>tfw she's going to win
>tfw half of you are underage and 3/4 of you aren't registered
Tfw she's going to win
just voted, faggot
VA here
>tfw you libshits won't push for voter ID
>underage can vote
Nice logic
Agreed, I just got back from voting in Texas, and it's not looking good for Trump
Everywhere I looked, 'I'm With Her' shirts, but no MAGA hats. Outside, 'Love Trump's Hate' bumper stickers on 90% of the cars in the parking lot and even on the buses loaded with marginalized Latinos, Latinas and blacks brought in to vote left.
Op is a nigger 100% guaranteed
You can register at the polling station.
Nice demoralization tactics ass hat
Hahaha love it Sweden
>implying SJWs aren't underage and/or educated enough to have registered
it's a fair war senpai, we're not the only retards around.
>You can register at the voting station
Yeah you can text your vote too
Drumpf is done. Soon the God-Empress will ascend the golden throne.