>be me
>redpilled Aryan qt3.14 wife voted Trump
>2 sons, 3rd on the way
>"Dad, Hillary Clinton is creepy."
>Retirement plans well ahead of schedule
>property owner
>safe full of guns
>took day off to volunteer at poll
>"shoo jews! no campaigning here"
>feels good man.
Be me
under trump we will all become cool like you
good job. and grats on 3 sons, most guys aren't that lucky
hope it turns out that your wife got BLACKED and the third kid is black
why would you hope for that?
because it'd be fucking hot
This is the life I plan to start when my Trump gambling wins come in tonight.
Thanks OP
stop projecting your own life, nigel it's just sad
>gun safe
hahahahahahahahahaha. do you also have a knife safe you fucking cuck?
The average lefty lol
Wishing so much I got in last year at 50/1
>Retirement plans well ahead of schedule
>property owner
>safe full of guns
You're fully redpilled.
>be me
You are god knows how many years old and still start a greentext story like a fucking child from 9gag. Make sure your kids are not as retarded as you are.
>he participates in unsafe firearm practices
Laughing out loud at you, my friend (:
>be me at tailgate last weekend
>"user, you're smart, who are you voting and why?"
>begin sprinkling crushed up red pill in their beers without saying the name Trump
>describe main problems with America. They agree with all of them.
>have them lead themselves to the conclusion that only
Trump can fix these problems
>it's 4 Latina girls
>all say they're gonna vote Trump now
>still have no idea how it went so well
question is, will you leave them to form new SS unit to reclaim west for the white people? you cant be fully redpilled without genocide
where exactly do you think 9gag got this from?
>being this new
>being turkroach
wew lad
>has family
>posts on Sup Forums
stfu cuck
>be you
>stinky shitskin turk
>discover how internet works
>somehow find your way to Sup Forums
Does your wife have a sister?
>wait a minute bad guy, i need to go get my gun from my gun safe, and then load it,
pls wait bad guy
bad turksmell
good turksmell
Based OP.
Thing that never happened thread?
I get that you're trolling, but not hard to keep my pistol and shotgun in accessible places for home defence and keep the other 15 guns locked away.
hungarian intelectuals
pics of ur wife
because making a thread about fantasies is so smart huh?
Hopefully I'll be in your shoes in 20-30 years.
Sounds like the only thing you need is a years supply of food stored up and you'll be ready to go
Based OP, you are doing God's work.
No he's not. It's full of guns but no ammo = useless.
He has 2 children and probably lives in an all-white neighborhood. Learn to weigh and prioritize risks.
The leftmost one is so hot jesus christ
This picture is my life goal
>no boys
you need at least one.
life pro-tip: they've all been BLACKED right under his nose
Thank you for your service, user.
You'd love for your fantasies to be true, wouldn't you? Fucking cuck
Youre living the dream desu.
>all in a green text.
;__; stop
>not having sex with your kids like a based dem supporter
>thinking your property is sage with just guns
>blissfully unaware of new super blacks
>engineered with raccoon DNA
>makes them smarter for stealing and attacking
>does not improve them any other way
>nigcoons pick your window locks and rape your wife and kids
>steal yo guns
not fantasies
t. sweden
go back to prepping the bull
hmmm...no big boobs though...
holy shit that id. Great job user
>thinks "be me" born in 9gag.
you are fucking disgrace roach.
>be me
>9fag turkroach not knowing meme texts originated on reddit.
>fucking love Sup Forums adopting the meme arrows