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does he hate trump?
seems like the type
he's not pro trump, but him on alex jones on election day is awesome.
he's so anti-establishment that he doesn't care about the position of president anymore.
He wants to get rid of all the senators and all the congressmen who will probably get re-elected today.
To educate everyone on how economic policy works, on how money works
yes, i would like to have a ron paul, but that's not gonna happen. the next best thing is trump
Ron Paul. A man, unable to compromise, and who will never and would never have actual political power and therefore change nothing. But at least he could tell himself he remained pure. And he still dreams about taking over the "intellectual sphere" which is almost entirely in the hands of the left for decades.
No wonder the libertarian party never took off.
Libertarian party has become the FDP
An impotent meme party then. But I think they are even weaker than the FDP, because the FDP actually has a chance to get back into parliament in 2017. Unlike a leppo.
ron paul is a non adaptable lolbergtarian
no wonder he lost.
Damn... my internet crashes evrry minutes for 2 minutes. missed half of it already and already have 3 ID's in this thread
Paul has influenced countless people,and many politicians. I personally thank him for being so stubborn and uncompromising, he's woken me up to the keynesians.
>Ron Paul. A man, unable to compromise
This interview in a nutshell. Alex keeps trying to get him to agree on stuff and wont lol.
>at least he could tell himself he remained pure
>non adaptable lolbergtarian
Please Explain?
Why cant he just fucking endorse trump already? Jesus,,
Cut the crap old man, is it happening or not????
this, principles are for faggots
He didn't endorse Trump. Fuck him.
with FDP it mostly comes down to with whom they are form a coalition. Always on popular topics. Like a Leppo Johnsons Libertarian party.
(You)r standards have just fallen too low. Ron Paul is basically a reincarnation of America's founding fathers.
People of all countries should study the writings of Jefferson and Madison concerning the role of government.
this guy is annoying as fuck, stop interrupting
This kinda
That's what he's talking about all the time. About his uncompromising stance and not giving in on anything.
>Alex will never Smash your boihole
also waterfilters
based old man
I can't believe Americans didn't elect him back in the day
They fucked him in the primary.
If we had a genuine strong libertarian party this would be a good thing, but we have a different situation here.
>Too young to remember Ron Paul
I can't wait for this election to be over. This place is literally turning into reddit.
Then your country has nothing to do with the founding fathers anymore, because he got like what - one state total when he ran? Or wasn't it not even one?
There's a reason why it's neither Ron Paul nore David Duke up there. And if you can't even endorse someone like Trump in this position, well, then shut up, sit on the sideline and watch the right stuff MAGA.
Eternal opposition party is something that the communists love in my country, because it comes with comfy positions, too, which are paid not too badly.
we all wanted him but they fucked him in the primary
they'd have done the same to trump but he's a fighter and by that time the ron paul movement + tea party was all for him
D-did alex just say hes paid for abortionS (plural)
Wtf dude!?!?!?!
Whats the story behind that??
Was the last chance we had to MAGA. Rip paul.
In his younger days when he was a fuck monster
Paul was the hero amerifats needed but did not deserve. Farage is the british Paul
Did i miss paul?
Paul is a fucking joke. anybody who just heard that understands that now.
Keep this limp dick faggot off my Sup Forums
yes, already over.
you missed it, just ended
>Then your country has nothing to do with the founding fathers anymore
That's definitely true but most (intelligent) Americans know RP got hosed in the primaries. Even liberals were outraged about it.
There are YT videos where people count the RP voters entering the ballot centers and the number of votes counted for RP would be less than half of the actual people there.
There are college towns all over the country that weren't counted AT ALL in the primaries.
I don't know if he would've won the general, but RP likely would have taken the primary if the MSM and GOP didn't actively attempt to ruin him or ignore him.
i also missed half of it, because of shitty internet.
It will be uploaded by them.
It probably won't feel that magical
>my Sup Forums
Please reddit, go home.
>tfw comfy ron paul era Sup Forums will never come back
>missed Paul
Though if I had to guess it would have been the same shit he's been saying on the liberty reports.
>yfw President Trump has Granpa Ron make a state-funded and distributed video series on liberty and economic policy that is broadcast daily on PBS and CSPAN
Sadly, this.
no way
I dont care i just want to meme about trump
he's a loser, always has been always will be.
not to mention a hypocrite and a nepotist.
>hates gubmint
>works in it all his life and gets his family cushy positions too
Hello r eddit
He is absolutely a demoralizing prick.
He literally told people voting makes no sense. How could it get more demoralized than this?
He's just a senile old man with the dreams of a teenager.
He lost because the media was against him.
Ron Paul is God.
I remember Ron very well, but if he endorsed Trump, we would have half of weedman's supporters
Increasingly ineffective man ask you to buy gold for 7th time this year.
>Why can't ron paul, someone clearly against all the aggressive occupations of the United States, not side with someone who wants to up military spending????
user, I...
Maybe he does it, because he is too old now. He won't take any office ever anyway. But he refused to say even a single positive word about Trump. That's pretty low tbqh. Might be butthurt, because Randlet lost against him badly.
Because he is running against Hillary Clinton. And it's either him or her. There is no other alternative in this reality.
>you have to pick between the two major candidates!
Fuck you germany. Just fuck off.
That is exactly Paul's point.
He would rather you stick to your principles rather than vote for who will do the least amount of damage.
>Might be butthurt, because Randlet lost against him
And I think that's why he's telling people not to vote. Ha, too easy, when his or his son are not running, elections are useless. Fuck him. And all his mindless fans who think the same and think they're so edgy to believe that the govt doesn't have any power on them bcuz theyr liburteriens XDXD while the feds are crushing them with basically their own approval.
Like Sandernistas who couldn't stop screaming about muh revolution while having never ever touched a firearm or any other weapons.
ron pauls reality doesn't work when there's a bunch of shit skins and jews that hate your guts
utopias dont wrok.. get on the train!
Paul is what the Republican Party needs to be for millennials are further generations. He is no doubt ahead of his time, but he will be the greatest inspiration for the saviors of the Republican Party in 20 years or so. Just wait, he knows he's already passed the torch.
Hating BIG government is not the same as hating the government, dipshit.
He tried to become president and explained the true meaning of liberty to millions of Americans along the way.
Unfortunately the fervor he inspired already died off and our generation is now comprised of people who want anti-democratic socialism or authoritarianism.
I hope Trump wins today but only because he would cause such political turmoil that we may see a third party candidate in our lifetimes. If Hillary wins, the two party system with chug along with another 16 years at least.
Exactly what he and his libertardian fans don't get. Good luck having latinos and blacks buying into your ideas. Even if they did they wouldn't last an hour.
>supporting the anti free market candidate
No way
Yes, you do. The others are completely irrelevant and affect nothing.
And that's the recipe for letting your real political enemy take the power.
Did he just ask for Trump supporter to fraud and hack the voting machines ?
If Hillary gets 8 years and gives amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants it is the END of libertarianism in America and probably anything remotely republican. The more you turn into South America, the more you act and are like South America.
When's he on?
I just see a Water Filter Salesman
Dilution of principals is what got us into this mess you cucked kraut.
Dude, if Hillary wins the Republicans are toast. Texas will turn blue and that's the end of it.
Granted the Republicans are absolute shit, but the mirage will be gone and it'll be a one party state beyond 2020. Trump is literally the last "peaceful" option.
Paul cucked out today but he's always been an unrealistic, immature faggot. Yeah, his anti-war shit was good in 2008, but that was a no brainer for anybody with any sense. The rest of his bullshit is literally teenage angst tier.
>you're breaking the matrix
More like dilution of borders, you dumb leaf.
>Sittin' next to Hillary smellin' like dank
How the fuck have I gotten to point that I'm watching Infowars?
Ever since I was a kid I thought they were the reptilian believers, alien probing truthers, and now I legitimately prefer them over mainstream media...
Ron paul would easily beat clinton.
Open borders faggot.
Never trust a guy with two first names
finally probiotics finally
Nnoooo immigration policies are too much govt!!!
My religion is freedom
My country is PLANET EARTH
best posts
Good Goysssss...
I disagree. If Hillary wins, the GOP will come out with the "Anti-Trump" Huckabee candidate next round. If Trump wins, the party will dissolve.
RP wants to restore the constitution and the original idea of what America should be. He's not an idiot, he knew even if we won it wouldn't happen in his presidency but that's not the point. You have to put these ideas into the heads of the American people. If you settle for less, you'll make no progress.
You're the ones constantly talking about Trump throwing big crazy ideas out there because he's a master of negotiations. RP is doing the same thing and you dipshits are too memed to understand it.
Cuz he has conviction and stays true to himself
>splits hairs over a synonym
>end up agreeing with me
Well done.
He also didn't endorse Romney for you youngfags on here (almost all of you).
It's disgusting how many of you want RP to cuck out like Bernie
>Hey guys even though you conspired against me to the detriment of the country and democracy in general, I'm gonna go ahead and kiss your butthole. Please don't shit down my throat again this time!
the millenials are more socialist then ever, there were literally people going from ron to bernie, they're retards and won't vote for a real constitutionalist
Someone like Ron Paul will never win if he is sincere about his opinions, too many people dependent on government or mentally cucked for that
>It's disgusting how many of you want RP to cuck out like Bernie
Excellent post
I'm not mad at Paul for not endorsing Trump. He's just wrong. For the right reasons.