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Hundred years are almost up,
And the world might go follow suit.
But there are still fights to be fought,
Deaths to die, and a mystery to solve...

This is-
Moore & O'Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Thread #4

Other urls found in this thread:

And here we go...





She helped out, I'm taking that as license to call her a member of this League.

So we're only missing two members.



>annotations haven't reached here

aw dammit


That sucks. Try the wiki, it's done a good job with at least the cameos.

The easy ones are that Terner is from the movie Performance and Jackie-Boy is from Get Carter.
Rutles are a Beatles parody...and the rest escapes me somewhat.






nvm found them

reading all these makes me want someone to go out and do american versions of this (tho that's planetary isn't it)



Yeah, that's Planetary.
But apparently Volume 4 next year is meant to touch more on US stuff.

2009 only does it very tangentially.



reading the annotations and i was close on the rock stars but would never have gotten all the british schoolboy stuff

the US probably doesn't have enough public domain stuff. and i dont' expect much lovecraft bc of Providence.

I would love to see Moore's' take on the dark romance stuff, hawthorne, melville.

Alright, here's a weird thing about the first panel that I actually think I know. I'll spoiler it in case no one's seen the Great Dictator.

But in that film, where Hynkel and the Double Cross come from, Chaplin's protagonist "The Jewish Barber" switches places with Hynkel, so Hynkel ends up in a concentration camp and he ends up as Dictator of Tomania.
Since that man looks like Hynkel, maybe the Jewish Barber accidentally ended up paralleling Hitler's death due to the mistaken identity. Allowing for Hynkel to still be alive,
but now just a civillian.

Twisty huh?

Actually, reading this all through - I think Volume 4 is definitely going to be Lovecraft stuff.

The way they keep saying "strange new aeon" and a few lines near the end of this chapter.




yeah i guess it makes sense, (i'm actually reading the first thread and lurking here) with some of the stuff with Quartermain's drug trip in that very first text piece.

tho I expect lots of Derry Maine and surrounding area stuff. (tfw some lovecraftian entity is trying to break the beams)


Oh definitely. I doubt this would end up as completely devastating as Providence.

I think it'll be more Derleth in tone.






Shut it, Orlando.
Norton's cool.




















Time for some tunes.

Moore was very creative in re-writing this song, I must say.
















That wasn't the end of 1969, but I'm saving those last pages until after this.





This guy....this guy is fucking based.



















