Surveys have shown that Trump supporters are less educated than Hillary supporters.
So if Trump wins today, that means America is literally retarded.
Surveys have shown that Trump supporters are less educated than Hillary supporters.
So if Trump wins today, that means America is literally retarded.
fuck off ctr
Learn to spell, Trumpcuck.
yep, and it has also shown that trump supporters make more money than clinton supporters
which make the sneering cunting arsehole parasite hillarites likely to have wasted their youth, money and efforts on worthless diplomas
Don't you mean Trump supporters didn't fall for the (((college student loan))) meme?
Aww, a Trumpcuck trying to formulate his first word.
How quaint!
so basically, the trump win is guaranteed
>education equates intelligence
l m a o
>I'm smart, therefore I didn't make it into college because I couldn't even graduate from high school!
This is what Trumpcucks ACTUALLY believe.