What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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she didnt put 5 kilo of make up on so nobody will recognize her

Someone should get her account and post about making america great again.

Shouldn't that sign say Voter's Entrance?

Would still make white children with.

>didnt mention who she was voting for


she's starting to look fatter..


She's doing her civic duty, unlike you because you decided to vacation in Brazil of all places.

She's still hot.

That's rude. No need for that.

Fuck off.

it's time for popular girl to weigh in on national politics

>mfw she's voting Trump

Vote Hillary

looks like straight trailer trash

I still love Taylor no matter who she votes for

She actually hasn't come out and said who she's voting for? I really respect that.

Taylor "kill the Jews and make it" Swift

Since there is more than one voter, it's voters, you don't put another s.. ?

no, voter's entrance is completely incorrect

if you want to use punctuation it should be voters' entrance

Pretty sure the whore that wrote that article was the same that called her a nazi barbie.

>starting to get fat
Would still happily impregnate

whats up my negro friend

>if she doesnt say anything its automatically a trump vote
how true is this

>Today is the second Tuesday between the first and the eigth of November when the framers of US Constitution designated election day to be when it was written. You should exit your home and go to a designated voting center to cast your ballot for one of the three or four available candidates based on an educated decision, as it is your civic duty.

nope, even though the libtards are pressuring her constantly to say

Only if you want it to say Voter Is Entrance. That would make no sense.

>breaking down whiteness

She's know saying being pro-trump would lose her money and cause a shit storm.
That bitch is good making money.

She shall give birth to a future Presidents son.

Taylor Swift didn't sign on with record labels the "traditional" way and held control of her songs and branding, keeping it out of jew hands.

She's /ourgirl/

Good for her. She must realize that a bunch of idiots will copy her without using their brain.

She looks better. She looks a lot like Michelle Pfeiffer, and nobody gives me boners like Pfeiffer does.

She is putting on weight

it should be voter's with an apostrophe.
It is an entrance for the voter.

>tfw never start a family with tay

>Why are influential celebrities remaining slient this election?

Because there is no more free of speech in the West.

she always looks so stupid with her mouth out. its her only pose cuz he looks like a bitch any other way. seriously swift is like a 3/10 unless she wears a ton of make up

There's about a foot height difference between the two

well think about it, she would be accepted with open arms by the mainstream if she was pro-Hillary and crucified for being pro-Trump since they already try to cast her as racist so bad, so she has all the motivation in the world to hate on Trump and praise Hillary like all the other female pop stars, but she doesn't, and she's not politically neutral, she's voting...

Joan of Arc never had children, user.

Taylor will hold the banner if we win and be burnt at the stake if we lose

an AI can't have kids

Taylor Swift, Marky Mark, Tom "Can't Bruise The" Cruise and Yeezy are all voting Trump.

An unironic dream team.

Karlie voted hillary
she posted it on instagram


She's getting better.

Heads up T Swizzle is the next princess diana in terms of mental illness and colossal meltdowns that are covered up by a squad of PR people.

All rich people are voting Trump to lower there taxes

A shame Marky Mark is anti-gun.

What did she mean by this?


And I like it desu

>Kanye voting Trump
Since when? I thought that at least Kim cucked him into voting Hillary

isn't she fucking drake? wtf

Why does she get so much love here. I mean yeah she pretty and white, but

> cant sing
> texts shitty
> not even a real nazi
> probably doesnt know aor give a shit about politics

I get Poklonskaya, but not this.

>Mark (((Wahlberg)))


Are you a girl?

Chris Pratt is a proud gun owner (says he has guns in his house so his wife can "blow someones fucking brains out" if they attack her) and Rhonda Rousey has said some very unPC things about not caring about the wage gap since she's paid more than any man in MMA because she simply brings in the most revenue and thats all there is to it

Do celebrities not live in states with early/absentee voting?

If a celebrity isn't screeching about how they're voting for Clinton, they're voting for Trump.

you wish kike

Isn't she a nigger lover?

i love tay tay so much


she's still wearing full face makeup retard, it's just not stage makeup

Voter's would be singular possession, voters imply plural, if anything it would be voters' to display plural possession.

shes been on Sup Forums for years, shes a crypto autist

he's so redpilled he saw a random vietnamese man on the street as a teenager and had to beat him so bad with a metal pipe he went blind in one eye

This has got to be shopped. Since when has Taylor been this thic?

Mark is a felon I thought


Also, no ass or thighs. Or tits.

Jenner convinced them

No. It should either say Voter Entrance


That shit was proven user's wet dream ages ago


Exactly, she wouldn't last a week in a Slovenian desert


Taylor Swift and Katy Perry hate each other

Katy Perry is a shill 4 hill

you do the math

well other than the crypto autist part shes an obvious autist

that's kike killer to (you) muhammad

Based red-pilled Chris Pratt

i think it is shoop but she is very thicc lately

this photograph has been modified with adobe photoshop software

U sure
Pretty sure you're thinking if that faggot Matt Damon

Kanye might just write in his own name.

Thank god. She was borderline anorexic before. Maybe she'll finally grow an ass.


>its time to hear what an innane hole that sings has to say about politics
Do it on your own next time shiksa! Dont make us tell you twice or your next boyfriend will be a nigger!

That's false even though I fell for it too.

daily reminder: if a celebrity doesn't explicitly endorse Hillary, he or she is voting for Trump and is just not saying it because she fears backlash

Her body represents an undeveloped teen, I think you know what I'm implying.

dont forget Kanye, also a shill 4 hill, keeps trying to sabotage her career to the pathetic extent of having a wax doll of her made to pose naked in bed with him

I hate edits with a fucking passion.

It's because she's smart enough to realise that alienating 40-50% of the country is a stupid business move

she's from nashville, tennessee

hendersonville to be exact, my ex-gf went to high school with her and knew her growing up. she was a total bitch.

she is most definitely voting for trump

Chris Pratt is our guy

>American flag at the end of the post

Def a Trumpette

Too old and too tall for that.

Srsly, she's way overrated.

By god, the memes are true.


>have to use photoshop to make her look like an actual woman

wew lad. Why are so many people obsessed with this woman?

>being this illiterate
The "is" rule only applies to it's, the "'s" suffix is used to symbolize possession not a word

That isn't "thicc".

All these are voting Trump, yes, even goddamn Marky Mark.