What's happening in your part of the world?

I've been shilling for Trump among my American relatives. They all hate me now.

At least they won't invite me to their disgusting Thanksgiving dinner this year.

Nothing in particular tbhfam. Need to do some laundry today.

We got a bit of Hillary propaganda on TV on one program, while another was neutral and translated a pretty good Trump speech.

Nothing is happening. The US election is pretty much the only thing that people are interested in now.

Quiet as usual. Reading trough proposed new laws, thinking that our polititians are fucking retarded. Want to become a leaf in my wet dreams.

>Want to become a leaf in my wet dreams.


Same here, shit sucks leaf-bro

How big are American politics in Latvia usually? Or is it just due to the current spectacle caused by the election?

Just waiting on twitter for Russia to nuke my shit hole of a country while everyone is watching the elections.

There's some debate about the funding of a museum, the 2nd largest city decided to build a tram and the news sites are full of Burger elections despite them not being among the most viewed ones.
So, nothing basically.

Name a place with nicer immigration policies. I couldn't find any.

But that's what will be it's downfall. In a few decades it will be overrun by non-whites

Heard a siren alarm fifteen minutes ago. No idea what it was.

Is South Korea still fucked up?
Kind of curious.


Same thing as every Fall. Crops are harvested,now its time to maintain the land and equipment and get ready for Winter.

Olympia WA here.

Weed is legal. There is a billboard on the westside that says "$95 ounces". On the eastside there is a recreational weed shop RIGHT NEXT to a gun store.

I am in a diner downtown, sipping coffee, watching them numbers roll in the other threads.

If that's the only way he can get to somewhere else I guess he has a point

its 4am and i just heard one of our giant possums attack the dog next door, drinking coffee and browsing Sup Forums

It's never big. I don't think it's even big now.
All they do is report on some small local shit and then they report on what they see on international news. Nothing ever happens.

The Trump vs Hillary segments are usually like 3 min long, so it's not like they obsess over the elections. It's just that to me everything they say is white noise except when it comes to them addressing the election.

My government just demonetized 500 and 1000 rupees notes to combat tax evasion. Will see how it goes desu.

Hmm. You might be right on that, but I thought they permit only those, who work at highly demanded jobs. How's the UK, btw? Could I get a job there to move? Atm studying as a programmer.

I got triggered at our local CNN outlet in front of my dad and uncle

Have good news, the my dad's best friend family who lives in the States all is going to vote for trump

Puerto Rico is unincorporated territory, so it doesn't get to vote for the Presidency even though we're still granted U.S. citizenship.

Any South Koreans here to tell us how their President is doing?

Subtle one, Hanz, I give you a 14/88 for your effort. Don't spend this (You) in one place now!

An election

Literally nothing.
Except for the presidential election next month but Austrian presidents are just ceremonial figureheads anyway. It will Hofer, a the right wing, anti-immigration, anti-refugee and EU skeptic, vs Van der Bellen, the opposite of that and a Jew too!

Kā liekas Latvijai sūdi būs vai nē?
Pa ļubomu tiks izvēlēta Kilarija

Corporate socialists (generally called right wing) call for a vote on impeaching France president, because he blabbered to journalists (who wrote a book cucking him, through showing his favorite passtime is cucking erryone) about state confidential information (he admitted to order a few mudsliming terrorist assassinations, which is quite fucking surprising from a eunuch like him).

Nothing will come out of it, though: elections are next april/may, and his trust ratings are an all time record low at 4%, so the shit flinging fucktard will get the fuck out anyway (just to be replaced by another dimwitted socialist, whoever it is).

Trumps vinēs 100%.

The siren is sounding again. I seriously hope it's some local thing. It sounds ominous.

Das ist wahrscheinlich der Feueralarm für eine Übung der Frewilligen Feuerwehr.

Ach so. Ich mache mir zu viele Sorgen.


Absolutely nothing worth mentioning. News blaring about the election more than they ever did on our own elections. I'm other news, people crashing because snow has fallen and apparently people can't drive in the winter here anymore. So.. yeah.

Hopefully he's a mega-cuck and campaigns with even more Jay Z music this time.

>What's happening in your part of the world?


>tfw you live in Indiana directly across the street from a church being used as a polling place
>Trump signs on the road, saw a truck flying the American flag driving into the parking lot

It's literally shoved in my face here. God bless this state.

corrupt goverment want to ban memes, just another day in a cuckservative ruled country

That happens every winter, though.
People not knowing how to drive in winter anymore, that is.

Apparently there was a murder in town last night. Boise being a medium sized city of mostly white people its kinda rare

Everybody is talking about the US elections. We we're literally mid crisis(Bibi is trying to take over the media - good riddance to be frank) and we stopped for today, will probably continue in like two days
[spoiler]Obligatory M A G A[/spoiler]

Just had our Supreme Court rule that our fuckwad of a dictator who cucked our economy to oblivion in the 80's be given a hero's burial

I wonder how. I never have any problems driving in any time of the year. Just chill out a little and pay attention a little more during bad weather. And of course, know your vehicle.

>mfw a Sup Forumstard lives in my city

Right now on the news they are going to have a segment talking about how Hillary or Trump would effect our country.
They said that the US president is going to have a bigger impact on Latvia than the Latvian president.

Replacement president is leaning liberal (as in libertarianism) but is too cucked to stick firmly to his positions. It's an improvement over the past decade, frankly.

The ground keeps shaking
CNN ( Chile) being biased
Two ex presidents are /may be running for the 2017 elections

This heat wave is killing me

I live in eagle.
Fucking Somali and Syrian refugees are flooding Boise.
Also Idaho is white thrash and shitty

we are laughing at people that will actually vote trump and waiting to taste all the stormfag butthurt.

Niggers want to ruin a childrens' party, just like every year around this time.

Our King is visiting New Zealand.

The country is getting sued by hippies for not protecting birds enough.

Otters are returning to our inland waters.

Not that much interesting news, to be honest.

i'd expect someone from Eagle to think that. go back to california, hippy

Drama queen PM think somebody wants to kill him.. but he still didn't decided who..

Theresa May is fucking up the country.

The ruling party wants to ban memes for good

Nothing. Going to sleep so i can be up by 2-3am and keep shitposting.


Is this for le happy merchant?

Checking Sup Forums for election news, learning precisely nothing.

Deep Recession

But by banning memes... they become a meme.
So they're discussing banning themselves?

the corrupt PP doesnt like to get told that they are a bunch of corrupt bureocrats I guess

There's been a lot of earthquake and many people died

we keep pretending we dont have an unpayable debnt

there's also some web app summit/conference or whatever

Ja kāds no Cēsīm ja trumps uzvar jāiet dzert khem svinēt

Chin up Candy cane, Christmas is next month

Had a death in the family this week. The election is background to this event. Just want to get through both of these things.

I promised that I wouldn't vote. Thinking of suicide all the time. Playing dark souls and relating to the solitude of the world. But holding on to the hope it gives me. It sounds stupid but the resolve of the characters despite the tragedy gives me hope. If only I could be so grossly incandescent.

My GF is Canadian and super anti Trump and wants to break up with me if I vote for him. I want to lie and go vote anyway but I don't know if I could live with breaking a promise. I'd feel really guilty.

I know I'm pathetic. I don't want to die but I wish I was dead

Nothing special. As 4 mi I'm lurkin murikan elections. It makes mi lift.

You have to be very very good if you want to find work outside your country with that profession. Remember you're competing with Pajeets in India who will work for way less money than you.

im trying to gather money then ill head off to europe. i hope i can make it

My condolences, mate. Hope the election result will cheer you up tomorrow.

an election....

Break up with her and go vote for trump.

Today the whole looks to america

The weather is abominable even for this time of year: after a week or so of comfortable subzero temperatures and beautiful soft snow, the temperature suddenly rose to +4 overnight, and everything is melting and flowing, and the streets are covered with water/ice slurry. What's worse, the temperature is about to drop back to subzero and all the shit will freeze and the city will turn into a giant skating rink.


russia sounds like the 9th circle of hell

I spent the day in town, and walked the dog. Been thinking about the US election all day. My family all want Trump to win, including me.

Don't get cucked and vote for Trump

Trump is best for Latvia

>Letting a gf dictate who you vote for
>Wanting to vote Trump

You're not fooling anyone, cuck.

go out and vote trump you soggy young man

Fucking our shit up.

We presently have a minority government that's pretty much getting bent over the barrel by various unions for pay rises. So far we've had tram drivers, bus drivers, the police and now teachers.

Other than that it's mostly negotiations to ensure that Ireland and Northern Ireland don't have a closed border, post-brexit.

there are tons of us here.

when the shooting happened 2 years ago we had whole threads.

Good luck friendo

*pat in the back

being poor and surrounded by angry mediocre muslims

I know this is a troll, but my gf is also Canadian and loves Trump. Stop being so pathetic if this isn't a fucking troll.

We're getting rid of our faggot PM

An election and an erection desu. Which would you rather discuss?

Mexico :p

they have internet in Algeria?

>recreational weed shop RIGHT NEXT to a gun store

If only this were the case in Kansas.


what are you saying eggman
quagmire will be gone for good?

Corruptions. Nothing unusual.

I promise I'm not a troll. I'm in a very dark place right now. I keep trying to shoot myself but I don't want be another reason people attack gun rights

Really if I wasn't in this state I'd probably just tell her to fuck off and go vote.

cucks and feminists

Some policemen and nurses on strike. The usual.

I'm in Wisco, am legit jelly as well