In line in Philly to vote. About an hour wait time
In line in Philly to vote. About an hour wait time
>north face jacket
My guess is all those people are not in line for Trump...
you have to wait an hour to vote?? only in america...
just start going apeshit OP. take one for the team and cause as much chaos as possible.
... is this good or bad?
I should of brought my hat.
That's how it is when dealing with the state, lines.
what's wrong with north face? it's a respectable brand.
See any Black Panthers yet?
Its a big turnout, I live in fucking north dakota, its the same thing, long ass lines full of people young and old who have never voted before. Because of that, overall pretty good for Trump, however op is from philly, and thats shillary central, so its a 50/50 chance that a big turnout is good/rare
its good. hillary supporters are either brainwashed cucks or ignorants who blindly follow media. And the ignorants will just say "fuck it" and go back home since they dont care enough for this.
It's worse in some places. Some states have hours long lines with thousands of people.
It's because of the republicans.
Other states like Oregon however are completely vote by mail so there's no hassle at all.
In the united states it's pretty synonymous with "trendy" "group think" "herd mentality" normalfags, incapable of doing anything outside mainstream culture.
This. Don't have one but I don't get it?
>lots of inner city collegians
>It's because of the republicans.
why that?
>wait one hour to vote
Not even here happens. Burgerland efficiency.
Sucks for you, i live in south houston and there was no line/2 other white voters... Apparently somebody implied immigrantion would be present via fliers.
Why didn't we think of that?
weird. we don't really get it here, but i would kill for some north face hiking gear.
No. Just ((( 2016 voter protection team )))
>le blue state of pennsylvania
>it's because of republicans
You might have other bigger problems to worry about, considering your flag.
Isn't it close to open season on whites?
everyone in college wears a NF jacket even when it's 70F outside
i live in the western cape mate. they only kill each other here.
Dude they eliminated thousands of polling places in the last few years. They are trying to suppress Republicans because repubs actually have to work and can't wait around all day
It's a combination of several things.
First, republicans are for making it harder to vote in general - no election day registration, need many forms of ID, not providing public transport to polls.
Second, republicans repeatedly close voting stations (fewer nearby voting stations, longer travel, longer lines,) start regular registration roll purges, and generally have a long history of voter intimidation.
They also pushed hard to get the voting rights act gutted, which is a big contributor this election.
In USA north face is mostly worn by middle schoolers who think it's a status symbol and vapid women
all voted for the devil, SHE THAT IS HE.
niggers women, none of them should be allowed to vote.
faggotdelphia and all of PA should be REMOVED
How the fuck is there an hour wait? My polling place ( at peak activity I am sure right before work ) there will be another at lunch and just after work, was a < 10 min process.
i can imagine it now.
>i'm so extreme and unique
>everest here i come
You have a democracy?
Suburb outside of Philly here, just got in and out of my polling place in 2 minutes. Some Burt Reynolds look-a-like was handing out Trump flyers. Two old women were handing out Hillary flyers.
yup. those all look like Hillary supporters.
land slide incoming
what is your typical polling station?
pic related is my typical polling station
Kek, I wore my North Face jacket when I voted for trump.
Looks cozy.
>First, republicans are for making it harder to vote in general - no election day registration, need many forms of ID, not providing public transport to polls.
I don't see a problem with the first two.
Letting people register on voting day with just a license opens up rampant opportunities for voter fraud, something that clearly the Dems have been a-ok with using (Dead voters, duplicate voting, busing people district to district). By forcing people to register early, so polls have a concrete list of how many maximum voters they will get AND requiring more than a license that 16 year olds are able to believable copy at a Kinko's to buy booze, you close opportunities for voter fraud.
I'm ok with a democratic victory if multiple steps are in place to verify that it was done legitimately.
>an hour wait time
This is to supress the republican vote who don't cheat and like to vote in person
> About an hour wait time
fucking amerifats are more backwards than somalians to vote
meanwhile i had to vote last week and it didn't took me a min to do everything
Looks can be deceiving. A lot of sub $50k yearly salary folks are voting Donald. You'd be surprised.
>because of republicans
Nigger, it's people with jobs i.e. Republicans who are getting their votes suppressed.
People with jobs, kids and responsibilities, also republicans like to vote on Election Day
the trump supporters haven't finished work yet
I'm in rural Missouri, and the longest part about my wait was having to fill in each bubble with the ink pen.
Paper ballots, mother fuckers!
OK, so firstly US has no law requiring ID to vote.
Then, you need to wait in line to vote.
Why the fuck is the US such a third-world country.
>so many young, soft looking white people
>North Face
>yoga pants
Is this polling place next to a liberal arts college or something?
>live in Space Coast FL
>day off from work
>in and out in 15 minutes
>most of the people I saw voting were older and white
Granted my county's solidly red but still, looks good.
it'll be easier in the school of a gym or a fire station. Much more private though with curtains that close when you go to vote
already voted in phoenix there was no line
that's Alt Right 101
That's all college republicans ware bro
North face makes good gear and it isn't ridiculously expensive. I think your autism is showing, user.
I've never waited in long lines but I don't live in a shitty liberal eastern city
>women voting
Just fuck my country up senpie
Yeah I heared it was rainy in michgan today FUCKING republicans and their global warming
They are all white at least.
>if the system doesn't conveyer belt poor minorities into the polling booth it's "discouraging voters".
Kk thanks bye
Well we require ID in Oklahoma. Not every state is ran by hippie communist faggots.
Is the SEPTA strike still on?
>bunch of random people standing around
Oh wow /pop/btfo those people are clearly supporting hillary cause for reasons
You're one to judge, Mr. K-Way?
>About an hour wait time
One hour waiting time?!
I voted numerous time in my life... never had to wait one fucking second!
You don't know how to organize stuffs, us? Did you delegate all the job to Mexicans?
>Brazilian who probably lives in Recife or Rio telling Americans how his democracy is better
I bet you voted for Dilma.
>not ridiculously expensive
where the fuck do you live? Or do mommy and daddy not show you the pricetag
That's not true democrats are trying to fight that reauirement in many states
>About an hour wait time
What the fuck, US? Even in monkeyland it doesn't take me more than 5 minutes to vote.
>all those women and minorities
>all those women
yes, just like any other normalfag clothing/shoe brand
fucking nigger lover
What? Liberals fucking hate north face for some reason. They're actually kind of dicks about it. That line looks like Trump voters to me
Relax, senpai. All the white men are at work.
likely Drexel fags
that's not that big for philly imho - also zero niggers in the picture
my guess is the line from op's post goes 70-30 clinton
I live in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, a deep blue county (basically Africa 2.0). There was no wait when I voted (around 11 am). I would say there were about fifteen people there.
They sell good stuff so i think the pricing is fair
Unfortunately yes.
is ND comfy? Thinking of moving out there someday
>Standing in line like a tool instead of early voting
LMAO, just sitting here wrapped in a blanket watching you normies fuck your legs up
Do your civic duty. It's only one hour. MAGA!
>when even sweden-cuck tells you, having no voter id is retarded
I early voted, slept in, 70 degrees and no wait time. Wonder why people wait until the last second
We have a republican legislature...
I would classify it as yuppy.
>tfw owning north face
What's wrong in that?
why the fuck do people even care that much about clothes and fashion.
Just put on something normal and comfortable, so you don’t look like a gypso and it’s fine.
Shadilay, brother. Stay strong.
dont forget to tip
makes up for your lack of accomplishments by appearing "rich"