Did you bother to vote for trump even though you live in a perpetual blue state?

Did you bother to vote for trump even though you live in a perpetual blue state?

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I voted hillary in the perpetual red state of texas, so do what you want.

Can't turn the Blue states Red unless you vote Oregon user

you sound like a defeatist

So do vote counts even matter or is who wins simply based on who wins the most states?

neither states nor votes, but electoral college.

I voted for trump in washington

I did bother.


They can never go red if you don't vote red, user. I voted in CA today.

Illegals shouldn't be able to vote

New Yorker here

Oregon and Northern California are red as fuck even though Portland and overall California culture makes all the West Coast turn blue as a whole.

California 95% will never turn red, Washington 99%

But don't count out Oregon, Oregon always has the chance to go red, obviously not a chance like PA or FL, but still a damn good chance

Wyden is a pimp. Fuck you.

I think Oregon was +8 Hillary last I checked.
That's pretty red for us.

>tfw the last round of redistricting put me from a competitive house race into a solid Dem seat
Still turned out, ended up voting for le Aleppo weedman and no on most of the propositions.

Voted Trump
MAGA or Bust

lel i voted for Hilldog and measure 97. there was another ballot measure on there i didn't even read, i just saw that it levied yet another property tax so i bubbled in YES.

IDGAF, son!

>California groans internally

If it weren't for all the Chicago niggers Illinois would be a solid red state every time.


I did
I went for a run and just ended it near the polling place
>tfw I'll be fit for WWIII if hillary wins

You're goddamn right I voted Trump

Voted for trump and bud.

I live in MD and there were so many Hilary supporters handing out pamphlets and shit, this state is a lost cause

Washington state voted Trump here. As did my wife and everyone I work with.

Yep. I did in WA. I'm a registered dem, too. FUCK HILLARY

Califag here I voted today


It is important to vote red ESPECIALLY if you live in a blue state.

hell yeah i did!


Sec of State - Dennis Richardson

Measure 97 - NO
Measure 96 - Yes
Measure 98 - Yes
Measure 99 - Yes

all other votes for republican

Good job on 97. The Dems here in Oregon will stop at nothing to take what isn't theirs.

You should vote regardless, Kesey.

Yes. I voted for my town council too.

Think Global. Act Local.

I wish new york wasn't so full of faggots

I voted but I doubt the retards of NYC will ever let anything thats positive ever happen

New York was a mistake

Neat, I voted NO on 97 too! Did you vote yes on the marijuana sales tax? Because I can't remember which measure number they were.
Nothing but human trash moving up here for the legal weed.

NY here, proudly voted Trump.

Me too!

yes you faggot, go vote for Trump AND your senators you dumb cuck

that's just one more reason why you should vote retard

You're a fucking disgusting human being. Despite all the corruption that has been revealed about Hillary Clinton, you still vote for her. Just fucking die.



You should have voted no on all taxes. I'm done with these fucks in Oregon always trying to weasel their way into others pockets. A tax on weed is an abnormal tax. Its a tax other businesses don't have to pay. Say no to city taxes. The government needs to receive less money people. Their over reach needs to struggle.


Voted in primaries and the general

Just voted Trump here in Los Angeles.
Plenty of people yelling MAGA and Trump as they drove away
No shirts or anything because of electioneering laws

Oregon native here.

Voted Hillary two weeks ago mail in ballot. Green Party everywhere else I could.

i dont remember seeing that on my ballot. could have been a county one. but i also filled mine out a couple weeks ago when i got it.

some of the measures redirect lottery funds, and arent really taxes

Weed already has a 20% sales tax. That's worse than my APR.

Going out to vote for Trump in California later. I don't give a fuck and neither should anyone else.

Nigger I live in CA.

Of Course I voted Trump.

Cook County IL here. Voted for Trumperino.

>Oregon ... red as fuck
>even though Portland ... makes all the West Coast turn blue
According to the 2014 census, Oregon had a population of 3.97 million people, with Portland having something like 600k, and the Portland metro area having ~2.3 million people. Most of Oregon lives around Portland.

theres also those fucks down in Eugina

Same here user, I don't care if anyone else thinks it's pointless.

it's filled with niggers and spics

I live in Chicago, me and my entire family voted Trump earlier

same here boys

thats just not true

you need to wait for the generation of dem voters to die off because nothing will change them

tory heart land here, in 25 years they have never gotten less than 70%. a cold winter may kill off many of these old tories though.

Just voted in California. Took five minutes so why not?

I voted trump

minnesota fag here voted for trump this morning

Yes, I also voted no on measure 97


Mass fag here. Went in hot; took heavy fire; never had a chance; MAGA

Leaf is right, you need to buy a helium tank

i did...

Name one corrupt thing. One.

KOIN last night was reporting a crushing loss expected for 97

Michigan fag here. Damn fucking straight I did. The landslide isn't going to win itself.

who are liberal because it's a college town

you pretty much have to go east of the cascades for oregon to be red and that's because they're all a bunch of farmers and rednecks i.e. minority

>Lives in Beaverton
>Supported Bernie
>Voted Trump

did my part to turn WA red

ccc All posts like this are designed to waste your time to stop you from voting, go vote Trump, if you already voted, go post this comment in all non-voting related threads like this one. MAGA

>implying the polling booths today are only about the presidental election

There's a lot of other shit to vote on, so you should be voting anyway

Shut up goy

Ca for Trump here. I wanna see all the nu males cry

Yes, it'll still pad his stats.

If you could read you'd see everyone in here has or is planning to vote like real patriots. Partisan be damned.

Linn county still has the 1980's war on drugs mentality. If they allow it in Lebanon, the city wants a cut.

Seattle fag, yep to be honest never voted before and I am 37.
I owed it to Trump for what he did, funny thing is I didn't tell my wife how to vote but she saw through and also voted Trump.
Fag , reporting in ....out

You didn't see it on the ballot because it was Tualatin city specific weed sales tax. I voted no on it. Fuck taxes.

Eugene here, voted Trump. I want to see what the SJWs and Hipsters do when Trump wins.

My girlfriend and I both voted Trump in Washington. I honestly hardly know any Trump supporters other than a couple close friends and family. Washington will go blue undoubtedly go blue.




Fuck the people's republic of Portland, Salem, and Eugene.

Californian moved to Oregon very liberal town all former Californians. We are all voting Hillary to teach Oregon a lesson. This is our state now a blue state.

fuck off to another place, oregon is not worth your time.

Coos county?

I had 5 weed related votes. North Marion.

Once I get more Californians to buy my real estate developments here. I will move to develop my other properties in Idaho. Next election that state will be blue too.

Lane county, actually. Tired of seeing Eugene and Cali trash moving into Springtucky

You could say that about most states

>This is our state now a blue state.

Literal scum.

No difference between you and the rapefugees.

Oregon fag. Me and my mother both voted Trump

had to stop in Eugene the other day on my way up to Corvallis

roads are a clusterfuck. too many fucking people

Doesn't help that LTD is STILL working on that fucking EMX line nobody wants or voted for.

The government is already moving thousands of refugees to Idaho. Local churches are making money from it.

>live in Medford, Oregon
>Most red city in the entire state
>but because of Libcuckland in the north we're always blue

yeah no thanks, I'll stick to small towns like roseburg and the coast.

small towns are also pretty conservative (as conservative as liberal oregon can get)

The only people I talk too in Oregon that complain about Californians are former Californians.

Medford will be blue this election. it's full of people who cannot afford to live in Ashland. You will loose all access to the expansion of the siskyiou national monument.

Trump for Colorado here, maybe the libs are complacent enough to shake shit up, but I doubt it.