Salon has already reported Hillary as the winner.
What are Sup Forums thoughts on this?
Are the Salon Jews right?
Salon has already reported Hillary as the winner.
What are Sup Forums thoughts on this?
Are the Salon Jews right?
i fucking hate the word diverse
Well this isn't actually an article on their site so, no.
did anyone besides cucked faggots on Sup Forums really think Drumpf stood a chance? Just look at any Trump rally. Any fucking rally (there are tons of videos on youtube of them) and they're all filled with fat, uneducated, middle aged white people.
So when will I, a British know when the new president of the USA will be announced
>Angry White folks
Come on man this is the reason why people like Trump.
Funny how Hillary's White supporters are the most faithful to her, no dindu wants that old bitch.
4am nog.
Salon is a pedophile website.
Meanwhile at a Hillary rally they can't even keep the podium from falling over.
>Dewey Defeats Truman 2016
Likely around midnight on east coast of burgerland - think that would be around 5am for you?
the votes havent even been tallied. I guess they are basing this on polls.
Shit lads, salon called it. Pack it up boys
aka the majority of Americans
>embracing Hillary
Who could have thought, huh?
Probably, they are demonic cannibals themselves who know all about the steal.
Doesn't matter. Win or lose, Hillary hangs. KEK has spoken.
That's right goyim! Florida is already blue so all you trump voters should just stay home and definitely not vote! Oy vey
The red S in salon stands for Satan
This has been a recurring theme of this election.
Hell no, they endorse anyone who's not Trump or Hillary.
American pedophiles are generally conservatives.
They're just getting copy ready, but the fact is neither Trump nor Clinton has a majority of anything. Barely 60% of eligible voters wil take part in this election, and neither will get more than 49% of that, courtesy of write-ins and third-party candidates with ballot access.
I voted for Trump and want him to win, but whoever wins is kidding himself if he thinks he has a real majority.
>that "beard"
What the fuck