I'm from blue stage California and I live in Los Angeles where voting lines will surely be long. Make your best case to me Sup Forums
Convince me to vote
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Blue state*
If Trump does not win your country will be Mexico 2.0 :v
I hope you like tacos.
popular vote == mandate
get up and vote, don't be lazy
Los Angeles is already Mexico 2.0
If you vote Green it will actually count for something no matter who wins your state.
Your state is going to be blue 100%. Your vote really doesn't matter because all that matters is electoral college votes.
>there are people on Sup Forums that legitimately believe that voting after primaries actually matter
Here's a pro tip: It doesn't.
A state's population can vote 100% TRUMP. (It will never happen, but we will use this for arguments sake) - The electoral voter can still vote for Hillary, and since we already know that money talks....
I can't vote because I have no hands, user-kun... would you take me there and help me vote? Y-you could vote too while we're there!
If you dont vote, then red california will never happen.
Its a slim chance, try to make it real.
There's a tiny exception to this.
Use it to help Jill save the planet.
>popular vote == mandate
The popular vote might not pick the winner, but it matters a lot for how the winner is perceived.
Get up and vote because Kek wills it.
Give it a try user ;). There is a lot of energy and Trump voters haven't even started to vote yet.
Don't bother to vote. Normally I'd try and convince people to care about down-ballot, but California has made a point to make its ballot measures retarded, incomprehensible, and non-binding. I advise you to stop living in California.
meme magic will turn California red this year
Prop 63 retard.
Don't you care about your gun rights?
Just fucking vote
Wait and see. If it's a Hillary blowout, don't bother. If not, vote before 8 pm.
Because it's your civic duty you lazy fuck.
Seems the most reasonable so far. When could I expect to know?
The media's gonna lie and try to discourage Trump supporters. Go anyway.
You're from California. You could get the entire state to vote republican, and the state would still end up blue somehow.
Just chill at home.
Do or don't you fucking piece of shit. I voted despite the odds because that is the only shred of free will these fucks have given us.
In fifty years I can say "I voted for Trump. I saw what was happening to young apathetic men who thought they had no say in their own future. As women and weak men paraded around collectivist idealism which led to corruption. I voted against it and even though we lost/won the future had forever been changed for good.
But won't Sup Forums correct the record?
If you want to change anything GET THE FUCK OUT OF BED YOU LAZY SHIT
I woke up at 6:30 today to vote, just fucking try
There's other issues besides who becomes president. You have a duty to stop retarded voting measures from being passed.
please for the love of god vote no on 63
If anything please don't actively hinder the people around you.
I just got back from one in Sherman Oaks at a Church, took me 15 minutes.
Meaning won't Sup Forums call out the media and report the facts? I said CTR ironically.
I live in Hollywood though
There will be disinfo and defeatism flowing hard from the left, trying to get people to give up on Trump, so not sure how reliable this will be. Seriously if you have nothing better to do, please go vote Trump. This year we've seen the horrors that the left has committed, with Hillary at the helm. Vote Trump today so you can say you helped become a patriotic part of history and keep a criminal out of office. I voted red in blue SoCal today too, there's a thread with hundreds of replies of CA Trump voters, so you're not alone. Just put forth a little effort and you'll be glad later. Also bring a fucking book or your phone if the line is long, it's not that hard to entertain yourself for a while.
How? We most likely won't know until the actual counts are published, much later than voting closes. Until then we'll only have the same media disinformation as everyone else.
Kek is truly with us!
If Donald wins the electoral college and loses the popular vote they will say he is illegitimate for 4 years. Vote for the popular vote totals.
Oh OK. Just thought Sup Forums might since it always seems to know
That fucking blows.
I live in PDR. Get back to the Best side, loser.
If you don't vote I will come to your country to be a male adult perfomer who will have fun with the hottest females that the American XBiz has to offer
Continuation of obama policies will bankrupt america and destroy the traditional american majority that made it great. white christians basically DEFEND YOUR FAITH.
Kek wills it!
Your vote still helps Trump's popular vote.
Do it, you lazy faggot.
I don't know what PDR means but I've lived in Hollywood my entire life
I just voted in Los Angeles and was in and out in under 20 minutes.
Vote for Trump motherfucker.
I mean, some anons might know something if they're involved with the election, but I really wouldn't count on it. There'll be shills on here too trying to discourage us and/or make us complacent.
Go vote user!
because people care about the popular vote, so if trump wins the popular vote and loses the election people will be very upset like previous elections. you could also vote third party.
Because if you don't vote and your vote would have made California somehow competitive, you would be truly a sad creature forever in disgrace. You would forever be damned, so go vote Trump/ Pence 2016!
BTW if I do vote it will be at the below address since it is the closest to me. If any LAnons happened to have voted here let me know.
Hollywood City Hall