Just why the fuck has Sup Forums gotten to be so racist?
Just why the fuck has Sup Forums gotten to be so racist?
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Sup Forums has always been racist like how it has always been shit.
GTFO newfag.
Because le "ebin cotrarian and edgy maymay xDDD"
Most 4ch users are underage kids m8o
lmao no
Sup Forums always said nigger as a funny joke, never actually thought in racial supremacy.
finally realised niggers are legit subhumans
It happened the moment those racist CTR shills showed up.
Call a nigger a nigger and see if it cares whether you where joking or had a whole belief system behind it
Because the only time people care about racism are if they are trying to get gibs or trying to fuck something.
Niggers make it easy
Most of the outlandish racism you see is just dark humour. But the underlying, basic racist concepts - that certain races are superior to others genetically, behaviourally, or socially (on average: everybody knows that outliers exist) - are based on nothing but the facts.
Infiltrated by neo nazis
Neo nazis saw Sup Forums posters as dumb impressionable kids that they can manipulate
branded their far right ideology as "alt right" because dumb edgy kids think it's cool to be "alt"
Shut up nigger
stormfront took over
What's bad about racism, really? People are racist by nature, and ""anti-racism"" is a kike meme. DIversity is bad for society and causes conflicts.
Sup Forums isn't a hive mind you stupid fucking mexican cunt god damn
When has Sup Forums ever not been racist? Even back when the older of us were anti-Fox News Sup Forumstards, we still hated niggers and made nigger jokes all over the place.
I guess the only difference is that back then, we were very casually racist. These days, on Sup Forums, it's real concentrated hatred and politically focused.
The simple truth is that nobody likes niggers. Liberals just pretend they do for virtue signalling purposes. All of their actions point to racism(they live in all white upper class neighborhoods, they don't actually interact with niggers, they think they're children that must be taken care of etc etc).
If you believe in evolution you've got to be a Nazi if you think about it long enough.
>whites are superior, it's a f-fact!
>not outlandish racism
well, racism makes sense, it's not about skin color anymore, it's about culture
Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/, newfag.
Sup Forums has always been racist.
I don't judge people based on the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Deep inside you know its true. One day you'll stop virtue signalling to your rebbit pals and become one of us.
Race isn't culture...
The difference between a white from a country like Switzerland and black from Somalia is that the 2 have different incomes
nothing more than this
Been here since 2006
There has always been a significant amount of Sup Forums that thought niggers were naturally stupid etc. I remember these arguments being on Sup Forums and being 50-50 for and against.
Fuck left my risk username
>I'm new and from Reddit
Because people on this board have done their own research and made their own decisions instead of believing what facebook and cnn tell them to.
If not, come to africa and get red pilled within a week you ignorant fuck
And race has nothing to do with anything other than skin tone. It doesn't affect your physical capabilities, what diseases you can get, or your cognitive abilities. Wait a minute...
>niggers are legit subhumans
People have died to support the fantasy of equality. It's so fucked up.
college told me whites are superior. they called it white privilege but that only exists because they are superior.
Fuck of mexigger
Get the fuck out, normie.
Sup Forums is a board of peace you fucking nigger
>Rebbit unironically believes this
I've got news for you pal. It was never a joke.
I'm white and I don't think whites are superior to all races. Everyone is better than black people unless you count being very slightly physically superior for things like sports, but whites aren't superior to non-blacks. Asians and Indians beat our ass in both work ethic and intelligence.
perhaps a realisation that
>whites are pretty good on the whole; we're clever, capable and make good societies
>currently, a large majority of every other race, and a hefty chunk of our own, are anti-white
>our lives, and the lives of our children, and the western world, are at risk because of this
how can a thinking white person not be racist?
>Asians and Indians beat our ass in both work ethic and intelligence.
yeah, and in salamander eating and shitting in the street, in their dirty and undeveloped societies
fuck off
never post with that flag again.
Counter culture. Sup Forums is contrarian, and PC culture has grown a lot.
Doesn't harm that the nazi empire was aesthetic as fuck.
I've been here before Sup Forums even existed.
If exists a superior race, east asians should be, right?
For the record, I'm being satirical.
I love peoples of all races, other than canadians
Some types of asians beat us in average IQ, others do not. Indians do not. Its not about being superior its about not ignoring uncomfortable truths and being loyal to your own tribe of people regardless of what that is. I respect nationalist asians just as much as whites.
This is what a lot of people don't get. It's not white supremacy, it's every race on the planet in the unified understanding that blacks are retarded and have no impulse control. You think I have a problem with Chinatown? Fuck no.
This may be so. And I'm perfectly happy for them to try and prove that them staying in their countries and making them really great places.
So deluded.
>implying racism is wrong or bad.
pol was created to be the contrarian board. racism has been seen as bad for its entire existence. now that there is a witch hunt on bigots pol has doubled down on its racism
To be fair the bar for being racist is so low nowadays not liking your coffee black is racist.
Because the spell of forced multiculturalism has been broken. Niggers can't be civil and it's foolish (and dangerous) to pretend they can.
race is real and commie lunatics are trying to warp reality by denying it exists
also anti-racism has become the #1 method of social control/conditioning
Sup Forums is an outlet for those repressed feelings. Because sometimes there are legitimate reasons to be racist.
Things like BLM, far leftists, neolibs and neocons is why Sup Forums exists. Be thankful that it exists, or you'd see and experience pure racist hatred manifesting outside the Internet more often.
it's the women trying to turn us against each other. and the jews. jewish women mostly probably.
Perhaps you should give plebbit a try then
Back to the niggerdome
>Indians excelling in something not related to computer support and answering support phone calls
the bbc memes got to us
Haha, no you haven't. Fuck off back to rebbit.
Perhaps it has something to do with their craw, and what may, very well, be up it.
>he's never eaten a salamander
To be fair I highly recommend against it. Buggers are full of little tiny bones that are annoying. If you MUST eat an amphibian just eat the frog legs.
Fuck off, shill
It's been like this since Sup Forums was formerly known as /new/.
And before that when old /n/ was here
This, plus a lot of people are pissed that they were taught the religion if the holocaust and now theyre a little pissed about being taken advantage of in that way.
Niggas keep nigging
why Sup Forums doesn't hate gooks too much or only joke about abos and other australoids but hates niggers with passion
becasue you motherfuckers give us reasons
If these mestizas rubs the vagina on your faces will you feel disgusted?
>polish grammar
give me a break, this is my third language
Sup Forums isn't a (((discrimination))) board
It's the shills that come here, spreading shit and thinking this is an Sup Forumsernational /r9k/ haven.
We are against disinformation and cultural marxism from the globalist agenda. We are aware of our racial differences and that we don't ignore them, so we accept that it's the way we as humans are and freely open the dialogue. By taking both extremes we know that we'll get to a conciliation point, simply because we are interested in what objectively is better for all.
Think of us as conservationists, just as in biology, except, we aren't talking about genes, but memes to be preserved. Memes that civilizations (countries) hold and value because they're important for their societies, and without them they simply would die. We are in favor of the greater good, to keep everybody happy while not messing with others interests.
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
Sup Forums is a board that embraces confrontation of ideas for the greater good
No matter how extreme the idea is, the point is to get as much input and let the memes evolve. The only way for an idea to be right in a society, is if it is objectively and collectively understood as being right.
I was about to post that
Once Trump is elected as our president, all non whites will perish. Racewar when?
clearly you havent been here long, newbie. This shit has ALWAYS been racist. Just like the US.
>Sup Forums isn't a (((discrimination))) board
And I'm not about to get a flood of (You)s all saying "poo in loo", and threads discussing news in India aren't going to be deleted. Face it, Sup Forums is filled with edgy teens that only come here to spout memes or to pick up more memes to post on their facebook.
>mexican newfags
Your still not fully redpilled
Pick one and only one