I went out to vote for Hillary earlier and the line was filled with Trump supporters

I went out to vote for Hillary earlier and the line was filled with Trump supporters.
I was terrified i thought it would be mostly Hillary supporters.
This is scary.
What if she loses Sup Forums?


well feel free to kill yourself now to avoid humiliation later

Then you have my permission to die

Depends where you are, others have reported seeing the opposite and what not. What if it's all some kind of fear induced illusion? How many digits do you have on your paws?

Who did you ultimately vote for when you realized the wicked witch was dead?

The "everyone in my trailer park of 60 is voting Trump, so he'll win" argument is among the very worst this board has ever seen.

this would be better if you were from another country

but then I'd have bought all this garlic for nothing

If she loses your check might not clear this week

zooplopolis trash

Meh, I would have liked to see her stroke out in office but Trump is okay I guess.





>subtle CHEEKI BREEKI in the background

I cast my Hillary vote today. No lines? Low turnout.

>zooplopolis trash
>posts annoying orange


You shills backed the wrong horse.

>it turns out CTR lied to you on Tumblr...

I'm shocked. Could be worse. Imagine trying to be sane and making up your own mind.


Now go kill yourself, you hideous disgusting furfag permavirgin piece of subhuman shit.



I voted for her but now I regret it. I've literally never seen any Hillary signs here though so might work out. I'm sorry and I hope he wins.

All furries will hang!

It's good if she loses. She wants to turn america into a socialist nation. Now fuck off.

I honestly hate people knocking on my door like Jehova's witness.

What's so bad about socialism?

Stop replying to these. It's the same furfag autists spamming this shit, it gets deleted and they post it again. Typical furfags desperate for attention. Nobody on Sup Forums likes you, you all got BTFO already

just look at all the old USSR states.

You fucking Apple hispter, Bernie gibmedats know shit about the kike rule.


Then anime becomes real? We've had generals for over a year.

While I agree, that is hypocritical of you.

No it isn't. I'm reporting this shit, it's spam and ban evasion. I haven't been banned because I'm not a furry autist breaking the rules

How dare you ruin the good name of us furries by supporting that whore. kys

>What if she loses Sup Forums?

Hunting season.

>cheeki breeki

You don't have a good name. Everyone fucking hates you, trump or not. You literally have your own global rule because everyone hates you that much. It's not even the porn, you're all just so autistic and obnoxious

We hate you whoever you support. Leave Sup Forums

If she loses America wins


No sweat, user.

I'm in New Hampshire right now, I'm in line to vote as we speak, there are I'm With Her and Trump for Prison shirts as far as the eye can see, and they've already asked a few disruptors in MAGA hats to leave. As one deplorable was being escorted out, he shouted "There are millions of us!" The poll sergeant just laughed at him and said, "We counted the ballots a long time ago, friend."

Everyone in line cheered uproariously. I've never been more excited to cast my vote.

Never, just embrace it. We're friendly and no more autistic than you

Don't use foxe for shitposting pls

Me too. I waited in line and literally *EVERY SINGLE PERSON* other than me was chanting "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!" and I got scared. Some guy asked me who I was voting for and I was forced to go "H-haha..Trump..."

I was honestly so scared about them finding out that I was voting for Hillary that I decided to go on the safe side and voted for Trump. Please tell me this nightmare isn't the case everywhere.

If you annoy a bunch of autistic people, you are something more than autistic. The culture has never accepted you, and you can't force it. Fuck off.

plz just love me

That's what you desperately want, and it brings me great joy knowing nobody here will ever like you

Trump 2016!

I'm honestly surprised you made it back to your electric car. I have personally prevented 3 shitlib commie assfucks from voting today with good old fashioned stern words and some neighborhood cruises...Where the fuck are all of my Sup Forums people at? It's time to keep these pussy ass faggots inside their homes until they get foreclosed after they quit their jobs from being harassed by real Americans. This is our year. Hail Victory!!!

That's ok, I'll still always love you

stop concern shilling, Hillary is fine. Don't even bother showing up to vote for her, just stay at home and watch the landslide

Don't give a fuck, everyone hates you

>still rallying
She'll be fine

I'd like to narrow down your concerns.

Are you of military age?


>What if she loses
>What if


I hate you

I can't wait to deport furries.

Pretty sexy, desu.
Might have to surf e621 before going out to vote.

Vote Clinton so I don't have to share a side with you, autistic faggot

Better believe I'm voting Trump, you cock gobbler.
Would you like me to post my horse dildo buried in my horse fleshlight?

>tfw a large amount of Trump supporters are furfags

Sorry, we're here forever.

You mean the same ten fags are spamming this board?
>look how much of a cancerous loser I am!
Sure showed me, why Sup Forums hates you, yet you still post for attention

>they're getting this upset
Furfag tears are great

I don't see how you got that I was upset from that post but whatever.


I'm just having fun.

>y-you can't get rid of us!
Great, I can mock you more. You get so upset that people don't like you.

>I'm just having fun being made fun of and getting triggered
Also stop posting dogs, it's creepy as fuck

Glad to see my fellow brits are still fighting degeneracy

if she loses we have a good president

>inb4 leaf posting XDDD
I was born in Portland Oregon

Someone needs to or they'll run rampant

>being made fun
>getting triggered
you wish I was some tumblrite faggot.

>everyone mocks furries
>they can't take it and get mad
You are worse than tumblr

day of the rope, furries will be the first.


nice bait

you don't have to die in a ditch in Syria, Belarus, or Ukraine

>namefag furry
Seriously kill yourself


Do you know you are unlikable cancer? Or are you not aware?

source of pic pls


Please kill yourself, you embarrass your own race and trump

It's the CGI Alice in wonderland

You don't happen to be those two autistic Brits from the other thread?

I'm certainly one. And furfags can't call anyone autistic, even you can realise the hypocrisy

Fbook is a gold mine today.

If you like this one I'll post more

Oh yea "HILLSHILLS ETERNALLY BTFO, Daily reminder that CTR are all nerd virgins" etc

Correct. But that's like comparing dry shit to fresh shit - it's still shit regardless of whether one stinks slightly less than the other.

Least I can be used as fertiliser being fresh. Kys furfag

>implying just going to Canada doesn't give you magical shitposting powers


That's an old gif. I picked it up so long ago, I'm sure you could find it through Google easily.

then we will MAGA

You will have to get better at shitposting.

Can we all just agree that the greatest degeneracy in existence is furfaggotry?



After you, lad.

this picture gets me every time. exactly how I imagined furries