots of assmad Spics and SJW bitchin about moving to Canada
Why? It's just a bunch of retirees here.
Any Tucson bros?
Stay the same, but with hillary it will be radioactive ashes.
Do you live in Northeast Mesa and never leave?
Mesa is filled with beaners.
I am happy for you that you're in a position to be ignorant of this.
Also San Francisco.
The butthurt will be glorious.
Planning on going to a bar afterwards?
I live in Arizona. I am genuinely worried there is going to be a beaner riot.
I'm still voting for Trump but you people in whiter states, be thankful you won't have to suffer the reactions to tonight's results.
Are there a disproportionate amount of arizona fags on Sup Forums?
not much
possibly a small decrease in Hispanics as illegals get rounded up and deported
All the Mexicans will go into hiding
arizona here too. probably more asspain from arpaio winning than trump 2bh phampalampadampdong
i live in beaner central. i dont know if theyre gonna be mad but theyre definitely gonna be hiding
Montana here. If Trump loses I will welcome white refugees into my house.
#NorthWest front
Chicago here
Less spics when they all get deported, niggers will chimp out like always
>Cleveland, OH
We'll be fine. Noglords here didn't even riot when the cop who shot a 13 year old with a BB gun wasn't brought up on charges.
ground will be wet from sjw tears
Have niggers ever rioted over an election?
Doesn't seem their style.
Philly reporting.
Sanctuary city which will change its tune once he threatens to remove federal funding. Will be choice.
Seattle, we'll whine a moan about injustices, while overpaying for starbucks as we kick out more of the poor people
MN here. Hopefully he deports all the Somalis and illegals. My 50%white town would then be upwards of 85% white. #MAGA