What if we lose?

I'd be lying if I said I felt confident that Trump will win, but now that the time and the day has finally arrived and after going through so much, I'm afraid it will all be for nothing.

Sup Forums, I really am scared. I've never been more terrified in my entire life compared to now. I want a future. I want a good life with my future children, and if Hillary wins tonight, all of that will be taken away. Not just for me, but for everyone American bro on this board and possibly even our Eurobros too.

Tonight we could very well witness the end of Western Civilization. But if that ends up happening (God forbid) then I wont let them end our civilization without a fight. They'll have to take it away from me from my cold dead hands. So what is it gonna be bros? If the evil cunt herself seizes the office, are you gonna fight through a revolution? Or are we gonna sit back and watch this slimy evil whore take away your children's futures.

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I know you don't know this right now, but if you lose, you win. You'll see what I mean in due time.

Get fucked

We won't

Trump is controlled opposition, he is designed to lose.

Fear is the mind-killer.

We meme hillary into prison.

He literally is going to lose though

We fight her tooth and nail, and we dig until there's so much dirt that her impeachment is inevitable.

Your fear is well put, because no matter how much you, me, or my redneck family want Trump to win, the guy's lost at this point. Let's be real.

trump has this in the bag, ctr is effective if you are worrying that is what the enemy wants.

if trump wins even one of the battleground states, its over clinton needs to retain all her states and win battlegrounds if even one of the sates projected to go blue is actually red because of unkown voter turnout its over

there are more ways for trump to win than for clinton to win. stop worrying

kek has willed it.


If we lose, we stand up and fight again.

If not 2016, then 2020 or 2024, or 2028 and so on and so on.

We will fight them forever!

Crossboarder here, been fucked over by Sup Forums fags spilling over on other boards all year.

Can't fucking wait for your cuckening. The bull is prepped. This is your reckoning. I want you to reflect on your sins tonight. I want you to reflect on every shitpost you made outside of Sup Forums. I want you to reflect on the countless hours you spent shilling. Just imagine - it was all in vain. And for the next four years, you're going to live under the sovereignty of MADAME PRESIDENT.






Trump would not be the best representation of a right wing presidency. Hillary Clinton gives us four years to recruit an even larger army of disaffected young people.

I am absolutely rooting for Trump, and I will be disappointed if he does not win. But I'm not giving up if he loses.

And he probably will lose.

Why is everyone so ducking hysterical

>if Hillary wins it's the end of civilization

>if Trump wins it's the end of civilization

Kill yourselves all of you.

Enjoy the pol butthurt

You really think the right wing will disappear under a Clinton presidency?

And we have our solution

Every side on every election ever has said its the end of civilization if they lose

No. But I do think the deluge of tears and catastrophic, historically unprecedented amounts of butthurt from Sup Forums in just a few hours is going to be enough to make my dick stay permanently hard for years.

It is almost time.

Libtards are objectively wrong on everything they say, so they don't know what they are talking about.

libtard here.

Trump is going to lose.


Trump is going to lose, probably. It's just a fact that it does not seem likely that Trump will win.

Lmao party's over fools, your candidate lost.

If Hillary wins, the right wing will just get even stronger. She will obviously make terrible mistakes in her presidency, which will cause people to say "but what if Trump won?".

Trump will become a martyr-like political figure, while Hillary will be the focus of hatred.

Goncern troll, KILL YOURSELF.

We are not going to lose because we are right and god is with us

Remember when Obama was elected and ya'll said the same?

If you're ready to die over an election you had nothing to live for anyways, so maybe it's time to mature a little.

This is exactly why I want hilary to win, She will end the SJW bullshit forever, just wait 4 years and they will be gone for good

>What if we lose?

If the election fully goes rigged, then we will march to Washington DC, and drain, the, swamp!

>If your enemies win, they lose

Nice Trudeauism :^)

Make a contingency plan, fampai

Coordinate shit at your local campus.


this will only hurt a lot drumpfkins

Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to win, just 4 years of a croked hilary and the SJW will be doomed forever

>if you kill your enemies, they lose

That's what Trudeau said. Stop lying to yourself

I heard that congress plans on immediately impeaching her if she wins. Can anyone confirm? Also she seriously seems sick so she could die in office which would be funny

whatever happens today fellas, I just want to say that it's been an honour to meme by your side.

lmao this

>I wont let them end our civilization without a fight.

>Implying you're not too much of a coward to do anything about it other than mope online

Specially for you, you can play this on repeat throughout the night.


>poltards are objectively wrong on everything they say, so they don't know what they are talking about.

Buttblasted alt right edgelord


4 years of Hillary and the flood of new immigrants, refugees, and illegals given amnesty will ensure that a white male or anyone remotely right wing will never take the office of POTUS again.

Get rekt cucks.

Kek > Moloch

It's that simple.

Why the fuck is Hillary aloud to run? I moved from Macedonia a few months ago. I thought after defending rapists she went to jail?

>white male or anyone remotely right wing will never take the office of POTUS again.
No by voting but that wasnt our plan we got other ways to get to power :^)

>damage control this blatant

top wew

He's losing because there are too many niggers, dumb spics, literal cuck asian faggots, and Susan B Anthony

You want an honest opinion?

Don't give up.

I don't like Trump. Man is an idiot in my eyes. If you want to bring change in America, go out and be that change. Find like-minded people in your area. Talk. Debate. Organise. Run for a local political office.

Focus on making your corner of America better. If even a handful the people on Sup Forums actually got out there and engaged in politics, I reckon things would get better. It won't be a sudden sweeping change, but a gradual one, year-by-year.

America wasn't built in a day.

>he thinks millennials support the racist right


Guess which demographics a four-year Hillary term is going to increase.


I thought asians were with trump


This is really is the LAST CHANCE

its OVER after tonight, if hillary wins.


Then why is your racist faction literally sacrificing constantly?

Even across oceans, Anglo, we did some great work.

because we believe in god, honest work and sacrifice.


Carry on

meme for 4 more years

go to war war with CTR


Yup, you deserve to lose.

Fear not op

Their narative lies in prices and if she should win then she sure as hell better perform miracles because we will be there to criticize and meme her every move

I can't take it any longer lads.

Anxiety levels are through the roof.


Also you are pathetic, taking part in absurd raids against this imageboard.

Now piss off to redd*t.

Just voted in PA.

Tons of people lined up at the Republican tent outside the poling place.

No one in front of the Democrat tent.

And line was 70% white men.

>Sup Forums tards are going to spend the next four years being salty and butthurt, and consider this a win

No wonder you're so obsessed with cuckolding, it literally manifests itself in every aspect of your lives.

We've already seen this shit. A candidate constantly berated by the mass media, called a populist by his political opponents, presented himself as the candidate "of the people" going against the establishment and the political elite, ridiculed over his hair, had some of his statements twisted to make it seem like he was presenting himself as a messianic figure and called him a dictator on the making, picked over petty remarks (he once told a political opponent to shut up in one of his rallies and the media is still playing that clip regularly 10 years later) while other candidates and the president at the time were involved in corruption scandals (and had a campaign full of insult-ridden rants that the media conveniently ignored), accused the system of being rigged, lost by a minimal margin amidst many accusations of electoral fraud, officially lost the election after an electoral institution with strong ties to the political establishment awarded the election to the opposition candidate.
The biggest campaign against him was calling him a "danger for México", claiming that his lack of economic plans would collapse our economy and that his divisive rhethoric would incite violence, while the candidate that won ended up starting a "war" that is still going strong 10 years later and has caused more than 100k deaths and thousands of kidnappings and disappearances.
After officially losing the election that man made public accusation of electoral fraud, used his massive popular support to stage protests all over the country and occupied a key area of Mexico City with his supporters for a long period of time. Meanwhile burned ballots were found in many places, investigations reached hasty conclusions under suspicious clearing any accusation of fraud, many instances of vote buying were exposed, etc., but nothing proceeded. He ran for a second time on a similar platform but lost again. I can see Trump going in that direction if he loses today.

I'm crossboarding famalam. Sup Forums crossposters have been shitting up other boards for almost all year. Sweet revenge is at hand.

There's nothing absurd about the colossal amounts of pleasure I'm going to derive from all these Sup Forumsfags getting cucked.

>things that never happened

I am active on multiple boards on a regular basis. What you say is utter bullshit.

Fuck off to /lgbt/, plebbit, or whatever shithole you came from.

>things that never happened

I believe the answer to that is Trump winning :DDDDDDDD

trump wont win, neither did Jesus christ aganist the jews, yet he was right

The narative was their most powerful tool of influence and this election has everyone redpilled, the medias credibility and reputations will never be the same

>using the past tense for a possible event in the future

You have to be 18+ to post on this site. Now turn off your computer and learn for your english exams.

Fucking indoctrinated, walking zitfields, I swear...

If you beat your enemies at the election, they win.
-Le Canadian Weed Man

>What if we lose?

Then we'll meet irl.

>Resorting to the most cucked of all religions to explain the cucking you're about to experience

Nice one.

>and learn for your english exams.


We've already won even if trump loses 40-60 .
People will be more outspoken on anti-feminism pro free-speech etc . SJW will no longer complain because they will finally have a women at power etc.

Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

Your gonna lose because you allowed spics and niggers to take over your culture and way of life

You lost ages ago

>SJW will no longer complain because they will finally have a women at power etc.


As I wrote before: retard.

>SJW will no longer complain because they will finally have a women at power etc.

Couldn't agree more

Yeah now that i think of it, it doesn't make much sense but atleast they will complain less

My pot dealer, Dealer Dan died yesterday. He was gonna vote for trump. this ones for you Dan.Hope youre riding that great Harley in the sky. MAGA

also praise kek

>SJW will no longer complain because they will finally have a women at power etc.

>SJW will no longer complain because they will finally have a women at power etc.

Men will wake up, more importantly white men will wake up. Enough with the pandering to the fake victims. This is beyond too much. With what I know now...

With what we know now...

How can we not do something?

>SJW will no longer complain because they will finally have a women at power etc.
You mean like black people?

I will be fighting on your side Ivan

I think what he's trying to say is that SJW's will have even less of a platform than they already have now. Normies will see that there is a woman in power, at the head of the country.

How on earth can you argue that discrimination exists if a woman was able to become president?

Then more questions will be asked, and more and more, and eventually the SJW-left will be torn apart.

I'm very eager for a Trump presidency, but even if it doesn't turn out well the ideals we've bestowed upon normies are never going to die. If Hillary wins we can easily turn it into a good long term situation.

Shit is going to be rough, but it is doable.

no matter what, today is a victory

republicans will control the house and senate, and maybe even the white house.

>How on earth can you argue that discrimination exists if a woman was able to become president?
the same way the say that niggers are being discriminated

If i ever take full fascist control of Cyprus you will be my Minister of Propaganda

Just enjoy the ride until it is over.

europe falls...america falls...the uk will march on just as foretold in v for vendeta lol

im half ukranian (grandad was a soviet and ukraine belongs to russia imo) when you come to europe i wont fight you....our values have gone and its not worth protecting no more.

Except that Canada will become Hapastan and the USA will become North Mexico full of "white Hispanics" if Trump loses
