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I'll believe it when Breitbart reports it


Are these just estimates like the Slate shit people keep spamming?


Go eat a potato

Shill alert. Very biased just from looking at the numbers.

Exit polls

While Vice is shit what you just said was pretty fucking retarded.

If those numbers turn out as true it will be the happiest day of my life. Just imagine the tears from Sup Forums, the_dolan and the cheetoman himself. Those tears will sustain me for ages to come.

Yes indeed, voting numbers in elections are biased towards one candidate, and that candidate who the numbers are biased in favour of wins! Pretty neat huh?


No fucking shit. Talk about cherry picking, Jesus Christ.

If only I could meet a girl with an ass as large as the one Vice pulled those numbers out of.

shitting in a fountain of shit

Slate, Buzzfeed, Vox, Vice, NowThis!...

It's all the fucking same.
It's like posting a Breitbart or Drudge link.

Stop fucking doing this, it's not funny. LARPing was such a good meme until people started LARPing as #HillShills.

>first day of your candidacy
>slide down the escalator in your golden tower made by mexican slave labor
>announce that hispanics are rapists and murderers
>get btfo by hispanic-americans at the polls
>claim election is rigged

2016 in a nutshell.

So it's fucking nothing.

Breitbart is the only non-biased news source shill.

Go back to sucking Saudi dick for oil money you snow kike.

in spite of being a bunch of hipster SJW faggots, I have to hand it to vice. some of the places they go are really gritty

Stay delusional if you want lel

Trump voters are still at work.

They'll all be BTFO in the coming hours anyway

Nonsense numbers. We have no exit polls.

>Through a partnership with the data firm VoteCastr and Slate

They're the exact same numbers.


>The latest VoteCastr data is delayed. Stay tuned for our next data update from eight swing states at 2:15 p.m. E.T.


thank fuck somebody finally posted some legit info on here. If I saw another "TRUMP PROJECTED TO WIN IN 99% LANDSLIDE" article from Whiteracedefenders.pundit I was going to puke.

Polls aren't closed for like 10 more hours you fucking retards.

Stop posting this garbage and just wait. Estimated exit polls and attendance mean fuck all.

>say increasingly nervous man for the 10th time this hour.

Every news source is biased. Don't fool yourself.


Damn that spooky music on that page. Vice really turning the knife.


top kuk


Remember the exit polls for Florida and Ohio when Bush jr. got elected? Yeah, that.

Nope. Exit polls cannot be released until the polls close you moron, otherwise we'd be an actual real-time vote count.


isn't that the county where the clerk was caught rigging early voting?

Compare the numbers to 2012

>Florida: Miami-Dade County

>Clinton: 58.5 percent
>Trump: 35.5 percent

>Obama: 61.6%
>Romney 37.9%

Clinton is down 3.1%, while Trump is down 2.4%

I don't get this, like invote trump I want him to win but so many liberal friends of mine are going to act like it's some personal shame to me if he doesn't win.

If he doesn't win he doesn't win and I go back to win a political junky, and if he does win then he wins and I go back to being a political junky



Fuck off, Mick.

Every one of these are districts that are heavily Dem and everyone knew it.

No one can predict anything yet.

These publications are trying to come out with early calls to discourage voters before the end of the day.

Maybe he wins maybe he loses....but assessing a winner based on these stats will always be bullshit.

>Miami-Dade County

He was never expected to win that county that is practically a third world Central American country

What matters is how many counties he wins beyond that

Aren't there 6 hours left for voting?

>Nevada: Clark County
>Clinton: 49.3 percent
>Trump: 42.8 percent

>Obama: 56.4%
>Romney: 41.9%

Is it happening?


Oh look, the model with no publicly available methodology is heavily biased to Clinton.

People were saying this was a shill poll to push the HILLARY WON REEEE meme before anything is counted.

based pasco staying red

Awesome I was going to vote for Hillary but I have low energy now I dont need to show up.

Don't forget that Trump voters often have a real job and won't vote until ~16-18h


You are, but a huge amount of the borderline retarded and most likely underaged faggots here and on leddit won't.


we got like an entire day left for people to still vote and none of them have started counting yet fucking retarded shill.

>potato nigger


Reminder that most Republicans have jobs and won't vote till a few hours

Fuck you, OP
Through a partnership with the data firm VoteCastr and Slate, VICE News breaks that rule and for the first time will bring you voting turnout data from the battleground states in real time. VoteCastr’s models and methods are based on the same techniques that presidential campaigns use. Its founders were part of previous presidential campaigns for Barack Obama and George W. Bush. What we see is likely what the war rooms inside the presidential campaigns are seeing.


wow it's over and it's not even 8pm ! Crazy! well may as well not go out and vote for Clinton now!

Drumpf doing worse than that cuck Romney. HOW HUMILIATING.


Fake. Can't report these yet. Also, there are still 7 hours left on the east coast, 8 hours for the midwest, etc. GTFO CTR

WARNING: This is a CTR post designed to make people not show up and vote Trump. Miami Dade is the most Hispanic area in all of florida. Even in the primary where he won every single florida county except one, Miami Dade was the one he lost.

Op is CTR is selectively cherry picking to mislead people here.

It's VoteCastr - you fucking moron. They're just counting votes.

Fuck off SHILL. Source and not Mainstream media hack VICE, reputable polling institution. TRUMP will take OHIO, PA, NH, FLA and poss Mich. And we also have fucking 10 hours and more left. O please historically this type of polling is HIGHLY inaccurate. But please keep driving them to VICE's site I am sure they are loving the hits as are their advertisers.


It's literally a right-wing Gawker site.

No shit it's clinton now, wait until people with jobs get out of work.

Trump was never going to win Miami-Dade. But he has to win either Hillsborough or Orange county to stand a chance here in FL.

Yes, and if there are any legit exit polls they are under-sampling the working class who will likely break in favor of Trump.

NOT LEGIT!! Source and not Mainstream media hack VICE non-reputable polling institution. TRUMP will take OHIO, PA, NH, FLA and poss Mich. And we also have fucking 10 hours and more left. O please historically this type of polling is HIGHLY inaccurate. But please keep driving them to VICE's site I am sure they are loving the hits as are their advertisers.


mfw user doesn't know what an exit poll is

Republicans are at work, you degenerate




>immediately discarded

People don't get to proudly tell the little man on a chair outside the polling station that they voted for Trump; they get ridiculed and vandalized if they do. Haven't you been watching the news?


Pls kek hear us

Funny thing is that even the fake numbers don't look good for her when compared to 2008.

There is no law that prevents them. Since 1984 the media has had a self-imposed gag order on releasing these numbers but it's not illegal to do so.

That's right goyim, Florida is already blue so all you trump voters should just stay home, no point in voting anymore


FUCK off Irishfag Still pissed about Brexit LOL

>They're just counting votes.

>These estimates are based on pre-election polling, latest turnouts in observed polling places, and reports of total early ballots.

They're not counting votes at all. They're estimating and assuming based off information that isn't clear, like total early ballots (which aren't published as by candidate, but by party), bullshit like "observed turnout" and polls.


yes - it's probably the same source too

Impossible. I live in Miami-Dade county. Trump has an unbelievable amount of support here.

No, early voting and recent polls.

It's basically a glorified pre-election poll.

mfw all you Trump-cucks realize he is losing in a historical landslide

cheetoman is going to cry if trump wins
he is with her

which would make it really fucking believable if even they reported that Trump lost

wow according to vice trump is losing every single swing state, what a coincidence!

They can't count votes you fucking retard, POLLS ARE NOT CLOSED YET.


Very interesting

Drudge is not a fucking news site!! It's an aggregator!!! Why can't people get this right?!?! They just link to other's stories! A Drudge link could take you to infowars or Breitbart, sure, but it could take your to NYT or AP or Yahoo news!!! Why does this trigger me REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

it's only 2:25 pm est.

You'd have to be retarded to read into any so-called results" at this point.

people lie on exit polls because they don't want to be judged

No. A historical landslade would be 1984, Reagan - Mondale, 525 to 13.


Costilla county Colorado

literally what?

Nice """""polling""""" not including people who haven't gotten a chance to vote because they have work.

Or lack thereof