Question for nostalgiafags, which era of Nickelodeon did you grow up in?
1979-1990 The early very obscure age 1991-1997 the golden age 1998-2005 the silver age 2005-2009 the bronze age aka the endless reruns of SpongeBob age, Nick Studios closed 2009-present the modern age aka endless SpongeBob rerun age part ii
Silver and very early bronze. Stopped after the Best Day Ever marathon because I knew they prioritised SpongeBob waaaay too much by that point.
Nicholas Howard
So wait, they had that same marathon in the UK too? (you said "prioritised") Huh, that's odd. TV channels usually don't share marathons, of all things, internationally.
David Morgan
Lincoln Butler
The second half of silver and the first half of bronze. I fucking loved SpongeBob(even after the movie) so the reruns didn't bother me
Robert Cox
I change between z and s whenever I feel. I’m Canadian, but my TV had American Nick for some reason.
Nathaniel Thomas
Born '85, watched Nickelodeon '90 to '98ish, I look back most fondly on Pete and Pete, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko, and Nick at Night in general. Later on heading into the late 90s and early 2000s I was more into Cartoon Network
Jayden Watson
Was it pirated cable?
Samuel Robinson
Gold and silver age. I think I stopped when All Grown Up started airing. The premise was stupid and just couldn't get into it.
Jacob Barnes
Silver/bronze for me. Danny Phantom, MLaaTR, Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob were basically the holy quartet for me as a kid. I never minded the SB reruns.
Luis Thomas
Silver and bronze. Got plenty of reruns of the golden age tho
Colton Mitchell
Late golden, entirety of silver, stopped watching a bit after the start of bronze.
James Garcia
Early and obscure. I used to watch Danger Mouse and YCDTOTV after school every day.
Joshua Smith
Late Obscure, Golden, and early Silver.
I see a lot of Silver and Bronzes here. You hooligans probably think you know Nickelodeon. Anyone too young to have watched Rocko's Modern Life when it was still being made should get the hell off my damn porch.
Hudson Brown
Silver age and a little bit of bronze. Stopped when Naked Brothers Band became a thing.
Lincoln Gray
Most of the silver age, a little of bronze. I also think Silver > Gold. But i might be biased.
Some of those played until 2004 thankfully, so silver age kids saw them too.
Isaiah Young
I remember people on internet forums hating the silver age(jimmy neutron, pre-movie spongebob, fairly oddparents) at the time but now people who grew up in it have a strong presence online.
Adrian Cruz
Same here. I still despise Jimmy Neutron and Fairy Odd Parents. I never hated Spongebob but then I never tried watching it either.
Grayson Cooper
Golden Age here, only I watched it on a different channel in a different country (ZAZ).
Aiden Ramirez
2000 to whenever Avatar ended
Leo Allen
Grew up in the silver age, was allowed to watch most shows on nick but some were banned because of my strict cunt mother. Got to watch teenage robot though, jenny was one of my first waifus. Got around to watching CN around 2007, still watched nick but i liked nicktoons alot better at the time. Shame nicktoons bascially became a shell of its former self, and even nicks basically cut back on all the animation. And dont get me started about the fucking trainwreck that is CN. It fucking kills me knowing that secret show and kappa mikey were on a fucking decade ago
Charles Sanders
Latest years of golden and all of the silver age.
Adam Morales
Brayden Martin
'91-'05 Pete and Pete Rocko Global Guts Figure it Out Kenan and Kel Inside Eddie Johnson Angry Beavers Aaahh! Real Monsters Clarissa
I can still the old announcer's voice in my head.
Caleb Ward
The Golden Age/Silver Age. Even got my parents to buy the Nickelodeon magazine for me.
Angel Russell
Born in 1990 here. My sister was older and liked Nickelodeon so I watched the entirety of the golden age pretty much, switching over to Cartoon Network in 1997 when my sister grew out of watching cartoons and I was old enough to watch TV on my own.
I never watched Spongebob beyond a couple of episodes and the movie.
Hudson Rodriguez
Golden and Silver. I was born in 1989 but I still remember some of the extremely old (to today's standards) bumpers, Looney Tunes being on Nick, etc.
I'd give anything to go back for one more day.
Kevin Watson
>I never watched Spongebob beyond a couple of episodes and the movie. What the fuck are you doing nigga, get watcheming seasons 2-3
Jose Morgan
>Nickelodeon show >Banned Was it Are You Afraid of The Dark or Alex Mack?
I can't think of anything else that possibly could be.
Camden Reyes
Golden mostly and Silver (I think). What hit shows were around during Silver again?
John Walker
Rocket power, my life as a teenage robot, catdog, pre movie spongebob, pre channel chasers fairly oddparents, second half of Hey Arnold, beginning of Danny phantom, beginning of avatar
Jaxon Edwards
Ah okay then yeah Golden and Silver definitely. I started during the days of Ren, Rocko, Real Monsters, etc. and followed through Avatar and Teenage Robot but stopped long before Korra was a thing.