Female student loses it over RINGTONE


>This kid thought it was a good idea to push this girl’s buttons when asked to silence his phone, his reward was a sore head the next day.

>In America if you don’t silence your phone in a library then expect to get your ass whooped in response. After being asked to silence his phone after it went off in the library this kid not only refused but he wanted to be a smart ass and started purposely having it go off. After one last warning he played the ringtone in the girl’s face, she then start swinging and didn’t stop until another girl pulled her off. I’m usually on the defender’s side in these types of fights but he was literally asking for a fight by mocking her.

WTF is wrong with white girls in America? World Star Hiphop has ruined our youth!

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And imagine if this was the other way around! A boy hitting a girl. Feminists would want him to be expelled and given life in prison!!!

>Purposefully throwing punches in the back of someone's head
Dumb bitch would kill someone at this rate... if she wasn't so lanky and out of shape, kek.

>some little cunt doesnt turn off his phone in the library and gets his ass kicked

Why should I care again?

nothing more depressing that white girls acting like nogrets

Weird how you guys only consider men and women equal when they're hitting someone. Almost as if to normalize when men hit women.


>brainlet cumskins on suicide watch
can't even filter background noise, you're lucky minority populations are increasing


Its only depressing because you worship women

Once you realize they're all shit inside you stop caring


both fucked


Whores know they can literally get away with murder now, this is just how it is.

*sigh*, another vertical video

weird how my cock fits perfectly inside your asshole

They're both faggots.

I would have knifed her with my spoon, the spastic whore.

This is what hillary will be like, but with nukes.

>Twink doesn't hit back

Expected behavior.

ITT: literal retards who never studied in a library
any noise is triggering when you are trying to concentrate
my uni library has even a number you can message if someone is being loud to get him kicked out
loud cunts are annoying as fuck

You understood nothing.

He is pointing out that people get upset when men hit women while the opposite is not true, despite claims of the sexes being "equal".

Good, anyone who spams their fucking ringtone in a library should get their ass beaten.

Reverse the gender and it would have been a huge "patriarchy" scandal.
>hetereosexal white male PHYSICAL ASSAULTS young girl because he didn't like her ringtone! this is why we need feminism!

went to a library the other day, full of chinks talking and on phones. wanted to go postal. went to park instead.

>person doing something non-violent, but irritating
>respond with violence

Sore head? That wouldn't exactly ring anyone's bell.

It's only "normalizing" if you claim women are in the right when hitting and apply equal treatment.

Fully grown black men and teenaged girls think and behave the exact same way.

It's weird how you made up a bunch of bullshit in order to rationalize a stupid accusation.

>any noise is triggering when you are trying to concentrate
Indicator of low intelligence, but that's inevitable on inbred island

>acts like a little nigger distrubing people in the library
>get his shit slapped

Deserved tbqh

To kill her?

Blacks and their spawnlings are always super loud at libraries and everyone is too afraid to tell them to be quiet.

>blonde getting up and actually doing something about it
truly master race

They both engaged in niggardly behavior, the entire situation is deplorable

you don't even have your own language you uneducated autist
keep trying bud

I would not let it hit me that way, she will pay for this

That doesn't justify beating the shit out of someone because you're on your period

>Waaa what a violent bitch yyyyyy

Pansy ass fucks, that little cunt got exactly what he deserved.

I would have got up and punched the cunt.

***All posts like this are designed to waste your time to stop you from voting, go vote Trump, if you already voted, go post this comment in all non-voting related threads like this one. MAGA

it really shows that you never studied anything anywhere

That cunt would have got knocked across the room after hit number 2.

Really set my neurons to fire

that's because women are physically weaker than men user.

It is embarrassing that this turd burglar couldn't defend himself from some blonde chick though.



She is a violent criminal and he should sue her for assault and battery.

Yeah it's all so simple when you browse /fb/ from your basement dwelling, how can everyone on the planet be SO WRONG???

dont know about hitting the girl but i wouldve def stopped that bitch. Shit just grab her fucking forearms and thrown her on the floor.

Spoons have no stopping-power you cuck, get an assault biro, and make sure it's a high-capacity military grade one, none of that bic shite.

>oh my god stop making noise in the library you're making my pussy hurt

Either go complain or go somewhere else. Its not that serious you need to overreact like she did

it's funny because the majority of women can't even really hurt a man when they try, unless they have some kind of weapon.

and he's just smiling...

the real question is, what class was she studying for?

I'm glad you agree with my point and offer additional evidence in your pride of things you have no control over, have not contributed to, or created.

Pretty much this. Don't purposefully be an inconsiderate cunt and you won't get your ass kicked. And yes, disrupting dozens of students trying to get in studytime is grounds for physical assault.

I'm as anti-feminist as it gets, but the conflict didn't spring from one of those issues IMO.

It was an annoying-fuck kid getting what he deserved. I'd have cheered all the same if a man slapped him around for being obnoxious, although it's true the outrage would be emphasized if a man hit an obnoxious woman (who similarly would have deserved it for doing the same thing).

I would have beat the fuck out of her.

stop using my language you dumb cunt

LOL. She felt dumb after her first slaps were too soft.

Tbh the only thing I don't like about this is how she tries to talk like a nignog towards the end.

He just sat there nonchalantly, sort of just confused after she went berserk on him.

If a woman attacked me like that, it would actually sort of be funny I think. You would have an excuse to grab her and rub your cock against her ass to restrain her.


>girl batters him round the head for almost 10 seconds
>literally all she managed to do is knock his cap off

Can women do anything right?

no, now see, thinking the answer to someone being rude, is violence, is just shit tier.

You can defend yourself. But up can't strike first..when you throw the first punch, that's assault.

>letting a woman hit you

how cucked can you get?

You clearly don't know jack shit about spoon discipline & it's lethal effect, pansy. No point overspending on cringey accessories if the basics can do the job.

what kind of faggot wouldnt get up and knock her shit out? you can only take so much untill the adrenalin wont let you take any more. that fuck must get beat up all the time. either that or she was so weak it didnt even hurt.

>ass kicked
if that bitch got even one punch back, she'd probably be on the floor with her head bust open. should have choked the cunt out.

Went to jail for 2 months and I'm still on probation for assault charges for beating a women down after she drunkenly kept slapping me in the face trying to provoke me. This Country and legal system is a joke. That bitch wouldn't have a tooth left in her head if she did that to me, you have a right to defend yourself. Too bad the courts don't see it that way.

beta cuck
I would have knocked her ass out.

>hits back
>expelled and probably prosecuted
>ostracized from society for hitting a girl at the bare minimum least

Even when all caught on camera, he'd still be punished.

Wait, what was wrong with the ring tone? Or was it just the fact that it was going off?

>that nerd who sits in the corner studying his organic chemistry and gets annoyed at the bros chugging brews and hitting on the library assistant nearby


justified. theres a price for being an asshole

He should have played the ringtone one more time after her last batch of punches. I would have kek'd.

>Even when all caught on camera, he'd still be punished.
then he could sue the school

That's strange to hear coming from an arab.

Mind control.

a cuck and his bull nothing to see here

>And yes, disrupting dozens of students trying to get in studytime is grounds for physical assault.

That is simply not true. If it bothers someone so much, call a security guard/policeman. It is not your place legally or even morally to attack someone for annoying you.

based homey in the background saying if a girl hits you three times you can hit her back. bitch still didnt do anything.

If you are do not hold both males and females to the same standard and preach equality at the same time you are morally inconsistent and a hypocrite.

>Boy hits girl = bad
>Girl hits boy = bad

>Boy defends himself from attacking girl = justified
>Girl defends herself from attacking boy = justified

If either of the two examples bother you, you are a sexist. A shame that common sense needs to taught to adults as if they were toddlers.



Why does Sup Forums defend nigger tier behavior when white men do it?

>inb4 having your shitty mobile phone play random shite in a library isn't nigger behaviour

Weird how you guys only consider men and women equal when it benefits the female. Almost as if to normalize unfair advantages to women.

He should've handled her like this.


t. Artillery4Hillary

im usually all for white men doing what they want at the expense of all others but i agree. act like a nog get treated like a nog

he did the right thing

now he can use this as evidence to bring assault and battery charges against her

>until another girl pulled her off
Hmm. It moves like a male despite being built like a girl...

>its a video that has nothing to do with politics thread

it would slide right in because of all the butthurt would loosen it

There will be tales of the pale ones and the gifts they brought once we're a ruled homogenous untermensch.
The last refuge of the thoroughly subverted.

>tfw no qt will beat on you and give you a massive erection

>Current levels of salt by body composition
Aren't you supposed to bow facing Mecca soon?

Both girls got booty

Jesus, non-Slav whites are such cucks...

if a woman did that to a Slav male, how long do you think she's be standing on 2 feet, unraped?

You couldn't even kill a fruit-corner with your spoon discipline m8

If that little girl didn't get expelled and sent to a shrink, it is proof that the neckbeards have a fair amount of right on their side.

Props to the boy for not getting up and beating up the girl.