Is it irresponsible for teenagers to be written having sexual relation in comics?

Is it irresponsible for teenagers to be written having sexual relation in comics?

Why not?
Next you'll be saying the same is bad for preteens and toddlers

If you're a soyboy that cries about fiction

Is this some new sex term that I haven't heard of yet?

Is it irresponsible to remain a virgin for so long?

its a pol term for anything not ultra conservative

It's Sup Forums's latest buzzword, apparently some of their super serial youtuber used it.

So, cuck is officially dead now?

The estrogen in soy sauce is turning men into betas

Like the water and the gay frogs?

Yeah cuck is done. You use soyboy in literally the same places you'd use cuck

Why would it be? And towards who? Young people in general due to turning them into sex crazed maniacs, making robots kill themselves and others with them out of frustration, towards elderly people and highly conservative individuals due to the effect the degeneracy has on their sensibilities?

It is irresponsible for teenagers to be written having irresponsible sexual relations.

Safety comes first. As long as you stay safe, you can explore all you like with your girlfriend.

I still can't get over how much better cuck was as an insult.

Yes. It means a godly man, someone who is really good at sex and just manly stuff in general.

just drink onion juice, user
pour sour manliness into your mouth

Who cares about being responsible? Why do fictional characters have to be role models?

>pour sour manliness into your mouth
That sounds gay though.

Hell no, it could be creepy if you write it all leery, but teenagers fuck like rabbits. No sense trying to pretend it's any other way.

Only a cuck would use an insult that sounds like a weak racist slur against asians in place of cuck.

nothing manly in shoving testosterone into your throat, you lowtest pussy

What's the ETA for start using soycuck?

didn't the Scotsman call Jack a soyboy or something similar?

I find it pretty funny to imagine Sup Forums as a legion of angry drunken Scotsmen.


It's like cuck but different. I think.

Teenagers have sex. They drink and do drugs as well. Maybe they shouldn't be doing those things, but they are.