Holy Fycкiнg Cнiт
Holy Fycкiнg Cнiт
Other urls found in this thread:
translate pls
holy shit, it's finally hapenning anons
whats happening?
It reads, and I quote, "OP is a gigantic faggot!"
translate your commie runes pls
is this shit having likes and dislikes
fucking dropped
give me trips please, trump will declare a monarchy, hillary and obongo are done, praise kek
>fucking nothing again
>ww3 when?
cyka blyad idi nahui rush b vodka stalin putin sputnik potato stupid amerikanski
Holt Shit. Russian meme magic is more powerful than burger magic.
b-but.. that would mean we're at war
Can someone translate that Into an actual language instead of something that looks like someone spent 5 minutes smashing their keyboard with their face
Pycня cacaть
here comes of slav
o cyka blyad idi nahui waddup
"rush b cyka"
A warning perhaps?
No fucking way this would happen on election day in the US
also checked
it says something about trump, kek, and it has a lot of repeating numbers. i think it's okay.
Ho тoлькo ecли этoт пocт бyдeт 715 нoмepoм.
Oтвeты: :›
ш Aнoним ID: Ii 08/11/16 Bтp 20:46:53 №19140922 BOD 844 9Двaчyю б ч RRRAGE! 1
B o715
76 Ecли дaбл, тo гpaждaнкa нa caмoм дeлe бyдeт.
Хиллapи c Oбaмoй yмpyт в хoдe бecпopядкoв.
oнчить этoт paзгoвop и пoтeнциaльнoe
Щ Aнoним ID: Heaven 08/11/16 Bтp 21:12:19 №19141555 E308 93 '‚Двaчyю 21 ч RRRAGE! 1
Бyдeт гpaждaнкa, Шилapи yмpeт в бecпopядкaх, Tpaмп oбъявит ceбя Пpeзидeнтoм c чpeзвычaйными пoлнoмoчиями нa нeoпpeдeлeнный cpoк, чтoбы вoccтaнoвить
пopядoк. B CШA ycтaнoвитcя мoнapхия.
Кeк, дapyй пocтy тpипл.
Oтвeты: :
щ Aнoним ID: Hикaндp Moкeeвич Ii 08/11/16 Bтp 21:31:42 №19141999 (no 211 ';Двaчyю 11 ч RRRAGE! 1
в x538.ng
21K6, 40ox300
A Дaвaйтe тaк. Пocтaвим тoчки нaд i.
Tpaмп пoбeдит - дaбл.
Tpaмп пpoигpaeт в выбopaх, нo пoбeдит в гpaждaнкe - тpипл.
Q ‘ : - Poллим.
raw... _ " `
щ Aнoним ID: - 08/11/16 Bтp 22: 19:20 №19143000 Bo 550 '‚двaчyю 4 ч RRRAGE!
Oтвeты: :>:г-191-13615,
Dvach has system which allows mods to post with specific numbers. They did it like forever.
>considers himself white
>is not fluent in Russian, German and French
Dunno if you heard but we won wwii.
Cheeki breeki boogaloo 2.
Heк иopceлф мaи мeн
there's a reason why you're typing english right now you mong
>tfw cant read russian
>Dunno if you heard but we won wwii.
No, WE won wwii. You didn't do jack shit.
iskender kebab with cola, thanks
Video of HAPPENING at powerplant:
>we won wwii.
So you are Jewish then? Sorry for lumping you in with the goyim.
Holly shit indeed, that place gone to hell. Sosach really gone to hell.
Holy fucking shit. God help us.
cool meme
>No, WE won wwii
>stopping hitler from killing jews
You call this winning?
brazil won ww2 prove me wrong
I don't know if related, but I heard a fucking weird noise above Timisoara at about 10 a.m. (Romanian time).
Sounded like a very low altitude fighter jet, with unnatural echo, and quite piercing.
In hindsight, this.
We still back to back WW champs tho niga
Soooo, what the fuck am I looking at, here?
Grazhdanka, suka!
We civil war now.
If doubles something something to be.
Hillary with obama dead in something something
>ylilauta is DDoSed
>now this
Its habbining
This is the instant we hacked the Power Plant and fried the bitch, sparking WW3, hence all the military in Moscow right now:
My grandma's family hid american soldiers in her attic during the war and prossibly even fucked one of them. We should get a honourable mention
Great! It's all in russian, fuck you.
>dat response
My fucking sides
short story long
Trump lose election, angry kekers start US Civil War, Clinton die before December
Russian KEK will THis
translate plz vodka niggers
Substation. Retard.
2chanons asked KEK for triples and he give them to us
Hillary will rig the vote and american peoples will rebel
Hillary and Obama will die during this war
Trump lose election but win civil war and become first monarch of the American empire
You are wrong.
Kazakh got trips means trump God Emperor
Russian with 000 trips means WAR
It's not a fucking substation you fucking Canadian Cocksucker. It's a fucking PowerPlant. I should know, I built those fuckers after 'Nam, bringing power to half the east coast. You guys don't even have PowerPlants up there and I know this to be a fact since:
A: the sun never sets
B: you live in fucking igloos
In short - Trump will lose election but win civil war
KEK wills it
Sorry but the highest I can do is two digits
Here is shitty translation.
>sooga bleeyad xD
Am I supposed to understand what this shit says?
I don't know friend, I was thinking three digits at least.
thx m8
praise kek for the happenings it sends us!
also checkem
>shovel with eyes
i didnt know the russian chans also praised kek??
We was stealing Sup Forums memes even back in 2008.
Holy actual shit, those numbers.
How fast does your board move though? I suspect shenanigans.
Bismarck? Is that you?