What is Sup Forums's opinion on communism?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on communism?
Ask yourself what Hitler's opinion was on communism and you just answered your question
a scam to allow the kikes to use a native population as farms
>Be Communist
>Starve to death
They lost
Oh boy here we go.
Just let me grab that popcorn.
Never been really tried.
>What is Sup Forums's opinion on communism?
It's something that a lump of shit looks at at feels better about itself
Marx was a filthy kike
His ideology is absolute garbage
Anyone who unironically advocates for it should be gassed
However...Stalin was a pretty Swag fella
unachievable utopia
only real answer
It's a fantastic album.
Seems to be working fine in China right now. The 21st century belongs to China. America is done for.
>Keep population under control because idiots want to have a ton of kids
>It is a crime to offend the well being of the state
>SJWs go missing overnight
>Gays and transgendered are sufficiently oppressed
Only works on a small scale
e.g. island with a small community
Fails when you're taking about a society
with millions of people in many industries.
A good commie is a dead commie
Anyone who doesn't look at commies with absolute disgust need to head to the gulags.
Remove the jew from communism and it can work, especially with all the technology we have now.
The whole point of communism was to manipulate the working class to the service of a small ruling class. It was the first pass at what has become the globalist body politique after over a hundred years of trial and error and intellectual refinement.
The reality of a communist state was never intended to be tenable, it's a Platonic Republic-style myth meant to feed a utopian fable to the gullible working class in order to compel a revolutionary spirit and subsequent obedience to the commissary ruling class. The final form of communism is a democracy in which the public actively votes against their own self-interest and a small group become the beneficiaries of their blind faith in a set of ideological principles which don't exist in reality.
china isnt communist anymore, user
since a long time.
It's a blueprint for world domination. A fucking smart one at that but America did a fine job snuffing it and it's false and skewed ideology.
They say they're against communism but they do everything they can to keep it alive.
As expected of soft socialists.