Do they like higher taxes?
Why does the highly educated vote democratic?
Postgrad Fags think their achievements were because of their privilege
Because they are only slightly less retarded
Post-secondary education is extremely biased towards leftist thought. You don't come out the other end with a degree unless you learn to write what your marxist TA wants to hear, and the ((((free)))) exchange of ideas becomes an exceptionally effective form of propaganda pushing liberalism and socialist leanings on the nation's "elite"
Because when a guy has his shit made in china, hires foreigners for his golf courses, burns creditors and befriends Russia (ruled by thieves) they can see right through him and figure out what his real agenda is: the empowerment of those like him with little to no regard for the populace (those are fools to which he sells his product).
Hes a great salesman though. Hes great at fooling people.
Why do successful people vote Republican?
Liberal degree mills
>why does
why do Sup Forumsacks respond to threads created by grammatically-illiterate morons?
because they wasted all their money on a useless "education" and now they vote democrat to get gibs
Gender Studies
Social Work
Lesbian Seagull dancing
You know, you don't need to wait 4 years if you wanna end up working for subway, just go right in and apply.
>highly educated
You mean thoroughly indoctrinated?
They would be stupid not to. They are the ones benefiting from tax reductions. He too counts among them. So does O'Reilly, Hogan, the guys from Pawn Stars and many other wealthy business people (along with many kikes that you fags love so much).
Hint: they are not the middle class.
This really shows the domination of liberal arts degrees. Art students and doctoral students who end up making less than 35k
>Muh Russian boogeyman!
>muh why wasn't he intentionally unsuccessful
>muh he doesn't mean what he says
>muh too smart to vote Drumpf
>muh education equals intelligence
>muh enlightened lefty seeing through Trump's lies
>yuro post about American politics
They have had a longer time to be indoctrinated. Also, most people have a useless (read liberal arts) degree, which tend to be more biased.
>career academics who depend on state funding are more likely to vote socialist
Woah what?
Greentexting arguments doesn't successfully refute them.
more women
>40K a year household
>not middle class
sure, maybe in portugal that's the 1%, but not here
>le (((meme)))
>muh Marxist conspiracy
You mean the highly educated gender studies baristas at Starbucks?
Nice meme
Because highly educated people tend to not be contrarian manchildren or shit kicking hicks.
It's "do" not "does" you ingrate.
As for qu: We do it to spite you.
>why does Sup Forumsacks respond to threads created by grammatically-illiterate morons?
There, fixed that for ya
Democrats rely on the votes of niggers and spics (literally the 2 least-educated groups in the country) and still try to pull this "REPUBLICANS ARE UNEDUCATED" meme
They live in areas where they don't have to deal with the fallout of immigration.
t. master's degree in cuckoldry who used to live in the countryside and think immigration wasn't a real problem in this country
I have a masters in accounting, voting trump, fuck off.
they would like to become part of the aristocracy one day
it's almost as if the american education system is awful and needs reform.
35k to 75k are the middle class. They vote Trump too.
they should really have looked up different types of degrees and based the stats on that, considering there are so many useless degrees over there.
there are 2 types of degree
STEM and Shit
STEM vote republican
I'm sorry, degrees in gender studies and liberal arts dont count. If dems were so educated as you claim, ur IT jobs wouldnt have been outsourced to my country. Get some real education
Having post secondary education doesn't make you educated.
Champagne socialists
>the 1% should pay for my gender studies degree!
College have nothing to do with civic obligations:
the leftists have targeted education hard and you faggots did nothing about it
>"hey guise I has masters in gender studies, I can is smrt, rite?"
Educated is a nice word for "successfully indoctrinated into liberal brainwashing."
College grads or up are generally for Hillary, but middle and high income voters are for Trump. When they say that "educated" people are against Trump, they're not really talking about the ones who have valuable degrees that require some intelligence to attain (i.e. high earners). They're talking about indoctrinated low-income holders of worthless humanities degrees with huge student debts. It's unsurprising that the second group makes up the majority of degree holders. English Literature and Gender Studies have far lower requirements than Civil Engineering or Medicine. You'll be well-advised to do the opposite of what the establishment "educates" the mediocre masses to do.
The main reason (out of many) is that when you don't suffer from the actual consequences of policies (e.g. poverty, crime, unemployment), your winning move becomes voting for "conscience gains" such as moral superiority.
If your vote bankrupts your country but makes your conscience feel good, you win.
If your vote bankrupts your country, costs you more in taxes but you can afford it and it makes your conscience feel good, you still win.
Because getting educated usually means expanding your knowledge of the universe not holding back to worshiping what the hell you think the bible says? You people honestly think colleges should be like liberty university (where they have dress codes and ban you from watching r rated movies and other bullshit) is really better for you?
having a college degree doesn't mean one is more politically sound.
It also doesn't necessarily mean one is more intelligent.
You can't even capitalise correctly.
That sounds like pinko talk to me, Nordbro. Scandinavian countries have the best education systems in the world, a result of which they produce, on the whole, socialistic and democratic socialist citizens. The US is a long way off that.
And how's that a real problem for you now?
t. Russian who often visit Stockholm.
This is just the proof that education =/= intelligence
Debt-free 75k+ earning no degree fag here.
Because their (((education))) put them 100k+ in hock from the get go, doesn't prepare them in the least for a career that pays enough to actually justify that debt, and they want some gibs to get out of it.
But what the hell do I know, I'm (((uneducated))).
>highly indoctrinated
good school goys
get your degree, it will prove you have a degree
Because the school system is controlled by democrats.
Their trust funds don't pay income taxes. You'll never hear a liberal call for higher dividend, capital gains or inheritance taxes because that's where the real wealth is passed down.
The West is bizarro world: college teach hatred of our civilization/people, MSM & elites are anti-white and globalist. Everywhere else, non-whites elites are nationalists and ethno-centrists.
>overcompensating for his lack of education
How is that?
replace "highly educated" with "highly indoctrinated"
Why do niggers vote Democrat?
They must be super smart
>bachelor and postgraduate democratic voters all have liberal arts degree, thus being a majority
>bachelor and postgraduate republican voters all have law, economics and engineering degrees, thus being a minority
gee i wonder
I'm a Liberal and I call for higher dividend, capital gains and inheritance taxes.
Did I just blow your mind?
highly educated = highly indoctorinated
exactly this ^
"college educated" has totally lost its meaning these days. I graduated college and I can tell you there are tons of dumb fucks who graduate with bs gender studies degrees or psychology degrees and then continue to be a fucking grocery cashier after they graduate. Plus the universities try to warp them in to little nazis by telling them they deserve safe spaces and trigger warnings.
>They're talking about indoctrinated low-income holders of worthless humanities degrees with huge student debts
They're talking about STEM graduates shithead. Take a look at NC for instance. The Triangle, the hotspot for STEM jobs, where IBM, Redhead, etc are, is blue. This goes for any other state as well. Pull your head out of your ass lmao
I am currently going to med school and will be fully certified by 2018
Honestly lower levels of college will do that and they will try to demonize Republicans. The best advice I can give you is dont go to liberal universities if you are such a cuck that a professor that you barely know is able to change your entire political out look
"Higher education" means fuck all now thanks to liberal arts colleges
So many comments saying the same thing... it's almost as if all these posters have been indoctrinated.
Because upper middle-class actually has dealt with the upper class.
They know the upper class are just parasites who extract way more value from various loopholes they themselves built into the system than they contribute into the system.
thass it ma nigga
Wow, what Marxist thesis did you have to write to get your civil engineering degree?
It's funny that you choose to believe this because reality is just that hard for you.
>it's almost as if all these posters have been indoctrinated.
It's almost as if we are on a board with like minded people! Geej.
Education is ignorance
Facts are biased
Bluster is strength
The denser the population is, the more "progressive" it is. It's the rat experiment in action.
Because people who are highly educated go through college and university, which are almost full liberal echo chambers nowadays
this webm never gets old
It's like pure fucking animal rage.
Do you even think about the things you say?
>why are people who go to American socialist indoctrination camps slightly more likely to be liberal?
Love how everyone's trying to get a sucker punch in but nobody is actually fighting 1v1.
School is indoctrination camp
>Why does the highly educated vote democratic
Because spoiled rich kids do not understand what hard work is, or why American labour-force needs to be valued.
Are you retarded? STEM doesn't mean you are "smart" there are countless Computer Scientists who don't go anywhere near a college. Pull your head out the sand lmao
You have to wonder what they're learning
100% true story. I wish I made this up.
This took place in 1997
>college kid, Emory University
>14th ranked university in the nation
>taking anthropology class
>Anthro 201:gender in anthropology
>I go to class, take notes
>participate, good student
>keep getting hammered on assignments
>D's and C's
>One day get back to apartment
>Lifetime (women's cable channel) starting a movie
>Why not?
>Abused wife, husband is cop
>can't get help because cops have his back
>she sleeps with teenage kid, gets him to kill husband
>gets caught goes to jail
>moral of the story: women are screwed, no justice
I then come up with a plan. Everyday, I watch the 12:00-2:00 lifetime movie. It's all the same shit SJW's spout nowadays.
>muh rape culture
>no justice
>halp, I'm being oppressed
Start repeating these themes in class
>Assignments grades become A's overnight
>I literally answer questions on tests by ranting that rape is worse than death
>walk out of class with an A
>that was mathematically impossible.
So, between loans and my parents, $100,000 was spent so I could go to a "prestigious university", and I went from a "C" student to an "A" student by regurgitating lefty nonsense back at professors.
I wish I was making this up.
Is that why they support workers' rights, as Republicans shit on them?
why do monks self flagellate
>degree in wimminz studies
>highly educated
break it down by subject and we'll talk
I never said anything about "smart" you illiterate cunt. The argument was about the degrees held by the people in question. I know being confronted with facts is causing your ass to bleed but try to at least form a response relevant to the actual conversation instead of a triggered outburst next time
They've been conditioned to feel guilty?
As governments grow in size and power, the following will inevitably happen:
There will be ever-increasing amounts of corruption. Power and money breed corruption. People in government will sell government influence for personal and political gain. And people outside government will seek to buy influence and favors.
Individual liberty will decline. With a few exceptions such as an unrestricted right to abortion, individual liberty is less important to the Left than to the Right. This is neither an opinion nor a criticism. It is simple logic. The more control the government has over people’s lives, the less liberty people have.
In order to pay for an ever-expanding government, taxes are constantly increased. But at a given level of taxation, the society’s wealth producers will either stop working, work less, hire fewer people, or move their business out of the state or out of the country.
"Highly educated" doesn't make you smart. It just makes you know about whatever it was you studied.
It shouldn't surprise people that people with Theatre and Women's Studies degrees are voting Hillary. And Science graduates are a toss-up with a variety of political beliefs.
Now subtract from that all the people who are studying worthless crap like gender studies and everything related to social studies.
Then subtract everyone who never had to work a single day in their live, everyone who got mommy and daddy to pay for everything they own and everyone who never left their gated community except to travel to a different gated community in another 1st world country.
I love that you guys think IQ actually means anything but when it comes to college you're all, "We don't need no fancy book learnin'!!" It's so fucking convenient that, when told that educated people vote blue, that college becomes some kind of liberal brainwashing camp.
You're just stupid. Smart people lean towards the left because it's goddamn idiotic to go far right. Especially alt-right. I sit here watching you guys commit logical fallacy and fallacy and nothing ever changes. You're all hopeless.
In 2nd year I had a TA proudly announce in front of the class that they considered views which did not align with her own to be offensive and would fail any paper which tried to be "controversial" by expressing an opinion contrary to her own.
It was a class of about 50, and of that 50 about 30 of us took the issue to the school administration, only to discover that the TA's contract included a union agreement that waived them of all responsibilities and consequences so long as the union supported them, and thus the school itself had no power to do anything about rogue TAs like that.
Drumpf is the one that views working people as the "stupid ones" who pay taxes, and Hillary is endorsed by the Working Families Party and Labor Parties, and the Orange Crusader himself is a spoiled rich kid.
Big government produces big deficits and ever increasing -- and ultimately unsustainable -- debt. This, too, is only logical. The more money the state hands out, the more money people will demand from the state. No recipient of free money has ever said, “Thank you. I have enough.”
The bigger the government, the greater the opportunities for doing great evil. The twentieth century was the most murderous century in recorded history. And who did all this killing? Big governments. Evil individuals without power can do only so much harm. But when evil individuals take control of a big government, the amount of harm they can do is essentially unlimited. The Right fears Big Government. The Left fears Big Business. But Coca-Cola can’t break into your house or confiscate your wealth -- only Big Government can do that. As irresponsible as any Big Business has ever been, it is only Big Government that can build concentration camps and commit genocide.
[citation needed]
>highly educated
>some social degree / gender studies
hehe okay
Those taxes are going to fund things they like or benefit from so they in the end benefit overall.
>citation needed
I am a lawyer with 7 years of university education.