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And what the fuck am I looking at you dumb phoneposter
He's pressing Trump and it's selecting Clinton you silly goose nice waste of trips btw
Nice get bro
That's one dirty finger, don't tell me Indians still use their hands.
This happened to me but not on the presidential.
You press the selected one and it will go back to neutral then try to select yours.
Oh, the laser pointer is the supposed mark. Got it
check these as well
His finger is way above the button ya dingus.
Machine senses minority finger and automatically selects blue team
PA voter here... That dumb fuck is pushing the wrong part of the ballot. You have to hit the little number in the lower right hand corner.
Make what you will of this.
>take still picture
>doesn't show him pressing the button for hillary
Its from some attention seeking nigger on twitter, I voted on the same machine type in PA and he is not pressing where the button is.
That is messed up...
What the fuck kind of voting booth is this?
Also, have the Dems offered any kind of explanation for this kind of shit? I've heard it's been happening a lot and the media hasn't said shit, and nobody is offering any explanations.
Wouldn't you just report that as soon as it happened?
i think the problem is you can't select 2 people, if he hit the Hillary button again it would unlight then he could select trump
why would you record yourself breaking the law?
civil war incoming if they don't offer a good explanation
Are they serious? Why would they rig the machines so obviously? Wouldn't it be better to have some hidden mechanisms turn every 5th or 6th vote to Hillary?
Regardless, we need to collect those and upload them on YT as well as send each and every one to every media outlet there is.
rofl it's in spanish?
Classic American technology.
He did, and they "fixed" it.
>documented at least a dozen times
>clear video and photos
>media hasnt dsaid a goddamn thing about it
>no one is talking about it
the fuck?
Is he just not pressing where the button is?
Funny how they're never defective in Trump's favor.
Revolution ain't never gonna televise
this dumb nigger is too stupid to reset his selection before changing his choice
>media hasn't said a thing about it
I heard them talking about it on CNN like 15 minutes ago
Funny how the man who owns that company is a big democrat who loves HRC
>unironically being so retarded you fail to realize that this and all other images like it are fake (and also a 2008 Simpson gag)
If you were to rig the voting machines, you wouldn't make the person voting aware that it was rigged. It'd just display as if you voted for Trump then register as a Hillary vote
Rigged. This is evidence.
>pressing anywhere but the little box for Donald Trump registers it as a vote for Hillary
>press Hillary button
>press all around the Trump button without actually hitting anything
These people are really desperate.
trump supporters will lose because they are too stupid to register to vote, too stupid to vote at the correct location, or too stupid to vote properly
Full version is a gift. You clearly see him press Trump/Pence 10 times and it doesn't light up, instead Clinton/Caine lights up.
It really looks like he presses 2 specific places where it won't register. It probably works and he just intentionally tries to make it look like somethings wrong but it's actually just him avoiding the button.
sure, a reasonable sane man would not lose his mind over this
ahahhahaha LAND OF THE FREE
You have no clue what "voter fraud" means, do you?
"Blacks don't for trump"
>russian superhackers are trying to subvert our democratic integrity
>but lets just subject our entire electoral process to a bunch of faulty electronic shit
400 pounder here, gonna have a field day hacking into the memeframe tonight
The light up isn't a response to the touch. There's a light projecting down onto the ballot. He's memeing you
>everybody hit trump it just put hillarys name lol i got em dawg
>doesn't actually press the button
What a little faggot
This is why you should stick with pen and paper
>brown hand
into the gas chamber he goes
>this is how the people of the greatest country on earth vote
He actually votes for Trump.
and there is NO WAY for you, the officials running the election, or the crooks manufacturing the voting machines to EVER PROVE OTHERWISE
Why do you have a fucking hand tattoo?
>Brown skin
>tattoo on hand
>trying to vote Trump but the system won't let him
What does this mean?
Ok I'm in PA and this is how it works
If healready hit Hillary and it's lit he has to press it again then hit a new vote.
It looks shady but they can also reset all of it if you screw up.
My dad is going senile and they had to reset his a few times
He voted Trump
>civil war incoming
Sounds right
>i saw it on tv so obviously someone got the idea from there
you're so helplessly brainwashed
oh boy
Drumpfkins getting their excuses in early I see
Can someone explain to me why they even have computers to vote? it should be fucking illegal to have voting machines whats wrong with just having a piece of paper that you can fill out with a pen? may take longer to count the votes but I rather have that than this shit.
Fucking hell ...
The less tech savvy probably wouldn't even be aware to check and make sure the correct light went up.
>durrrr how do I hit button
>do I click the name of the president?
>naw I'll hit everything around it
Drumpkin are getting desperate.
So glad we had paper ballots in my county in MI.
It's not rigged Sven, well it might be but I'll walk you through it.
The button is lit because he already pushed it, he has to push it again to un light the vote then pick Trump, which would then light up.
Notice the ones under it that he didn't vote yet are blinking.
It's just an uncalibrated touch screen. I bet if you tapped the box to the right of Trump, it would select Trump.
Those in power are going to rig the election, but they aren't so god damn stupid to do it in this manner. They're just going to manipulate the final results behind closed doors.
>Instructions in hispanic
How can it still be called United States of America?
Get a paper ballot
dont bother man, no one here wants to know that OPs webm is just some faggot desperately trying to make it seems as if his voting machine has been rigged, every one here wants to go with the "ITS RIGGEDDDD" meme because trump has been saying that its rigged for months.
This makes me feel a little better.
Simpsons did it
US voter turnout has been plummeting for decades and they've resorted to all sorts of silly methods to try and make voting more convenient and appealing for the average citizen. Machine booths are supposed to be easier and more convenient, but of course you get shit like this.
>Portuguese poster
>asking why he has a hand tattoo while voting for a Candidate
Have you seen the emails? They do not understand the concept of subtlety
He's a fucking retard
You can't vote for two people, so if you misselect you then have to deselect Clinton before you can select Trump
why do the USA presidental election's ballots have instructions in spanish?
are you really that cucked?
how many years until the USA is a latinamerican country?
Literally pressing everywhere but where the button actually is.
Opps they released the pre determined results a little early.
so the illegals can vote democrat o' course silly
We genuinely do not live in a free country
[Charm Point] Otokonoko LIFE [English]
I will admit it is alittle confusing that you can't switch votes but you have to select it AGAIN to unselect the vote than vote again.
I hate these stupid machines anyway. Anything that doesn't have a paper trail is shady as fuck in my book.
Any time our government does anything with technology it's a disaster.
During law school, I had an unpaid internship with the DOJ, which required that I pass a security clearance, including a background check and fingerprinting. Unfortunately for me, someone hacked that database while I was there and stole all my (and other interns) private information.
The the DOJ offered us free identity theft protection services for a year, but I started getting billed for it after the first month.
The government is totally, hopelessly incompetent.
In nevada when you vote there's this reel of paper protected by glass next to the touchscreen that reviews your choices, when you cast the ballot it prints a timestamp and some other barcode shit on it.
This. Also, why doesn't he choose another candidate?
It's easier to count it. The machine does the counting automatically as it's pressed.
The real reason US voter turn out is plummeting is because no one falls for that bullshit anymore. Most people realise that their vote doesn't mean shit. (Trump is the one time when they DO realise).
US voter turnout has never really been that high to begin with. The entire reason we have an electoral college is because the Founding Fathers knew the average American voter was retarded as fuck and was completely ignorant on matters of politics and government.
In fact, the voter turnout has risen in recent years because of the convenience of modern voting booths and an increased number of them.
In pasty years, the only people that voted were upper- or upper-middle-class white people.
I don't think electronic voting should be a thing. Even if the code were GPL'd, how could one tell if the machine actually is running that code?
>Anything that doesn't have a paper trail is shady as fuck
thats how we felt with bush v gore
Come on, their lead "IT" guy asked on reddit how to delete emails.
They probably outsourced the rigging to pajeet, who poo'd in it.
you guys don't have buttons up there? you can't just push anywhere and expect your will to be enacted. you have to push the button just like when you post.
fuck off I'm sure some British documents are printed in Scots or Welsh too
Nothing to do with soros. Stupid people just donät know how to vote.