What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Muh 47%
Romney wasn't speaking to the people of this nation, the common man. Even though Obama did nothing, he promised "hope" for all Americas. What was Romney's platform even?
the bird was blue
the fish was red
le magic negro
Black vote and 47%
Made some silly comments about poor people IIRC.
People still remembered Bush. Something thats apparently been forgotten or in Sup Forumss case you faggots were too busy beyblades to care then.
Obama was still part black.
Romney was a literal fucking nobody who tried to coast off aging white people. Ryan got cucked by Biden and is simply unlikable
Romney was too safe a candidate who repelled the base while offering little to attract from outside the base. He was also running against an incumbent at a time of economic recover (however anemic).
Lack of memes
Romney blamed unemployment on people being lazy
It was a slap in the face to young unemployed white voters I skipped the 2012 election.
There were binders full of memes
Said poor white men are lazy
And was a mormon
I don't trust Mormons, man. The shit they devoutly believe in makes no fucking sense.
I can't stand Obama but I'm happy I didn't vote for this ticket in 2012. They're both cuckolds.
He disappeared a few weeks before the election. Also he was a milquetoast.
Romney is boring
They were a charisma black hole
Romney is a Morman cuck and Ryan is a weasel. America wasn't ready for Trump yet.
We sorta shrugged and rooted for Romney because we hated Obama more, but all our energy was already put toward Ron Paul.
This time we have a ton of energy behind an actual nominee. We'll see if it pays off, or if Trump is just another loser like Paul.
Ron Paul wasn't nominated
Basically de negro-fy the white house and have a President who looks like the president from the movies. I didn't vote for him
rare af
>Ron Paul
>"I want open borders so hispanics can sell heroin to your kids!"
Ron Paul lost and I don't vote for establishment politicians. I never will, and the GOP needs to realize that.
I still don't know why Omney didn't win.
Boring, Mormon, plus didn't he say he only cared about the rich people?
I didn't vote in 2012. I just voted for Trump. Romney made his money selling out Americans, fuck him.
Lel ur an old cuck
No one gave a shit.
That image ctr keeps posting with all the Romney fags? They were a minority here, where everyone was all about Ron Paul to the very end.
romney is made out of mormon wood and is 70% autistic
>open borders
>free trade
>didn't campaign
he would have been worse than obama
Barack hussein Obama is, whatever you think of his policies one of the greatest campaigners of our time. It's pretty obvious that 12 was never gonna be a repub win and romney was a sacrificial lamb. They shoulda let some retard like herman cain or Donald trump win then and positioned that ticket for now because they would have mopped the floor with Hilary and unlike Chris Christie you could keep romney on the back burner without having to worry about character or controversy boiling over in the meantime cuz romney is about as straight a shooter as they come
Paul Ryan was too intimidating
Lol but it's okay that trumps hospitality business is built on the labor of illegals? Get over your self righteous self and accept the global economy mang. I can be anywhere in the world in the next 24 hours if I wanted technology has simply advanced too far to be compatible with an economy based mostly on domestics
This. Obama was a stronger incumbent than the Republicans gave him credit for. If Romney had won the nomination in 2016 though he would have probably broken 400 electoral votes.