Why do millennials love him so much?

Why do millennials love him so much?

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Because millenials are stupid. Just look at le reddit.


Because we were told over and over again by the Media that the Democrats were the "good guys"

1. He's black and white guilt is very in these days.
2. He's relatively younger than most presidents and seems "hip" because of that.
3. Socialism has infected our education system.

hes black and plays basketball

in 8 years republicans should try to get michael jordan to run

Seems to be a deep thinker. Contemplates the big questions. Isn't a knee jerk reactor. Compromises. Smart. Was a breath of fresh air from what came before.

4. Millenials love BBC

t. millennial

>3. Socialism has infected our education system.

Ok can you people please stop pretending that Obongo is a socialist. He's a neoliberal shill just like Clinton. Just because his rhetoric resembles socialist rhetoric doesn't mean he is a socialist. Not even the unkempt dodderer who calls himself a socialist is an actual socialist.

This. We are an artificially induced ZOG hivemind and are completely unaware of it. (Except a few of us.)