Post your friends reactions, posts, threats etc.
Show me the biggest crocodile tears you can possibly find.
Trump or Hiliary I don't care. I just want to see the hysteria.
Let's keep this rolling all day and into the night!
Post your friends reactions, posts, threats etc.
Show me the biggest crocodile tears you can possibly find.
Trump or Hiliary I don't care. I just want to see the hysteria.
Let's keep this rolling all day and into the night!
>my driver is a 45 year old black man
>Aside from my frustration that our two votes are equal in value
Seems a tad racist.
>do you even watch CNN???
>I'm officially nervous guys...
Why are all libs like this?
You mean to tell me black people's votes aren't worth 3/5ths? Wtf I love Trump now
Seems like something an alt-righter would say
>I'm voting for Hillary
>can't believe my vote is equal to that of a black person
Not really a meltdown, but all my liberal friends are acting weird
Never heard anyone saying that he won because he is mulatto.
There was literally no reason to note his race.
That makes me enjoy my vote so much more
hahahahhahahahahahahahaha fucking narcissist tranny. the cognitive dissonance in these people is amazing, hillary clinton takes millions from countries where that tranny would be stoned to death in a heart beat, yet trump is the problem.
wow this post is actually racist
Dykes deserve to suffer.
That's the idea, chucklefuck.
My favorite part of democrats is how insanely racist and bigoted they are while being utterly self-convinced they are literal angels on Earth.
I dont think i should be her friend anymore.
Based black lyft driver
If you burgers can get Trump elected and pull this off this is nothing compared to the avalanche of posts we've going to have over the next few hours.
yeah probably not
>White person angry that a black person's vote counts as much as his
Jesus, the Democrats never changed at all
I am done with social media and how dramatic people are despite them not doing anything. Its like these people spamming hotlines if you see corrupt. They want others to look for corruption because that's hard they will just click and share the number as if they did fucking anything.
"I'm excited about the potential to have our first female president....people will claim she only won bc she's a woman."
Wew, lass.
>I wanted to be excited about our first female president
>People will claim she only won because she's a woman
Gee, I wonder how anyone would come to that conclusion...
Something tells me this "woman" is really a man. Fucking degenerate.
>especially considering how new our right to vote is
what's 97 years anyway?
Why did you post this twice
how can you be pro muslim and pro lgbt?
>Lib being upset that the black mans vote doesn't count for 2/3 his own
hes a leaf, leave him be.
It's truly incredible to read. And these people think there's not a thing suspect with what they say/think.
holy fuck we need a purge
This isn't reddit, guy. You don't have to censor names.
>Im so scared of not being the center of attention anymore. Please ruin your country completely for ME.
The person is lying. They are only pro Muslim. Don't listen to a damn thing Muslims tell you.
>I'm frustrated my vote is equal to a black man
>wants the future to be female
>gives her daughter a male name
if that post is real you need to leave that person in the dust and never look back. A drama-maker like that can never bring anything good to your life.
lmao she sounds exactly like gang stalking retards
What has he said to show that? NOTHING, he is a fucking economic and anti-corruption nationalist.
Fucking narcissists.
>smile baby!
didn't those faggots get rekt by Burmese refugees?
He hasn't said he will do everything in his power to support them, ergo he is against them and their narcissism.
>smile, baby!
Bahahaha, fucking femicunts triggered
Super. Fucking. Gross.
forgot to get rid of name
fucking women are ruining this country.
remind me... why do they get to vote again?
he's frustrated his vote is equal with a black man's? What a racist.
Please kek..I need these liberal tears..please let trump win
Which name, Ziad Ahmed?
But Obama did win because he was black. Literally every black person who voted for him that I am aware of stated they voted for him because he was black.
>tfw super fucking gross
I wish I could vote for Trump after reading this.
I love how these anti-trump people present themselfves as intelligent, progressive and open minded. But in reality they have no fucking clue
Super. Fucking. Autistic.
I would post a good rant but I haven't saved to my desktop and I'm on mobile. So if this thread is still alive I'll post good ones.
>frustration that our votes are equal
Liberal logic
lol they were probs just waiting in line.
I had someone imply on my feed that someone being able to vote 3rd party is a privilege because they could "afford" to have a trump win, whereas the """underprivileged person""" couldn't because she had 'immigrant' family.
They have to fucking go back.
I deactivated mine 3 years ago but I'm planning to log back into it tonight after Trump wins.
It's boring as fuck. Giant essays about horseshit that doesn't exist.
Thanks Karl Marx.
OP here.
The guy who is posting my first pic is Middle Eastern.
Let that one sink in
I bet she wishes his vote was worth only 3/5s
getting flashbacks of brexit now
it was to portray that even the most unexpected people are voting trump
they thought blacks were safe!
Makes sense, they're actually really racist, mostly towards blacks.
There hasn't been a more glorious chance to vote directly against universal idiocy.
I can't wait for tomorrow I'll be swimming in liberal tears.
donald unironically likes gays more than hillary does
Your friend must work at Huffpost?
>Aside from my frustration that our two votes are equal in value"
sounds pretty racist
do these people even listen to themselves?
Progressives love minorities as long as they do exactly as they say.
Riley is unisex. I've known more women with that name than males.
I wish you had to be 30 to vote
>"it's so exciting that a woman might become president"
>"people shouldn't say that being a woman helped her become president in any way"
>in the same paragraph
I'd love to smear my vote all across this waste of air's face. Sadly, Pananigger.
I voted in Philadelphia today and the only people handing out stuff were old women. i don't know what these people are complaining about, most polling places around here are schools or libraries.
I have no idea what she does, haven't talked to her in years.
These next four are all the same person
I'm really looking forward to a few livestreamed SJW suicides after the election is called for Trump
Boston here, can confirm.
Voted earlier in Dorchester to a TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP chant in the line.
Everyone in my house voted Trump.
We're just doing our part to make America great again.
bitch I'm gayer than aids, and both me and my husband are voting for him.
& pay taxes
At least that's one less Clinton vote to worry about. You should comment that on this post.
>This black man is voting for someone different than me
>His vote should count for less
>believing everything we see in the media
Jesus FUCK the complete lack of self awareness makes me want to kill these people.