Writer from outside of comics writes comics

>writer from outside of comics writes comics
>it's shit
Why the FUCK does this always happen?

For reference.

His Green Arrow was good though

>Most of those books are fucking shit
Not surprising in the slightest

Oh god, Cacophony

What about when it works though?
>American Alien by Max Landis
>Shade the Changing Girl by Cecil Castellucci
>Dial H by China Mieville
>Archangel by William Gibson
>Get Jiro by Anthony Bourdain

Peter David's stuff was okay.

I liked Ultimate WvH

Bryan Q. Miller was fine and Paul Cornell was great

Almost all American comics are shit so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

Well it's not like he can write movies any better

he started in comics though...

Don't forget John Rogers.

Ultimate WvH is great

>good comic writer leaves comics to write books

I dunno it could be that the transition from other mediums to comics is harder then people give them credit for and writing a monthly to bi-monthly series were you have to take into account, sales, artist delays and actually trying to make something when it’s been done by countless writers interesting when a book can usually be however long you like it or whatever you want it to be about, I’m sure I’m missing some details but that’s what I think

Green Arrow, buddy.

>American Alien by Max Landis.
Yeah that was a surprisingly decent take on superman, what’s Landis been doing lay anyways

Smith's big fucking problem is that he thought up a decent villain in his GA run and has been sucking him off ever since. Like his dumb stoner humor about Batman pissing himself would've been excusable to a point if the stories themselves weren't only about how great Onomatopoeiea is.

>Get Jiro by Anthony Bourdain

Yeah bro another Yojimbo rip-off is so hard to execute.

One of the few comics that I can think of that was okay was the Prince of Persia comic. It was co-written by the creator of the games and writer for the original series and sands of time. That comic was fucking weird, but I liked it.

>Yeah that was a surprisingly decent take on superman, what’s Landis been doing lay anyways

His Lex Luthor is more autistic than EisenLex with absolutely none of the Silver Age ham-charm.

And while I personally get stoned, the idea of Superman being a bit of a stoner is really fucking daft.

Alan Heinberg and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa are pretty good.

I think Rainbow Rowell might end up being good if she can figure out how to pace her comics better.

>Rainbow Rowell might end up being good if she can figure out how to pace her comics better
What comics does she do?


Seriously? No wonder I liked it so much.

Is Gerald Way a good writer? I liked his spiderman anime one shot

Paul Cornell was a one hit wonder.

>Smith's big fucking problem is that he thought up a decent villain in his GA run and has been sucking him off ever since
I don't really get the love for Onomatopoeia. He's a pretty one-note gimmick villain who's gimmick is kinda dumb at that. What's the appeal to him?


>sandman by niel gaiman

That's an attactive woman. The man is fairly decent as well.

I fucking LOVE his Doom Patrol. It's a fun take in Morrison's DP.

he went the other way, unless you count a Duran Duran biography, which I don't

Well he transitioned very well. Especialy his childrens picture books.

Read his Umbrella Acadmey, it's damn good.

>Dial H by Mieville
>Black Bolt by Saladin seems to be well liked too.

Because they were shit in their day time jobs in the first place. Is it a surprise that hacks like Landis and Smith can't do anything good.

>Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Sacasa is not good, he's fucking great. He's better at writing comics than writing motion picture at this point.

Also Locke and Key by Joe Hill and Doom Patrol by Gerard Way (and maybe Umbrella Academy, haven't read that yet).

It's meme liked. It's not a good comic but doesn't get enough attention so it's fans can be loud without making enough noise.

fightclub 2 was so...so...SO fucking bad
I nearly vomited in the bookstore when I finished it.

Like wow did chuc drop the ball

>Cameron Stewart decided to draw this instead of Seaguy

Catwoman by Valentine

Chasing Amy is a good kino desu. It's a story about comics

Stoner implies he smokes regularly. That's like saying he's an alcoholic because he has a beer with his dad

That was really clumsy.

What happens in it?

the biggest issue is that he genuinely thinks getting baked makes him more creative.

>0 results for Jodorowsky

Seriously Sup Forums? His comic stuff is better than his films. Incal and Bórgias were great

>American Alien
Worst meme of 2016, desufampai.


Uncal is pretty lame.

Widening Gyre was good though.

>Max Landis

Never post here again.

Ultimate WvH isn't that bad though.

How so you define "from inside of comics"?

That's dumb as fuck.

>what’s Landis been doing lay anyways

Showrunning Dirk Gently on BBC.

got famous by doing anything other first

Action Comics and Captain Britain are two things though

I'm still triggered by this

What the FUCK is his problem?

It was a really dumb comic, but the problem people have with it is that it took SO FUCKING LONG for it to finish. Like holy shit Lindelof, I know you're busy, but try having some respect for your audience, Christ.

Nice try slipping yourself in there max


What's the worst thing on this list, and why is it Identity Crisis?

IdC's biggest problem is that it was set in the main universe. If it was just an elseworlds it would just be a flawed but possibly enjoyable mystery.

I'm pretty sure Jodo was writing comics before he was making movies

oh, that's why it was terrible

The mystery still wouldn't make sense, unless that universe's gimmick is that everyone's retarded, like in Injustice.

Also Valentine and Catwoman. Hell, her BRE issues were the only actual readable ones.

>possibly enjoyable

well if it was an alternate universe maybe they could've actually pulled the trigger on Atom doing it

Kevin smith's green arrow was decent. I've also wanted go check out Batman 66 because I haven't heard much from it.

Not sure if this counts but Cole Sprouse is apparently being offered to write Jugghead which will be interesting since he was a big fan before he was in riverdale

can't be any worse than Zdarsky, I suppose

America is Marvel's Sonichu.

Prose is entirely textual, comics is textual + visual. Few writers are able to adapt well tot his change.

Never read Zdarsky‘s Jughead because I don’t care for Erica Henderson’s art. Ryan North’s version wasn’t bad.

>Hating on Demon Knights
Why must you do that?

Well, at least someone's getting some joy out of it.

Liu's X-23 was pretty fucking good, but Astonishing X-Men was a let down.

Im so fucking pissed that Ult-she-hulk plot literally did not go anywhere

Because comics >>> all

It might make him more enthusiastic about being creative but it does not make him more a better creator

>make him more a better creator
Are you high?