Question for nostalgiafags, which era of Nickelodeon did you grow up in?

Question for nostalgiafags, which era of Nickelodeon did you grow up in?

1979-1990 The early very obscure age
1991-1997 the golden age
1998-2005 the silver age
2005-2009 the bronze age aka the endless reruns of SpongeBob age, Nick Studios closed
2009-present the modern age aka endless SpongeBob rerun age part ii

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Silver and very early bronze. Stopped after the Best Day Ever marathon because I knew they prioritised SpongeBob waaaay too much by that point.

So wait, they had that same marathon in the UK too? (you said "prioritised") Huh, that's odd. TV channels usually don't share marathons, of all things, internationally.


The second half of silver and the first half of bronze.
I fucking loved SpongeBob(even after the movie) so the reruns didn't bother me

I change between z and s whenever I feel. I’m Canadian, but my TV had American Nick for some reason.

Born '85, watched Nickelodeon '90 to '98ish, I look back most fondly on Pete and Pete, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko, and Nick at Night in general. Later on heading into the late 90s and early 2000s I was more into Cartoon Network

Was it pirated cable?

Gold and silver age. I think I stopped when All Grown Up started airing. The premise was stupid and just couldn't get into it.

Silver/bronze for me. Danny Phantom, MLaaTR, Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob were basically the holy quartet for me as a kid. I never minded the SB reruns.