Who here voted already? How was the atmosphere like?

Wayne County here at 7 am and there were HUNDREDS in line to vote. It was insane.

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who /yooper/ here?

Voted trump in Ingham already. BASED

586 checking in, the lines were quick here

I love the yoopers. I have a ton of relatives that live near Marquette. You guys are alright.

The only way to paint Michigan red is to deeply and bigly cut your left middle finger, eat the pain, and splash pigs blood all over Hillary voters

Will be voting Trump in Ingham in about 2 hours, after work. 517 MAGA!

Goig to vote after work in flint

Please gimme some info on Detroit

MSU student here, so we're pretty much guaranteed to go blue, but I voted anyway. It was a quick in and out!

586 reporting in. We're going red!

517 here too and just got done voting for trump

MSU alum and I remember the libtards at that school like it was yesterday. Glad to have moved to a more red area. Thinking about moving to Alaska some day though


248/Oakland County here - can account for at least 14 of my family members in OC voting trump today, and 7 of my family members in the UP voting trump as well


You and your family are fucking bosses

Maybe I'll see you there one day. The libtards are insufferable, but it felt so good to MAGA

I was voter 423 at 11 am so it wasn't bad. went by quick. scary tho that they barely looked at my license and my old address is on the front and new one is on the back but they didn't care...i had to tell them it was on the back and they still didn't look at it. just said okay, and let me vote. I scolded them tho. Old people are retarded

209 Californian here. Voted for Trump in a relatively Conservative part of California

I was at the Grand Rapids rally last night. The line scretched for miles. It was insane.

906 reporting in

Hispanic dude here. Voted for trump in the 313 a few hours ago. People there probably expected me to be a Hillary voter kek

thanks y-you too

Warren here. Waited in line for 90minutes. It's a toss up for red or blue.

Are you central American or South American?
T.Peruvian, voted trump too familia

I love the campus and met a lot of really cool people there, but some of the people at James Madison (Case) and some of the other libtard colleges were insufferable.

Seriously if you ever ate at Case it felt like you were in Seattle at some hipster cafe.

734 checking in, was at the GR rally last night too
And there were maybe 20 hillary supporters protesting. What a beautiful sight

Voted Hilldawg early this morning. I wanted to beat the rush and avoid standing in line with smelly uneducated people

Right here. I tried going to Trump's last rally last night in Grand Rapids and waited in line for almost 4 fucking hours before they shut the doors. Must have been tens of thousands of people.

We're gonna do this shit.

did anyone else get a text from someone from hillary and MI Dems

The lady at my place took forever with my ID. She looked at it, looked at me, questioned me on my name and birthdate and then looked at it some more.

I guess I appreciate it.

I heard some total bullshit on the news about Michigan.

Some bitch was on there talking about Hillary and how her slogan of Stronger Together means alot to the Michigan voters who are angry that the Economy is bad because of horrible trade deals that let GM leave to China.

They were saying the Opposite of what Trump said to get people to vote for Hillary.

Traverse City here. So many fucking trump hats

I'm opening a fine beer for you lads.

Don't disappoint me.


Voter 1340 or so for 810. Cold and Cloudy, and had just rained the night before.
Plenty of Trump signs along the way, we should be safely Red. Keep the lakes red, Michibros.

c-central. We aren't all bad

734 checking in voted Trump

I'm an
I've had no reason to eat at Case until now, I'm going to get dinner there tonight just to see what it's like

>Offer free concert of Bon Jovi and Springsteen
>100,000 people will be attending
>invite Hillary to speak
>70,000 decide to not come
Hillary has biggest rally with 30K.

I was there too. That shit was fire!

What is some good Belgian beer? I might go buy some tonight.

734, voted at 7am 23rd precinct

are we really going red lads?

I voted for Hillary, I'm in Oakland and live near Southfield. I have so many good Black friends and I couldn't face them knowing that I voted for a racist like Drumpf.

Washtenaw was all-red, full of MAGA hats

The people that live in Case are hipster trash. James Madison is all the political science and people trying to get into law and surprise surprise, a lot of them are turbo leftists.

HOWEVER, some of the football players eat at South Pointe too, so you may see some of them or even the basketball players. I saw Connor Cook there and Gary Harris. BASED

734, took a bit over an hour to vote. MAGA

Can't believe that so many people showed up for such a late rally. Incredible.

517 here voted for Trump

Same 586, not as many Minorities as in 2012

Just voted in Dearborn. Besides the hijabis camped outside telling me to vote Susan Dabaja for judge, all was smooth sailing.

616 here. Easily trump territory and already voted to MAGA

I heard shit was going on with Detroit voting machines so we might actually be fucking red holy shit. (Or they are rigging I don't know)

Keep it up, bros. MAGA.

t. Ohio

Mecosta County here. Voted Trump at around 8 am and 100 people had already voted (I live in a very small population township).


Voted for Johnson in AA. Sorry, couldn't do it, couldn't vote for either of those 2 psychos, I'd rather take the guy who doesn't know basic geography.


The one day of the year where we can be friends. MAGA Ohioan bro

Voted Absentee in Ingham for Trump a few weeks ago. MAGA Currently in Marquette, fuck this Liberal stain on the Northern bastion.

At least you didn't vote Hillary, so I'm cool with it.

one friend voted for hillary, one won't stop shilling for gary johnson, another doesn't like any of them but I think he might be voting trump, another friend registered but is too lazy to go vote and I didn't even register

Voted in Southfield. Almost every person voting where I was at was Black. I've seen a lot of Hillary road signs, but none in front of houses. Didn't see any Trump signs for some reason or other though. Still voted for Trump.

734 - voter 118 this morning. MAGA

Ypsilanti here, voted at 10am

I was the 148th to vote at my location, feels good

it is because southfield is full of blacks and jews.

No need to fear brother for today only we are all one race, the human race

try forming a suicide pact together with them

What do you guys think the Detroit turnout will be like?

oooga booga shillary killary

What happened with the Feds and the huge synagogue off 696?

Also I know that Hillary was projected to win the primary by about 25 points and then lost, any idea why the polls were so fucked?

I mean voting 3rd party is basically voting for Hillary so he kinda did

Took ten minutes at 11 A.M. in Allegan county. Busy but efficient. Saw first Hillary sign on way back from voting. Too late.

>is on Sup Forums
>didn't even register

the fuck

>CAPTCHA is "Mexico Mexico"


231 here, voted earlier this morning for trump, polling place was packed with people in MAGA hats


NMU here. Spotted a tumblr dyke in the voting line.


If he wins Michigan its all over.

I am worn out I feel like have run for President personally.

Trump Wins!


Went around 9 and there was no line

586 here, i'm shitposting from work and i'm off in another hour. Got a machine shop full of blue collar white guys that are all getting off work and going straight to vote for Trump.

we /redMI/ now

Macomb County here, voted for Trump this morning.

Lots of angry looking white guys at the polling place.


My whole work is voting trump. One of the cool things about working a blue collar type job.

Do it, boys. Do it. Florida Man has done his part.

Now it's your turn.

MI native living in Kentucky here. Kinda wish I still lived up there cus my vote would be more useful.

Hoosier here living in Traverse City for school

Lots of Hill-Shills here. Kinda depressing. They mostly live on the peninsula between the two bays. I guess it's pretty easy to get disconnected from Democrat policies when you live in a city with a 96% white population and an average household income 50% higher than the US average.

696 here

Couldn't go to a voting place, as I don't live here permanently (uni), but I sent an absentee ballot yesterday

Same here in Wayne county. A lot of either serious or mad looking people in line. I don't know if it means trump or not

I voted in the 40th precinct in Westland. A ton of blacks when I was there. Fucking commie blocks all around my sub division

586 here too, what machine shop?

Chrysler Sterling Stamping here.

Rain + broken machines = minimal turnout please

Madison Heights, i'm a CNC programmer. Have to get a beer and celebrate after Michigan clinches the election for Trump.

The rain was kind of disappointing today. It rained for maybe an hour. Just cloudy and shitty now.

My family did their absentee voting for Trump in West-Michigan.
Kent County to be exact.

It's gonna start raining in 15 min.

Some of this or some Piraat if you can find it.

I feel my workplace leans Hillary. It kind of sucks honestly. I at least tried to get them to vote Johnson or Stein though.
