Bush 2.0

Remember how much the rest of the world hated america when Bush was president, because we all thought he was a warmongerer in a party of corrupt officials who armed terrorists and lied to the public to get their support?

Now imagine how much we will hate you when we all KNOW that this is true about Clinton already. Yes, right now people in europe just read the papers and think trump is mean, but once her presidency starts we will start hating you again.

I don't want Shillary to win, but if you think any of us give a fuck about what another country thinks you're pretty naive

>if you think any of us give a fuck about what another country thinks you're pretty naive

We'd be surprised if you could even locate other countries on a map.

We can't locate them on a map, but we can blow them to smithereens like we did to your towns.

But the world hates Trump more than Bush and wants Hillary to win.

I guess we should be thanking you for taking all those refugees for us

Wow OP is gay

We can locate your countries much better than you can locate our states. And don't go spouting about population or culture, plenty of our states have plenty of your shitty little countries beat. The reality is you have an inferiority complex.

You should have pulled that trick on Vietnam, then you might not have lost that war.

Trump wins. We will take this train to europe next year and make europe great again. America will become the leader of the west it is supposed to be and will be beloved like never before.

well you're the cucked ones happily taking them in

I know where the US states are, and can name all of them from memory (which it seems americans who come here cannot do).

>Germany lecturing others about corrupt officials

Oh Deutschland, you need to clean your own house before you complain about others' houses.

But really, most of us hated Bush too, and we hated Obama, and we hate Hillary too. Fuck, even the pathetic faggots voting for Hillary hate her, but have been jewed into thinking they "have to" because Trump is such a meanie and hurts their feelings so much.

>American education

People will never be as overtly negative towards Clinton as they were with Bush, simply because she's a woman.

All the sins get washed away because of her bagina and the fact that she isn't a republican, the majority of euros will talk about progressive it is while getting raped and pillaged by refugees if Hillary wins.

We won every significant battle strategically and in terms of K/D ratio. The Viet Cong were wiped out as an effective fighting force. We pulled out then 2 years later the South Vietnamese get BTFO'ed. We didn't lose.

That's because you're a cuck and wish you were American

Pretty sure America doesnt give a fuck about your feelings.

Corruption is not our problem but autistic ideological fanatism

You started so well, but the second sentence was cancer and the rest is best left uncommented.

Yep. The world desperately needs a leader to save us from decadence. Trump is going to remind the world why America was #1 in the first place. It's been embarrassing to be American for the last 15 years but we will take our country back and reclaim the throne of western civilization.

>That's because you're a cuck and wish you were American

Americans are #1 when it comes to having cuck fantasies.


Like flashing your tits to strangers for money?

Trump married a whore. His son is being raised by a whore.

Holy shit savage.

But he's right, no Americans care about what other countries things, seriously. Also, Obama did a lot of fucked up shit and did your media report that? Of course not. Same with her. If anything she'll false flag something for justification for an invasion