HRC pinned tweet one hour ago = 12.5K retweets

Trump Tweet 3 hours ago = 100,000+ Retweets!

She is such low energy! Sad!

Other urls found in this thread:



delete your account

I seriously don't understand this. She is supposedly gaining all the young support, the people that use social media, and yet she fucking struggles to even break 10k likes on her biggest fucking day of the election. Trump breaks 100k EASILY and will probably surpass 200 or 300k

Bots, bro

Someone called?

I would think a large chunk of her supporters aren't even old enough to vote

It could be that her "support" doesn't actually want to think about her when voting for her, Because they're not voting for her, they're voting for someone who can stop trump.

That is the basis for most of the dems this election, using Hillary only as a means to stop trump, where as trump is a mix of stopping Hillary and wanting the man himself to be president.

yea those 10K she got are bots for sure

i kinda feel bad for her, to have everyone supporting you e.g big banks, media, countries and still lose in a landslide fuck it will cut her deep. I wonder how she will cope


Only trying to stop someone without offering genuine policy advancements is a recipe for losing. Minus the vote rigging and Cuckifornia of course.

Trump is using bots heavily all over the Internet. I don't mean to say that his support is small, but he does use bots a lot.

the day of reckoning is coming, CTR

I'm not saying it isn't fair or anything, you enormous retard. I'm just explaining what's actually happening.

Lol you are an amazing shitposter

DO you have any evidence of that?

If you really think the candidate who retweeted Pepe isn't doing everything he can to "win" the Internet (because he knows how much that sways people's opinions) you're absolutely naive and delusional.

Really fondues my chocolate

Or you know, he has immensely more support than the other candidate.

Hil-dawg had to pay Jay Z and Beyonce 60 million dollars to fill up a stadium. Trump fills up stadiums every time.

Welcome to the real world, sonny.

What type of fucking argument is this?

Good job fellow Russian hackers. Keep hacking twitter, hack as hard as you can.

I'm not saying his support isn't big, I'm just saying he's definitely using bots. It doesn't mean that I think he will lose or that he is less popular than Hillary. Why is that so hard to understand?

Dead voters can't retweet

there were 70000 live

I don't know if they are actually writing their own tweets or some PR agency is going it, but Trump sounds genuine while Hillary sounds as if some PR faggot did it. Unless she talks of herself in the thrid person.

>Great state

What did he mean by this?

Not to mention, when he brings celebrities like Ted Nugent, they're usually a surprise to bring to the campaign stop. Whereas, Hillary literally has to jump in at the end of concerts of other celebrities in order for people not to leave.

He may be using bots, but from his sheer popularity they are either small in number or nonexistent in the first place

Why is it so hard to understand no one believes you?

Do you have a source? Any evidence?

Cause from what I can see right now you're shitposting.

Are those all bots making comments on his front page too?

>I wonder how she will cope

If there's any justice in the world? Suicide.

I hope her last thoughts are of how Donald and Pepe cucked her out of her dreams at the last moment.

>Are those all bots making comments on his front page too?

A number of them are

Up to 230K favorites.

Are we going to do it, lads?



>1/3 bots
>1/3 Russians
>1/3 Uneducated whites

If this high energy doesn't convert into votes, then all those likes/retweets numbers doesn't matter.

>tfw you'll never live in a society where politicians who lose commit suicide

yes lad.

Larger portion isn't even breathing

XD aka condescending online man


Remember he's active on Kikebook too

you mistake tweets for votes.
Bernie did too.

You really think all 12k of her likes are from bots?

>supposedly gaining all the young support
I bet whoever said that also said that "all" of the women and "all" of the blacks and mexicans are voting for Hillary. Hillary and Obama have been non-stop campaigning at colleges because they DON'T have that support. You don't campaign in areas where you're winning by a landslide. That's why no one campaigns outside of swing states.

Pundits only lie. Don't look to them for reality.

Almost a million reacts on FB ...

Meanwhile Hillary had to use bots to get her "delete your account" meme tweet noticed

You're breaking the conditioning, expect a backlash

Underrated Dutchbro.

>fractions of a like

Good one

>tfw dutchbro builds walls against the sea and drains swamp like the best

I got your back on this one.

why is CTR still here? you already lost cuck.



Not an argument

Has he already won?

Her tweets are collectively written over email. It's ridiculous. Everything about her is insincere.

It's 668K american intellectual.


Not an argument

More like 250K

There is a very logical reason for this - Hillary supporters are out voting, Trump supporters are re-tweeting.