Who here /ironically voted for hillary/? I dont think shes gonna win so I voted for her just for the keks. She needs it more than I do
Who here /ironically voted for hillary/? I dont think shes gonna win so I voted for her just for the keks...
The ballot box automatically switches your vote thanks to Hillary owning most of the voter booth producers.
So thanks for voting Trump you cuck. Everybody else, select Hillary so your vote goes to Trump!
Smite down the orange demon!
Lol good job showing cheeto hitler who's boss
Nice meme
Nope. My state is and always will be red. If anything my ironic vote sacrifice to the meme gods has earned trump the presidency
Fuck off cucks
True, she does, it will not help her though
Haha drumpf btfo
weak bait
>let me cast this secret vote ironically
You are this retarded.
I've been calling him Orange Hitler as a Trump supporter in hopes of it becoming reality.
Careful what you meme for cuck
I cucked ur dad last night m8
The meme gods noticed it and kek'd.
hillary pepe looks too healthy and young
Solid gold b8
This one is even more creative. I'll start the next shitpost
For anyone who doesnt understand read >My state is and always will be red. If anything my ironic vote sacrifice to the meme gods has earned trump the presidency
Im a trump supporter but sometimes you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette
Why doesn't hillary get fucked by trump and their baby becomes president?
good idea vriend
Good morning!
A few things I wanted to say:
1) You are not being mistreated. At all.
2) You are not a victim.
3) Your personal failings are your own responsibility, not anyone else's. Certainly not society's.
4) If impoverished americans are "taking your cultures," then you should be more concerned with the fact that you have no history and are frankly conquerable
5) Some people are straight - GET OVER IT.
6) Some people are sane - GET OVER IT.
7) The lazy (that includes you) need to pay their fair share. And we need to stop them from abusing welfare. PERIOD.
That's all. Now please kindly stop whining like a little bitch about how bad you think you have it.
- A Not Criminal Person.
fuck off nigger vote for trump not that crooked criminal hillary
CTR is trying all sorts of psychological manipulation today.
In what state, idiot