I can't look guys, is Trump winning or losing?

I can't look guys, is Trump winning or losing?

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Landslide confirmed.

He's winning

he's losing. horribly.

Me too
Is he winning or losing?
I want to see he winning

We won't even know if it's close for a while

I cackled


winning BIG LEAGUE.

After tonight, I'll be sick of all the winning!

Any logical person would assume hes going to lose. The FBI, DOJ, and the media are against him. The entire left is against him. Pollsters who have 99% accuracy historically are against him with evidence to support it. What do Trump supporters have besides hope and feelings? Disclaimer: I want him to win but I see the futility of it.

Trump is winning.

Good balanced answers. WTF you can't believe anything here.

Obama played the race card, Hillary played the woman card, and now it's time for American people to play their TRUMP card.

We don't know. Check back at around 11pm when the West Coast is closed and you'll know. The rest of the time is pretty much just jerking off.

Probably an 75-80% chance she is winning, so don't get your hopes up.

Did the old kike finally passed?

11pm EST*

It's still early and it's mostly college fags, welfare niggers, and senior citizens voting right now. Once the employed people get out from work later, Trump will skyrocket.

Shitposting aside.

It doesn't look good.

Although, I'm relying on Sky News.

Consensus is he's going to get blown the fuck out. If he manages to get 200 electoral votes I'd be amazed.

The real race is for the senate. If the democrats take the senate back the GOP is pretty much fucked until 2020.

And i also want to see sjw close their mouth because of his win
They are disgusting

Win or Lose its gonna be BIGLY!

Reply to this post as much as possible to make sure people see it, everyone should know trump is an absolute maniac.

Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"

Trump's reaction to 9/11: Bragging that now he has the tallest building in down manhattan

Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".

Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.

Most republicans are still at work. Wont be able to vote until after 5pm. Be patient Sup Forums

Fuck off, Jew.

Why are you posting here jew, arent you bussy rigging the election?

Fucking Kike

I don't even know where to look for the preliminary results

fucking kill yourself

This. Consider the demographics of who is voting at what time. Employed people would vote later.


kek, at least when it comes to the UK when we say we're going to change shit, we actually do it. I didn't realise Americans were such doormats

I can no longer deny meme magic

hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahah fucking lost my shit

This is spooky!


Losing in all the important states.

Our guy is winning.

He is going to get crushed
>gif related

Nah, her skinsuit is irreparable and she needs a new one and new identity.

Holy kek, the meme magic never ends.

The meltdown is nigh


we literally will not know anything until 7 PM EST

any numbers you're seeing right now are estimates based on exit polling

my advice would be to just do some errands, watch a movie, get dinner, etc., until that time.


If Trump loses he's gonna crash Twitter.

who cares about WTC?
Most of the ones that worked there where globalist scums anyways

Slow and steady wins the race!

Republicans are extremely motivated and up early voting (which they usually lag in) while dems are down.

No u

Keku guide me

Or Stine

Holy shit lads.

H-have we gone too far?

Wish granted.

Probably trump rrrright?

BREAKING: Clinton was at 43.5 percent on November 4th and then her support started crashing to 41.8 on November 5th, to 40.5 percent on November 6th end up at 35.9 percent on November 7th.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has seen his support rise from a low of 37.1 percent on November 4th to 42 percent on November 7th.

The polling sample decreased as the polls were taken closer to election day but the trend is clear: Clinton is tanking and Trump is surging among likely voters.

Damn it kek ya gotta give me something here

you s-sure user?


Hillary is winning in this poll btw.

Well memed.

losing pretty hard

Why even post under an Isreali flag when you know you're gonna get slated and ignored

He never actually said that, right Sup Forums? Right?

Where can we watch the election results for non-cable fags?

I dgaf who wins but I plan on being wasted and I want to watch it happen live.

The election will be called around 11 pm eastern after its announced Hillary won Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida

Trump is winning bigly, fuck the exit polls
the day is not done

KEK Wills It!

landslide confirmed youtu.be/ogYZbUZV0yw

Where did she say this?

i dont know i need a neutral place to look.

TYT on youtube

ign.com apparently

run er' broadside, and send em to the briny deep argh argh argh argh!

>Most republicans are still at work. Wont be able to vote until after 5pm. Be patient Sup Forums
Most Trump supports are in the rust belt, with plenty of time to go to rallies on a weekday. They probably just can't scrape together bus fare to get to the poll


I've seen this picture since yesterday but I've never read the text.

>People don't realize it's proxy :^)
>tfw flag

Kek holy shit

speaking of, they probably have the mirai botnet on standby in case things get out of hand. i think that is its purpose, or one of them

>go to page
>open console (F12)
window.setInterval(function() {document.getElementById('trump').click()}, 10);

This will be the only time they get a view from me.


Quality post, really made me think.

>The universe at work


Look at my flag, faggot.