Hey boys

I voted.... Teehee. Sowwy

I wanna fuck your boipussi now

>Not voting for "Rocky"

So if I start reporting the people that post their ballots online to the FBI will anything actually happen or nah

You will be. Trump will win, and you will realize you supported national secret selling, bribery, NPO abuse, security breaches, nepotism, media rigging, social network censoring, president lying, terrorism supporting for profit, duplicity to bankers vs. public, support for big banks over public, paying people to incite violence, voter fraud, mocking of faiths and races, destruction of evidence under subpoena, satanic rituals, attempts to circumvent the law by offering favors, foreign election rigging, debate question stealing, primary election stealing, hope for terrorist acts, suggestions to beat subordinates to relieve stress, drug price fixing, scandal faking, poll oversampling, uranium selling to russia, money laundering, racism, unequal pay for women, sexual harassment suppression, and laughing at how well she did defending a rapist.

Do it.

They get vanned.


>tfw ur vote wont be counted lol

>tfw the average american can't even fill in a circle correctly

nuke this shitty country already

Do you think this ballot isn't legit, I had like 15 choices for president and OPs only has 6