Hey American

Hey American

How do you defend the ownership of war weaponery by civilians

You cant

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>shall not be infringed.

What part of that is confusing?

with war weaponery

What's that? I can't hear you over my freedom!

The 2nd amendment was made for 18th century technology.

You think that some fat rednecks with rifles can do something against the American army?

They can't.

>fagpul ar
proof that the person who owns that is either an idiot or a poorfag who thinks cheap plastic bits on his rifle are "operator"


Im sorry, Im not the one being monitored by the NSA


This is some really pathetic baiting.

1/10 made me reply.

>How do you defend the ownership of war weaponery by civilians
With an AK47

The government has bigger guns than us. If anything, I should be able to get a SCUD middle to be on the same level.

You arent a true Texan

GTFO chicano trash

How? Because it is a human right that shall not be infringed, not a privilege for military or the rich.

Shut the fuck up Texas

This is how:

2nd Amendment

Shall not be infringed

Now eat shit


Im ashamed of you Texas

Look up the pedersolli air rifle. It was a semi automatic rifle that fired out of a magazine. The Lewis and Clark expedition was comissioned with one.

You are

Don't you mean 300 million of fat rednecks with AR-15?

2nd post best post.

How do I defend not owning war weaponary as a civilian with social unrest skyrocketing due to gov decisions?

I can't


I know a guy who owns one of those down here

Get friends in the military or police and you can but ANYTHING.

The right to overthrow a corrupt government, if Hillary wins we will see if that reason truly stands.

>war weaponery
kek kys faggot

Oh look its this post again, whew these redditors can't understand the concept of self reliance.

'you can't do anything against the american army'

>war weaponry

pick 1

>What are black ((people)) ?


Shall not be infringed.

Much like the 1st Amendment only applies to 18th century technology? (Word of Mouth, Printed Press)

Please go Chili Bean.


>You think that some fat rednecks with rifles can do something against the American army?
Have you heard about any of our wars from the past 50 years?


incredible well balanced rifle desu

>You can
Fixed your typo.

shut up fake texas

u r a feget

>Trying to take assault rifles away from people with assault rifles.
What could go wrong?

a YUGE feget

Is that actually balanced on the mag? How the fuck is it standing up like that?

What a fucking disgrace, leave my country.


>war weaponry
That is a semi-automatic rifle, which fires one round per trigger pull.

The military uses automatic rifles that are able to fire single, burst, or multiple rounds per trigger pull based on which selection mode is used.

Your premise is wrong from the outset.

Also, at the time of the writing of the 2nd Amendment the citizenry was actually owning and using military "war weaponry."

So, even that premise of your argument is wrong.

Fuck off.

The 2nd counted for artillery Texas

>mfw my entire home is made out of war weaponry

Fuck off, I like guns.

the right to bear arms is always relative to the current technology. it was written when the government had muskets and the citizens had muskets; now the government has semi-automatics and the citizens have semi-automatics.

Well then the government shouldnt worry about us owning them if theyre not afraid of us.

>the bloodiest war in america was the US army against a literal bunch of rednecks with rifles

Do you ever get tired of being an insufferable faggot?

That's not military gear. It's just black. You aren't afraid of blacks, are you?

How is that rifle balancing so well

shouldn't you praying, Pablo?

If senior Trump wins you need to go back.

"hey man! I did all the work for you!"

>How do you defend the ownership of war weaponry by civilians

With my war weaponry, of course.



>The 2nd amendment was made for 18th century technology.

So were all the other amendments

I guess the 1st amendment doesn't apply to radio, tv, or the internet

And the 3rd amendment doesn't apply to your computer, car, or phone

Those 'fat rednecks' are the American army, you fucking retard. Anyone in the military certainly owns a private firearm (or ten) and is not going to go door to door taking civilians guns, and killing them otherwise.

Also, there's no such thing as 'war weaponry', it's just called a gun. I don't have to defend my ownership of firearms, the Constitution is there to do it for me, you un-American wog cocksucking communist faggot.


My rifle balances better than that desu~

>War weaponry
Using buzzwords to validate your claim, shifty tactic.

The point of citizens possessing arms is so the people can retain power incase the government attempts to rule it's people. Democracy is an embodiment of the people, not the government. The government has absurd firepower, and we should have a fighting chance. Specifically in the United States, we are suppose to be UNITED STATES. As in states that cooperate as one union, but retain independence. The point of armed citizens is so if/when central power groups gain control of all the states, and the central power acts on their behalf, instead of the people's, that we will have the power to stop them.. But the government wants to take guns away because their dangerous for "us", you'd have to be a moron or in heavy denial to not see the government attempting to secure a power position, and their pretty much there. At this link they're just tying loose ends

With those selfsame weapons, cuck.

It's well defined in our Constitution, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Just exercising our rights. Speaking as a member of my local militia.

I guess the exact on the exact same basis the People were given the right to own war weaponry centuries ago.

Thomas Jefferson owned a semi-automatic rifle with a 20 round magazine. Look up the Giraldi air rifle and fuck off. That thing had better killing power than most modern pistols.

God. I need to buy weapons.


>now you can buy tanks and war planes

>Posts cheap ass AR-15 and claims that it is "War weaponry"

Tep Kok

I don't have to defend the ownership of "war weaponery". That's what the constitution is for.

Your helicopter is waiting

you know where in the constitution it says you can have a semi-auto rifle with 30 rounds? Right next to the place that it says "muskets."

How else are we supposed to shoot things?

And you act like we're the dumb ones.