How likely Trump will win? Are the RCP polls truthful? Redpill me on elections

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>How likely Trump will win?
95%, give or take.

I asked for Trump's odds, not Putin's

He cannot lose

If he loses FL he will lose the whole thing right?

0%. You know the election is rigged and has been for the last decades, right?

Swede, you can't even handle your own shit, don't comment on others


If he Loses FL but Wins PA and MI he is fine. If he loses all three he is fucked. If he wins FL and one of the other two he is fine as well.


20%. People here are delusional

Kek says 99%
I trust Kek more than I trust the media.

maybe 40-45%

Pretty much. He needs Florida, but he might be able to get it. Problem is the Cubans are no longer redpilled, so we have a problem with spics voting. Then he'll need to have some big wins up north.

The jews have him at just below 30% chance of winning, last I checked. The path for Hillary is pretty clear but if the polls are fucked up, we could see some really interesting stuff.

Huffpo says 2%, no shit. Whatever you see againts Trump think the opposite.

Trump is not losing FL

All the polls show Hillary with a huge lead. She has a 100% chance of winning at this point. DRUMPF BTFO!

electoral college will decide hillary to win ,so he has no chance of winning

Take a guess.


I'm an actual wizard. Trump has a 90% chance of winning.

If Michigan goes red, he won. Frank Luntz is a #nevertrump too.

Forgot pic. We're winning, lads.

zero obama is going to get all of his sons to pull a coup in the military and in every state with a major airport like cali (lax) or atlanta (atl)

then he will declare himself kang and finish getting revenge on the gooks in hawiia. wasnt enough to feed paula 1 time he wants to be the black hitler

it just isnt fair that math is a mystery to black people . its black magic damn it how the fuck could any one know 4+5 =9

If he wins... great. If he loses... 4 years of non-stop autism focused 9001% on Hillary's every move.


Someone help me, im retarded. Is there literally anything stopping people from rigging the election?

The polls are inaccurate and biased towards the Democrat candidate. That's just a consequence of how polling works. They always assume this elections electorate will be similar to the last election's. It's hard to quantify Trump's odds, but I'd give him atleast a 60% chance.

>I'm retarded
We already knew lad

Nate Air is already saying "these polls are like no other year, they could be very inaccurate, for either candidate."

The biggest danger is Pennsylvania, as it's vote is entirely electric and has no paper trail. Expect legal challenges if the official results vary significantly from the exit polls.

Real talk he's fucked.

No women vote, Latinos having record turnout against him, traditional polls saying "lolk"

For what its worth, i didnt vote for Trudeau. does that grant me the benefit of doubt?


Trudeau is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote

>for either candidate

This is Nate whistling past the graveyard. Deep down he knows the bias is pro Democrat, which means the advantage goes to Trump with the polls this close.

I want Trump to win though, it's just that literally all the polling places would have to be wrong.

This ain't Brexit. Trump isn't even within striking range.

Are you the kid that peaked into the Channukah presents before it was time to light the candle?

Just vote, bring everyone you know to vote, wait, and see.

To be fair, the "muh weed" group is what pushed him into the office. That, and the less educated immigrants that were told the process would become easier


OK, I'll give you that.
It's actually hard for anyone to rig the election so massively that it would change the results in MOST areas. We have had many instances of voter fraud here but it has never been shown to swing the results in a modern US presidential election. That being said, that's only what we know.

Nate Gold?

You ask a question and I gave an answer. If you're gonna be rude about it you can suck my #bättrefolk dick.

Satan knows trump will win.

Literally all the polling places are wrong

Not sure how biased the Brexit polls were, but if you read the fine print on almost all of our polls there was a large oversampling of Democrats, plus most polls are based off 2012, I think we can all agree that the dynamics of 2012 and 2016 are in strong contrast with each other.

it's over for him


Nate Wood

drumpf is finished


I'm only voting for Hillary ironically.

If 100% of people voted for Hillary...Trump would still win.

the real main difference is Finland isn't overrun by muslims LMAO

genghis khan is awesome. he's better than all of the guys on the right combined times a thousand.

He might win, but then again, she could win.

Thats not Russia you dumb cunt



>last decades

good one

>the real main difference is Finland isn't overrun by muslims LMAO
Was that a joke?
Genghis Khan was not white, therefore he was shit.


pick one faggot. Another "we're to depressed to vote" Brexit Ass Blasting inbound for YOU!