So how long until the drumpfkins are dragged out of their holes and shot for treason.
So how long until the drumpfkins are dragged out of their holes and shot for treason
how long until ctr takes their shitty propaganda memes and leaves this board
Ctr get out
kek wills it
when Trump wins lol czeched
>Ctr memes, shill cuck etc.
Nice digits friendo but you shitters aren't going to survive long after today. I didn't even vote for her, but all you retards who rattled the cage only exposed yourselves and marked yourselves for extermination.
Good luck, most drumpfkins have the capability to shoot back. It's crazy how freedom do dat.
you seem to forget how unapologeticly intelligent i am. if anything exposing myself will only rally others to stand up and fight for the right to true freedom
woops misspelled unapologetically
Lol, you know the gun ownership statistics are skewed right? Besides none of you idiots own or even know how to operate one, that would require actual action and not just sitting at your computer endlessly posting the same drive for 18 hours a day.
>vote in the elections
>get killed for treason
Nice democracy you've got there.
Sorry Christcuck, but martyrdom is only effective for shitskins with little to no intelligence. You must be one of you thing it'll amount to anything.
>let's just brazenly say that the opposition is doing what we were exposed of doing with no proof
classic Saul Alinsky play right there
Tolerant liberals everyone
>pc and loaded SR25 by bed
I wish some numale cucks would try to drag me from my house
>Lol, you know the gun ownership statistics are skewed right?
Yeah, they usually under-represent gun owners, who often don't want to tell others that they have valuable, often-stigmatized items in their home.
please, explain
Get fucked CTR
Is this you?
Sorry. He isn't politics anymore
What are you going to shoot them with? Your iphones?
They want to appease Russia. They call our military incompetent. They call America shit. drumpfkins need to fucking leave.
I have that genki book too ctr
I love this!
> shillary
> frog
Fuck you shill
CTR destroyed by those quads, kek will live again with Trumps election
>hurrr how do I gun
Oh hey, that's Maeri-San. I should probably get back to Kanji practice.
Also Trump will win.
Trump didn't sell Russia twenty percent of US uranium deposits. Trump didn't propose a "Russian Reset".
fuck killary and fuck brown people
So how long until the Clintoris fags are given free helicopter rides?
Do you know how many people on Sup Forums and /k/ are veterans? What a lying fuck you are.
>if you don't vote for hillary then you should be shot
What the fuck is this country? We're a fucking joke at this point.
yes they are skewed, but not in the way you think. MSM keeps talking about the 300 million guns in America. That is the same number they used in 1990. Pretty sure sales have risen significantly since then.