(((Just as planned)))
Soros machines have been rigged, as we all knew the would be
hold on to your 2nd amendments, let's see what happens first.
looks like there's only one choice left
>What looks like when white people chimp out
Get nearly annihilated, bombed to hell and back, raped by Slavs and made to pay everything?
> The error was due to a calibration issue
As a software developer and Master of Computer Science, this statement gave me cancer
its a touchscreen, there's always the potential for calibration issues
You would have to be completely retarded to think that Soros's nefarious voter fraud scheme would LITERALLY show up on the fucking screen.
>calibration issues
>completely retarded
610, PA Fag here. I just got back and I voted for Trump, how fugged am I?? Did my vote even count??
>"calibration issue"
>partisan issue
Well thanks for telling me I'm wrong you really inverted my record on its head
They're all coincidentally calibrated against trump.
> its a touchscreen, there's always the potential for calibration issues
t. a fucking Leaf shitskin
As someone who works with touch screens all day thats not how they work anymore, unless you have some old ass chink shit
slavs are white too you dumb ignorant fuck
>your vote
I agree
The fact these things use touch screens is retarded and unnecessary. use a fucking button for crying out loud a mouse, hell even a proximity button like the xbox power button
>unless you have some old ass chink shit
Considering allot of American voting machines are from a Canadian company that's what they are :^)
PA machines are from the 80s my goy
i'm so glad to see that techno-ignorance is still rampant
when are nonwhite and female votes only going to count as 1/3rd again.
yep, user being completely retarded
that said
>touch screen for voting
That gives me cancer
yeah, you don't know shit, most US polling places are waaaaay behind in technology
That's what you get for having electronic machines made by the lowest bidder
>tfw paper and pen masterrace
unless trump wins of course.
i love that for the past 12 years, the (((calibration))) errors always favor the fucking democrats
>everybody votes repub
>All those votes become dems
You forgot the part where it was other white countries that stopped them.
>implying she even needs PA to win
Everyone should ask for a paper ballot.
It isn't a partisan issue. It's just cognitive dissonance.
When a DEM comes across an uncalibrated voting machine, they calmly ask for assistance and get things figured out.
When a Trumpfag comes across an uncalibrated voting machine, they throw a tantrum, call the news and demand a civil war.
it counted
for hillary
Did you make sure that on the review screen at the end correctly had Trump there? If he was on that screen then you helped make America great again.
rigged voting machine just caught on camera
>Trusting Breitbart.
weird deformed toothpaste country enternally btfo by friendly neighborhood burgerbro.
how is this even legal?
Do not be afraid, grandpa told me the gas smells sweet
>light on on the Clinton button
You have to unselect one once selected, it says so at the top of the machine. You got baited.
open democracy in action
holy shit an actual Trump shill post
All the Americans had to do was turn up in groups with sledgehammers and destroy them at every station
>trusting proprietary voting machines
because you got baited retard
It's not necessarily Soros messing with them, could just as well be on-site libtards messing with that shit.
Why hasn't somebody killed him yet? He's like a goddamn Bond villain.
> not supporting crooked jews
are really jewish?
steve bannon trump campaign manager who owns breitbart. brietbart is saying the votes are being rigged in favor of hillary? you dont say!
why don't you americans just kill everyone who doesn't agree with them?
Link? Can't seem to find that tweet.
WTF I hate modern society and modern technology now.
This is good.
If Trump actually loses, it will give him a valid legal reason to dispute the result.
Get out with that low energy pessimism
>breitbart claims the election is rigged as we all knew it would
Goood, very good. You are a fast learner
>the election is rigged as we all knew it would be
2nd American civil war when?
You'll niggas need to do sumthin
Ahahahahaha he's literally the wyatt man caricature
Fucking hell
well.. hopefully they will have corrected the calibration error before the 2020 election.
as a fellow 610 voter, my vote went through.
some are, not all, counties maintain their own voting machines and are not provided by the state itself.
This is why I didn't pick straight ticket, I manually picked each vote.
>I want the election to be rigged because it validates me
Cmon why do you think the Elite own the machines? YOUR GETTING HILARY !
The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.---------Joseph Stalin
Americans cant even make machines with literally 2 buttons to push.
Elites know how to make a good show of it. If it was 100% clinton to 0% trump would u believe it? No, they need it to be as close as possible to keep it believable.
>slavs are white too you dumb ignorant fuck
Keep telling yourself that.
More like Costa Pobre
>bohoo stop crying when we "accidentally" rig your votes
>see we never whine about this which has certainly nothing to do with the fact that these "glitches" and tampering practically never happens to the loss of candidates in bed with the cheating kikes like Hillary, so we have nothing to complain about in first place
>muh cognitive dissonance projecting
Oh phew, was worried there for a second
It's made by Soros.
and in other news,!
Kim jong un , just won sexest man alive with 99% of the vote!
Putin Just won tallest men contest ,confirmed by parliament
I wonder about the same thing for different people every day
>be yank
>go to vote
>fancy touchscreen
>machine registers the opposite of what you chose cuz whoops lol
>also acts as a fingerprint scanner
>lets (((them))) know who voted for Trump
>redflagged you and your familia off the nuclear bunker list
Funny way to spell Russia
Exclusive footage of George Soros celebrating!!
PA was always going to be rigged.
CA will be the ace in the hole. Dems never saw it coming.
ouch .your a evil genius! I want you on my team for sure!
Why would you rig machines to make it obvious that they're making you vote for the wrong person?
And the stupid amerifucks are not only using it, they are also paying for it.
top kek
Because when you "fix" it, you don't know that only the first vote counted.
There was only ever one choice:
But noooooo. You pussies had to try and broker a peaceful transfer of power.
This is what happens to a feminized society. Children get raped and eaten. Rights get stolen. And there are no men left to say 'hell no!'.
Thanks for correcting the record
> L E A F
Trips on the SOROS death threat...nice knowing you
Kekekekekek, must be because D comes before R, right guys?
>Soros might get from kek and rot if he does something
Its hard to take an election seriously when it uses electronic voting machines
The fact hillarys benefactor soros owns them is just pathetic
Shouldn't a voting machine be easy as fuck to program? Why are there "glitches" every year?
Meant to say "Might get cancer"
Are you guys related or something?
thank goodness someone made the counter to that shitty pic
make a neutralfag one also
Lol yea because thats totally acceptable to happen in multiple states for a national election?
So armed revolt if he loses right?
PAfag here. what can I do to avoid this bullshit
1. incompetence
2. malice
Hanlon's razor notwithstanding, means, motive, and opportunity are present, so oversight is important.
It's not even a touch screen lmao, it's an array of buttons,. The only way this could be an error was if the wiring was wrong which is highly suspicious
I still don't understand why they can't use a piece of paper and a pencil like every civilized nation
this is just typical software work by Indian "programmers"
if they were trying to commit voter fraud, why would they outright display the flipped votes instead of hiding it from the user
fucking morons, THINK