Who /mentallyill/ here and voting to MAGA.
Does trump have any chance with the fag vote at all?
Traps 4 Trump
He doesn't pander to it although he's doing the right thing by letting states decide for themselves.
Well Trump has always supported LGBT rights so duh he's got the gay vote, Hillary was against gay marriage rights until recently conveniently.
Exactly what I like about him. Hes fine with our existence, supports our freedom, but doesnt want to force shit on the states. Im in Texas, so that isnt beneficial to me, but its the right thing desu. Pandering is the ultimate indication of lying, which is exactly what Hillary is doing. She'll use her fag vote only to turn against them and ship a bunch of peaceful loving sand surfers here.
redpilled traps?
sauce of the pic ??
they realize that they can't into womanhood?
Damn straight i voted to make america great again.
I dont think its a full comic, i just grabbed it from earlier threads
As long as you're not #mentallyhill, you can stay.
something based of kancollle
type that in as a search term on nhentai and youll find it
There's so many Shimakaze trap doujins out there your head will spin. Just look under the tag on nhentai if you don't feel like bullshiting with the sad panda.
Sauce on the doujinshi?
I'm a /fag/ in WA and I'm voting for trump.
but they can be fun
Redpilled traps are a miracle of the universe.
... When they're cute.
I wanna suck her dick
I'm gay and I'd vote for Trump, Hillary is a super villain
To be fair though I'm a monogamous normie walker and not a pink thong wearing SJW faggot who prances around in pride parades with a dildo on my head while sucking 50 different cocks per week but it is what it is
Redpilled traps? Where do I sign up?
polish trap coming thru
>tfw no cute redpilled trap gf (male)
Get aids or kill yourselves faggots.
its 4chans resident trap RobinBanks
robinbanks14 tumblr
Right here!!
>tfw nobody suspects I have a dick and voted for Trump
>all my friends hate the gays and they'd never suspect me
life is good desu
The only way a faggot can show himself to be redpilled is by hanging himself.
The fag men vote is pretty red this year. Lesbians probably not so much.
He got my vote when he somehow managed to get a packed RNC building of establishment Republicans to give a standing ovation to LGBTQ.
He almost lost it with Pence, but I'm willing to swallow (heh) my bile for that cunt if it means Trump gets into office and stops us from importing more religious whackjobs.
AIDS is mostly a black problem. Way to be disingenuous.
Reminder that being a faggot is almost completely the result of nurture and choice.
Faggots are the result of degenerate culture.
itt proof that americans too retarded to know how condoms work
wisconsin /fag/ here voting to MAGA
It's specifically a dindu problem.
eight and two-thirds attempts does not one attempt make
that there is eight and two-thirds attention whoring