Sequential Art


I forget, did the evil one that talked die or did he survive in some vague way?

he survived, he can't die

So that's it? I mean yeah I hated the dummy story for months but that ending was very abrubt with no genuine payoff. I was expecting the airsoft people to declare war on the psyco lady and her getting sent back to an asylum afterwards.

this comic is still going?

>Last arc someone falls in love with inanimate object.
>This arc someone is in love with an inanimate object.

Meh I was predicting a closing that, after all that bother, what'-her-name is found by the men in white and revealed to still live in a mental home, never being a threat in the first place.

I prefer this one though.

Fuck yeah denizens


did he fuck the cat?

That would instantly end the comic


Would it? Their relationship has never really been the comic's focus. If they did pork, what would be lost?

But he already does porn, what could go wrong?

It feels kind of like that 'unattainable goal' dynamic. Tom will never catch Jerry, etc. Them being a couple would change a lot.

Oh shit, now we know who took Owlturd's bicycle!

Is Battle Bunnies still a thing? Nothing since February.

Yes, it's still a thing. I just haven't had the chance to work on it for a while. It's certainly not been abandoned. I like that little world I've created too much to just let it slide into the abyss.

A shame. Jerry was a fucking prick.

Would you ever consider doing an erotic prose short story for your Aspara portfolio? I'd like to read you're favorite parts of a growth sequence, sort of like in the Family Session comic. Or maybe just read more of your world building, like a reporter trying to do a biographical interview with a very *busy* Chole.

One tiny question.

What DID the mage do to get expelled from the Academy? So far he is my favorite Bunny.

That's the first request I've had for a WRITTEN Apsara entry. Might be something to try out at some point....

It's not set 100% in stone, yet. I need to write another story for these characters, then I'll know for sure :)

Did the platypus die? Can't remember the last time he was around.