HELP. I can't vote

I'm a handicapped 18 year old. I can't drive on my own and need assistance. My parents, Hillary Supporters, refuse to drive me to the polling station because they know I'm a Trump supporter.

Please Help. Any advice appreciated.

>inb4 lie

I tried. they don't believe me.

Other urls found in this thread:

you can sue them if they wont help you, its your rugth, or ask a hospital for a nusrse or smthng

What is stopping you?

Invent some crutches

I'm handicapped. I can't leave the house on my own.

So what.
Consider yourself lucky Hitler didn't win or you would be burned to dust

Call 911. Seriously, if your parents are refusing to let you vote get the police to do it.

where are you?

Which state and city are you in? Someone here would probably drive you just to MAGA. You could also ask on Craigslist but you might have a bigger chance of being murdered.

go on

someone will help you.

I literally can't move at all without assistance. I can't use a phone unless someone helps me. The only reason i'm on here right now is because the computer is hooked up to my wheelchair.


Call a fellow Trump supporter.

Policeman getting off duty


true that. especially will all the recent pizza parties and blood orgies going on. fuck that shit.

Post location here and on the_donald

We're going to make America Great for you, mate

Hey bro, also handicapped trump supporter here.
If you're going there remember to take all your stuff for taking a piss (catheters), remember to offload your butt so you won't get pressure soars on your butt etc.. the usual you know

Crawl then

What state are you in, faggot

use skype or something to phone someone!

also, that fucking sucks.

>You can sue
TFW Trumpets are literally retarded.

do something about it dude
post on CL post your city
if you were in orange county california i'd uber you to and fro.

do uber

Take the bus.

This desu

post pic proof

Skype 911, but seriously man, GET THE FUCK UP AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!

Bro call a friend and have them get you an über or taxi

Seriously, where are you? I'd drive you if you lived in Phoenix Metropolitan are / Tuscon

Where do you live

If you're in Missouri I will help you


Why would you want to vote for someone who would like to Zylkon B you out of the gene pool????

>trump makes fun of disabled kid.webm

Hotwheels is that you?

Where are you located I may be able to give you a ride

Call the feds

Do what I did user, simply tweet TRUMP to #presidentalelection to cast your vote from home! It's powered by Microsoft so it is safer than that soros shit anyway.

will somebody on the_donald vote with me???? indiana and i will not have data to shitpost while i wait in line...

i need somebody to pass the time

>Call 911. Seriously, if your parents are refusing to let you vote get the police to do it.

Wtf lol

The cops are not your servants. They won't give someone a taxi ride just because they're a potato.

How about say where you are and see if an user will take you? If you're within 50 miles of Chicago I'll take you.

I know you're shitposting but
>Implying all physically handicap people were born with their ailment

If you're in Kansas City I will drive you to your polling station for free

>reporter hiding behind his handicap after attacking
>dude who just needs help voting

gas yourself CTR scum

I'll literally paypal you the money for a taxi

user, you need to make it clear to them it's your right as an American to vote. This is your future, not theirs.

Fucking disown them. Scream REEEEEEEEEEEEE until they give into your demands.

qt trap detected

Where are you located?

>18 y/o
>suing his parents
Sure mate i knew amerifat had low IQ but you're a bit too low here

In anywhere but big cities? They absolutely will

>being a worthless cripple fagget
>not voting democrat

Literally going against your own interest . Your parents are right in this case.


Maybe if you're a dirty little faggot like you
I know plenty of officers who would gladly do so
Imo user you should call your local fire department, most of the time firefighters are the most based people in your neighborhood and they would love to help you vote

there are volunteer groups that will drive you to a polling place. use the internet and find one. it's not too late.

thanks CTR, that was a good one
2 podesta pizzas have been dispatched to your address.

Look up the menendez brothers


First uber ride is free

also this.


and this

Reply to this post as much as possible to make sure people see it, everyone should know trump is an absolute maniac.

Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"

Trump's reaction to 9/11: Bragging that now he has the tallest building in down manhattan

Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".

Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.



Most Cops are good dudes. Explain the situation. They might have some shit to do before they get to you but chances are they will help you out.

Call someone at the Trump campaign, they won't pass on such a great PR opportunity. Make sure you're camera ready.

Call a cab

Also call your parents cunts.

Go to Reddit. Seriously. They're actually semi organized and if you message the mods they'll sticky your thread and try to accommodate a ride.

he can clearly work a computer, he could be a secretary or something with the help of technology.

>remember to offload your butt so you won't get pressure soars on your butt
Very Swedish post, 10/10!

where do you live OP.

Tell your parents that they are literally saying "fuck you" to democracy. It's your right to vote mate, don't let them fuck you over.

Where you at OP, I'll pick you up in my mustang and we can MAGA.

I'll drive you if you're within 60 miles of Chicago. Honestly OP, don't be a fag. Where are you?

How will he get home?

>Disabled man dies after casting vote for Trump


Kek. That thread you got this idea from was pretty funny.

yep. this.

don't make me say it

the cops would or the fire department most likely , not only that the local news would get in on it for a heartwarming story of local firefighters helping one special america prove that all votes matter, and all voices matter. fucking call trump he would probably escort op in trump force one . trump is the peoples president, long live the god emperor

>believing the jew lies

Could you paypal me 400 bucks canadian for my rent this month?

Perhaps you can use google voice or skype to call a number, user? Anybody? Even then, if your parents refuse to let you leave with someone else's assistance, that must be some degree of kidknapping...

I live in Maryland

Were are you, I'm off today and I have plenty of gas.

How's the deep cover operation going, Heinrich?

>Call a friend
> a friend
> Implying this guy has a friend


Oh Jesus, Mary and Joesph! I didn't know that retarded Trump supporters in wheelchairs existed!!! Sound the alarms!!! Fetch the constable!!!

>man literally kills himself to help save America
>implying this wouldn't be a massive morale boost

hitler was handicapped for a while after ww1. fuck boi.

Sweet, maybe go to The_donald or r/maryland (if there is such a thing) and find someone. Dude, you can do this.

But please call the NON-emergency number user.

This, you got a friend who can help? Can you dial a disability friendly taxi or personal car service?

Damn, you might not want to hear this but your parents are fucking vermin

I do.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle

Call the cops and tell them you need a ride to the polling place.

What city are you in. MAGA is a team effort.

>doesn't know about absentee ballots

Fake and gay.

Still, thanks for contributing to the Race for the Sevens.

911 will be free on skype

shame your parents online until the point they have to pay reparations for your shitty genes.

OP is a retard. Call up your local republican rep and ask for a ride. Jesus fuck.

Well I'm in Florida. So good luck to you bro.

Call someone else you know, depending on where you live Uber is offering free rides to the polls, if you are really desperate call the police (Not 911 but your local police department's number) and request a ride saying you have no way of making it (Tell them your parents are at work not that they refuse to take you)

Call the police and get them to help you, no? What are you? A beta?


MD fag here.

But I still think this is fake and gay, so