Remember when cartoons for Elementary Schoolers could be for all ages including preschoolers?
>good morals >had a sense of morality >fun humor >it was clean >positive role models
Now we have Teen Titans Go! and Steven Universe which are annoying garbage that talk down to kids. What happened to the all ages shows like Rescue Rangers, Jungle Cubs, Little Mermaid, Adventures in Wonderland, TaleSpin, and even preschool shows that could be enjoyed by all ages like Winnie the Pooh, Madeline, Out of the Box, and Bear in the Big Blue House? To be fair, Sofia the First, Lion Guard, and Doc McStuffins are great though
William Russell
I love Chip n Dale
Logan Roberts
Jordan Wood
>What happened to the all ages shows
They moved to DTV releases or the Internet.
Also, Rescue Rangers sucked.
Samuel Torres
>Also, Rescue Rangers sucked.
Tried to rewatch the show're right. I couldn't stand the character voices and I don't mean just Chip & Dale, just about every single character has a grating voice. The plots are honestly kind of garbage. I don't care about stupid issues like saving a lost kitten or beating a cult who fights with....drinking straws, it's just stupid. Fuck you in advance, even MLP has better episode plots than that.
Eli Lopez
Its still better than most 2010s cartoons. Today's cartoons SUCK!!
Owen Powell
Its better than Steven Universe
Juan Gray
fUcking tRoll thrEads...
Carter Barnes
Consider the current formula to making cartoons. If you worked in a previous show like Flapjack as a story boarder? From the story boarder pool? Someone is chosen to make the new upcoming cartoon. Naturally these people are untalented garbage without a single refreshing idea.
Andrew Johnson
Do you even like cartoons? You complain about everything