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I already did!

Already did nigga

>mfw dressed an alligator up and told them it was my mexican wife so it could vote trump

850 btw. I saw my first C/K signs in Pensacola city but outside of the city it is 110% Trump. YUGE Rallies.

I did on Halloween.


I did.
Yes on 2
No on 1


Orlandofag here requesting a status update from Central Floridafags. Any word on how Volusia and Osceola are doing?

>tfw no Florida general

>Legalize le weed meme brought to you by Morgan & Morgan because muh retard seizure.

No, I've voted against it every time & I will continue to vote against it. Kill yourselves.

I did early voting on Friday. YUUUGE Trump support here in Doral.

Make it. We need one. This state needs massive uncucking.

Miami-Dade fag here, there's too much low energy, lend me your digits so we go red!

Martin County is in the bag for Trump, still have yet to see a Hillary sign in the Stuart/Palm city area.

No idea. Seminole is going to be red though. That was almost a given though. Just how red? I'm gonna bet 70%+ based on vehicles I've seen honking/thumbs-upping signs versus people who make any effort to attack back. Most people just don't react though so it's hard to say.



Lee County. Bunch of cucks.

Also, only 2 Hillary signs outside my voting site. Only two I've seen at all anywhere so far. There are also about 30 Trump signs and I've been patrolling with my sign. About to go back out from 11 to 1 and then again from 3:30 to close. We're gonna do this. MAGA

Venezuelans replacing Cubans as the most red pilled spics.
Weston here can confirm

Glad to see my home turf is holding strong against cuckery. Any word from Jensen?

We should have done something before election time to help Trump out. Now that the election is almost over, I don't know what kind of resources to post.

Voted for Trump on Sunday. I live in the worse county to vote for Trump though.


States pretty uncucked for its massive spic population desu

I did my part boys. Stay strong!

>Seminole going red

Based. That's some good news senpai. I'm in Pine Hills and the situation is about what you would expect, but a few niggers and Haitians seem to be on the Trump Train.


Done and went to Trump.

941 here. Can I vote twice?

>I'm in Pine Hills

Oviedo checking in. Based Seminole County.

I did. Now I'm enjoying a morning pubsub.

We're going to do this, guys. We're really going to do this. Get hyped and don't give up. MAGA again. Time to return to my post.

early in jax



Fucking retard not realizing all the implications that legalizing medical pot would produce.

>more money into local economies
>huge hit to the illegal smuggling industry plaguing Miami
>less resources allocated to dealing with non violent court cases

But no, le weed is degenerate XD. Keep voting with your emotions like a woman you tremendous faggot. I don't smoke and I even I can see its entirely a good thing.

already did. i'm #shill4hill

Yeah we've missed the window of opportunity for this election but if we start now we can make sure Trump has a big win in Congress for the Mid-Term Election. A list of any dems up for reelection here in 2018 would be useful.

DWS and her democratic cohorts should be purged desu. Puerto Ricans need to be chased away so they don't infect us with socialism. We need NASA jobs on the space coast again and a worthy successor to Rick Scott.

There is still much to be done.

All my family (in Doral and the ones in Weston) are Trump supporters.

Truly disgusting that it made it on the ballot like that. So many are going to vote yes on it thinking that it's pro solar.

Yes, voting twice is encouraged by the FEC because it helps to increase voter turnout and prove that America is the Greatest Democracy in the World!

On my way right now


Broward reporting in, MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA


How are things looking there m8?

Too bad it's going to be legalized today ;) recreational is next.

Voted at UF. A bunch of Trump signs. One fat little witch with a hilldawg shirt.

A bunch of degenerate liberals and liberal yoga pants sluts

Independent 727 voter here. Cast my ballot for Trump at 7:45 this morning.

No, dude. It's an illusion. I'm going to stock up ammo and wait for the revolution tho

tfw in Arkansas and can't get any delicious chicken tendy pub sub

I went but they wouldn't allow me to register

If Florida doesn't go red, I will stand at the border as we're expelled from the union.

I've lived in Florida for like 15 years and I had no idea "pubsubs" were a thing. lol

Where me and my gf voted today at the Phillips center near southwest rec you?


Trump will lose Florida, North Carolina and Nevada.

>How are things looking there m8?

Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Stuck in my office all day. Have not had the chance to venture out yet. I voted early last week since I have an appointment with a customer here shortly.

My normal polling location over near Tuscawilla was surprisingly quiet at 0730 this morning.

Brother if we win this I'll personally send you one. We all deserve delicious Publix sandwiches when we MAGA

>15 years
>never had a publix sub
Your story doesn't check out.

It's a Sup Forums Floridafag meme, but Publix subs are pretty dank. Try out the chicken tender sub and say a prayer to kek.

Do you think alachua will go red this year?


Face it. Most people smoke pot. It's unconstitutional for anyone to tell me what drugs i put into my body when the plat has literally killed no one. ever.
Meanwhile, cigarettes and alcohol-... etc. you know the story

>nate dirt

It will never pass, the based old people here know your stupid tricks. You're not getting a weed card because you told some story to your doctor that you fell off your bike once when you were 9, now you have chronic pain so you need pot. Keep dreaming.

Reminder that this is the state that put no gay marriage into it's constitution.

>Publix chicken tendie subs are life

If not I get a publix ultimate.

That sucks bro, but I'm sure things will be fine.

>tfw off today and tomorrow

You guys do realise Nate silver is extremely generous to Trump right?

Most other forecasts have Hollary at at LEAST 90%. Hell, Primceton's forecast has her at a greater than 99% chance.


My voting center didn't have any candidate signs when I early voted.
Just a bunch of hispanics shilling for judges and other positions.

publix ultimate with banana peppers and a little bit of mayo

I kinda want one right now 2bh

Also 727 for trump
It's the sub on sale this week.

at least you got your head out of your ass within your lifetime. recommendation: turkey and swiss, with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, bell pepper, sub sauce, mayo, honey mustard, pepper. make sure to go Boars head all the way for the real experience

Pubix, where shopping in a pleasure!

>Publix subs are pretty dank

That they are, but, when those accounting assholes in Lakeland made the company decision to get rid of the grills for those fucking toasters. That pissed off A LOT of people.

I have no idea. I always see people with Trump signs on Archer on Fridays... people in the country are going red. It's really just a question of the dumb kids at UF and their Marxists professors voting,

Military Absentee vote wish I was there...

Just did!! #MAGA!!

It had 58% in favor last election and needs 60 to pass. It's going to this year. Even the retirees are on board this time.

Kill yourself you stupid degenerate.

You're the only babies crying that you have to get Morgan & Morgan to annoy everyone with radio ads all the time. You've lost every time & you will continue to lose. Literally no one is falling for the herbal Hebrew.

You're probably in the horn of africa I assume

420 BLAZE IT xD!!1

Daily reminder there is nothing special about Publix subs. Florida has no grocery store competition so autistic Floridians think their one retard store is the best for no reason. Also stop and shop subs are better pic related.

Bitch it will pass today it almost passed last time with 58 % when there were less dems at the polls(like all mid terms) it will easily with 70+% today.

You can get the tendie sub with buffalo sauce and ranch seasoning.

Slap some jalepeno on that spicy nigger and toast the bread. Also goes without saying to boar's head that bitch.

Everyone pray this poor pleb eats a Publix sub

Win Dixie

>Smoking a leaf that melts your brain & makes you smell like shit
>being able to claim anyone is a degenerate
pick one

Is it? I'm from Cape Coral. Seems pretty red

Blasphemous scum.

heretic, shop and repent your wicked ways


again everything depends on florida

727 here, saw my first Hillary sign at the supervisor of elections and then went inside and voted for Trump. Trump banners everywhere around here and all the houses in my neighborhood have Trump signs.

Yeah that is my fear too I hope they write in Bernie some people said they actually did maybe it will be enough to counter Hillary but yeah or professors are either fucking crazy sjws or foreigners it's really frustrating

There is no dems at the polls because the police are arresting you, they got drug sniffing dogs & you've getting sent to jail if they go to vote. :^)


Already diderino

>No on 1
Why though, I'm genuinely curious

Well fuck I forgot how sentences work there sorry.

Just got back from Kuwait. I'm in Fort Riley, KS.

>voting based on emotion instead of what's best for your economy, both local and state
>anime reaction images
>not degenerate

I already said I don't smoke either so your argument is moot. If you can't look at this objectively and understand it's what's best then I pity your intelligence.