Remember when cartoons for Elementary Schoolers could be for all ages including preschoolers?
>good morals >had a sense of morality >fun humor >it was clean >positive role models
Now we have Teen Titans Go! and Steven Universe which are annoying garbage that talk down to kids. What happened to the all ages shows like Rescue Rangers, Jungle Cubs, Little Mermaid, Adventures in Wonderland, TaleSpin, and even preschool shows that could be enjoyed by all ages like Winnie the Pooh, Madeline, Out of the Box, and Bear in the Big Blue House? To be fair, Sofia the First, Lion Guard, and Doc McStuffins are great though
William Russell
I love Chip n Dale
Logan Roberts
Jordan Wood
>What happened to the all ages shows
They moved to DTV releases or the Internet.
Also, Rescue Rangers sucked.
Samuel Torres
>Also, Rescue Rangers sucked.
Tried to rewatch the show're right. I couldn't stand the character voices and I don't mean just Chip & Dale, just about every single character has a grating voice. The plots are honestly kind of garbage. I don't care about stupid issues like saving a lost kitten or beating a cult who fights with....drinking straws, it's just stupid. Fuck you in advance, even MLP has better episode plots than that.
Eli Lopez
Its still better than most 2010s cartoons. Today's cartoons SUCK!!
Owen Powell
Its better than Steven Universe
Juan Gray
fUcking tRoll thrEads...
Carter Barnes
Consider the current formula to making cartoons. If you worked in a previous show like Flapjack as a story boarder? From the story boarder pool? Someone is chosen to make the new upcoming cartoon. Naturally these people are untalented garbage without a single refreshing idea.
Andrew Johnson
Do you even like cartoons? You complain about everything
Gabriel Cooper
Here's the thing. Every show in the 2010s except a few on Disney Junior, DuckTales 2017, and Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry and Scooby Spinoffs, SUCKS!! Gumball, Teen Titans Go!, PPG 2016, and We Bare Bears are going to be dated 10 years from now
Ethan Robinson
2010scartoonfags are cancerous. The 2000s and 2010s cartoons SUCK!! Then again, the 90s had crap like CatDog and Mega Babies, but still
Wyatt Bell
I love Gadget so much.
Colton Rogers
Rescue Rangers was meant to be a fun little mystery rescuing show with villains for the family to enjoy y'know
Blake Butler
My nostalgia glasses will stay on for this series.
Camden Myers
What about Becky?
Mason Kelly
That reminds me
TaleSpin was REALLY mature for a cartoon aimed at Elementary Schoolers but was light hearted enough for the kids to enjoy. That takes talent
Henry Cooper
No. Too much animal on the animal-human spectrum. Gadget was a crush from way back then for me.
Michael Robinson
People on Sup Forums tend to complain a lot
Jack Murphy
Imageboards are for complaining. And meme creation.
Blake Collins
Seaduck > Becky
Luke Ortiz
>Today's cartoons SUCK!!
Oh, and every show in the 1980s and 1990s was a gift from God? I bet you think the original Thundercats was a masterpiece when it was an objectively awful show on every level.
Adam Howard
I didn't really care for ThunderCats honestly.
However, that doesn't change the fact that 80% of cartoons today suck and you know it! Sup Forums tends to whine and complain about everything honestly
Benjamin Martin
>that doesn't change the fact that 80% of cartoons today suck and you know it
Quality is subjective. And even if it weren't, THAT wouldn't change the fact that you can apply your statement to 80% of the cartoons that aired when YOU were a kid. You wanna throw stones, make sure we can't throw them back at'cha.
Connor Nguyen
TaleSpin is still fucking good though. It was a serious show that had light hearted moments and was more mature than crap like CatDog and Cow and Chicken
Camden Jenkins
Never said TaleSpin sucked. But way to shove words down my throat, bro.
Caleb Rivera
Rescue Rangers is a good show. It was a family show
Colton Cruz
>Rescue Rangers is a good show.
It really isn't. And I say this as someone who still likes the concept and the characters. The show really does not hold up. Kids might be able to enjoy it, sure, but kids are not exactly the best judges of quality.
Justin Butler
90s cartoons were really fun when they weren't being rancid teaching bad messages like 2 Stupid Dogs and I Am Weasel. Madeline was for preschoolers, yet was so much better than Angry Beavers which had morals about abusing your brother. And let's not forget Animaniacs which had a lot of fun educational moments and was filled with style!
Caleb Martinez
It's better than crap like Steven Universe and We Bare Bears though cause 2010s cartoons suck! Sup Forums tends to complain all the time about cartoons
Nathan Brooks
>90s cartoons were really fun when they weren't being rancid teaching bad messages like 2 Stupid Dogs and I Am Weasel
>shittalking 2 Stupid Dogs
Well, isn't that cute.
Matthew Moore
Dude, we get it, you have a massive boner for girly-girl cartoons from the '80s and '90s, now go fap to your Madeline slashfics.
Hudson Moore
2 Stupid Dogs was awful. Same with CatDog and Rocket Power.
The 90s had bad cartoons, but the 2010s has barely any good cartoons
Andrew Long
I thought Care Bears was awful tho.
And Madeline still holds up as a great preschool cartoon
William Nelson
>the 2010s has barely any good cartoons
So go watch the good ones and quit being such a whiny-ass bitch.
Ian Roberts
>I thought Care Bears was awful tho.
You lying sleaze, we all know you love to do the Care Bear Stare whenever you walk around your neighborhood preschool.
Colton Bailey
Why does Sup Forums always complain about cartoons? I bet they don't like any cartoon at all
The only good cartoons airing currently are the new DuckTales cartoon, Sofia the First, Doc McStuffins, Lion Guard, Wabbit, The Tom and Jerry Show, Mickey Mouse 2013, Mickey and the Roadstar Racers and that is it
Dominic Bell
So what? If you think they're good, go watch them. Nobody here cares what you jerk off to.
Ryan Watson
Let's face it, Animaniacs is way better than Gumball. Only Gumballfags and 2010sfags will disagree.
The 90s had bad cartoons as well. Angry Beavers anyone?
Chase Morris
>CatDog sucks because it’s MEAN SPIRITED REEEEE
Cameron Torres
>shittalking Angry Beavers because it’s MEAN SPIRITED REEEE
Zachary Flores
CatDog never had a good moral AT ALL. At least Animaniacs had great characters and had educational stuff.
Zachary Walker
no, it sucks because it's awful
Aaron Adams
>Animaniacs is way better than Gumball
Subjective opinion.
Zachary Wilson
Holy fuck good taste.
Luke Gutierrez
The brothers in that show treated each other like shit. You dont see that in SpongeBob, at least the first 3 seasons that is
Parker Martinez
>CatDog never had a good moral AT ALL
So the fuck what? Cartoons do not need "Sailor Moon Says"-style moral messaging.
Thomas Mitchell
Animaniacs is actual shit with dated references and jokes that don’t hold up, but you do you.
Jeremiah Russell
>Wabbit >Good
You have really outed yourself with that.
Aaron Ortiz
Want another bad 90s show? Mega Babies. Want another one? Waynehead. Those shows sucked
101 Dalmatians: The Series was really good though since it had good messages
Connor Gutierrez
>everyone treats Squidward like shit >it doesn’t happen in the first 3 seasons of Spongebob
Christopher Fisher
LOL That doesn't make sense LOL You really are a fucking dweeb
Well, he did deserve it in the first 3 seasons. It was justified karma
Benjamin Wright
Nice taste dude.
Ayden Perez
>101 Dalmatians: The Series was really good though since it had good messages're one of those Christian fundies who wants to censor media so that it fits your idea of "wholesome goodness", aren't you? Only those types of idiots prioritize "good messages" over everything else.
Xavier Lewis
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic meets all of your criteria.
Bentley Price
>my opinion differs so yours doesn’t make sense
Zachary Wood
I loved Bear in the Big Blue House. A great preschool show that parents loved.
Also, Arthur is really good. It had a lot of good morals
Jaxon Hughes
LOL you dont know what you're talking about. You just criticize stuff for the sake of complaining.
Gavin Martin
Never knew someone could be so smart with good opinions.
Isaac Sullivan
>You just criticize stuff for the sake of complaining.
So does the OP but I don't see you shittalking them.
Dylan Scott
>LOL Fuck off, Reddit. >criticize for the sake of complaining Have you actually watched the show in the past few years. It’s unfunny, with extremely shitty jokes like the “finger Prince” joke.
Isaac Hill
Animaniacs was the perfect show for families. References like Goodfellas and That Girl for the adults, as well as adult jokes, and silliness, singing, and references like Power Rangers and Rugrats for the kids. Even kids love this show nowadays. I've seen some parents introduce the show to their kids and they love it. So what if it has some "dated" material, it's still great.
Sup Forums is full of faggots that like to complain and never discuss about the actual show most of the time
Samuel Perry
>Sup Forums is full of faggots that like to complain and never discuss about the actual show most of the time
Like the OP and the Christian fundie user who only cares about "good morals".
Bentley Jackson
LOL You really dont know what you're talking about Sup Forumsntrarian.
Also, you do realize that Gumball and We Bare Bears are going to be really dated shows 10 years from now. Those shows suck
Robert Flores
I don’t watch those shows, buddy, but nice try.
Colton Adams
And you guys too. You never discuss shows. It's usually just shiposting and waifuing
Also, who here loves Arthur and Magic School Bus?
Michael Phillips
Good. Those shows are toxic with no good morals in them. Gumball is just shouting and making loud noises and We Bare Bears is boring.
Why do people like those shows? They don't have good morals like Jungle Cubs does
Joshua Reed
>being for all ages >good morals >had a sense of morality >fun humor >it was clean >positive role model
I can't accept your assertion as none of the characteristics you have just listed are objective indicators of quality.
Most of the best films, best literature and best live-action TV shows that have ever been made have lacked the characteristics you have just listed. Why is it that cartoons need to be a held to a different, more subjective and more morally-driven standard?
So, yeah, your argument is rejected.
Brody Bennett
Hey, are you one of those Duggar kids? I always wanted to know just how many of you Josh molested.
Wyatt Sanders
Beauty and the Beast is a great movie with all of those qualities
Aaron Harris
>Also, Rescue Rangers sucked.
I mean, yes but
Sometimes Some crimes Go slipping through the cracks
Andrew Torres
So what?
Luis Phillips
Shows like Jungle Cubs and the 101 Dalmatians series never last long because they were fucking boring and nobody watched them. Kids never cared about good morals and they never will.
Luis Brooks
We Bare Bears more boring though. I watched some episodes and they bored me. Barely anything happened that was interesting
And also, kids cared about good morals. Arthur was very popular in the 90s and still goes on today
Lucas Cooper
You do realize that The Loud House is boring as well
Luke Ortiz
>kids cared about good morals
No, they don't. If they did, "The Get-Along Gang" would still be running.
Jordan Martinez
Never watched that shit, so I had no idea I just knew pedos on the website enjoyed it for the little girls
Jordan Sullivan
Arthur and The Magic School Bus say hi
Also, even though I hate the show, Barney did very well with kids for some stupid reason
Camden Lopez
Seriously, today's cartoons are really really bad. Back in the day, shows had good messages like the preschool show Bear in the Big Blue House and The Little Mermaid.
Still, Doc McStuffins is an awesome 2010s show
Noah Thomas
>Arthur and The Magic School Bus say hi
Those shows being good had nothing to do with whatever morals they were trying to pass off.
Angel Cook
People actually watch that shit for entertainment? Every kid I knew just watched it until something good came on.
Jaxson Reed
>Seriously, today's cartoons are really really bad. Back in the day, shows had good messages
Hey, fundie whackjob - "good messages" are not even remotely an indicator of the quality of a show. "Rescue Rangers" had decent messages and that show sucked more dicks than your whore of an atheist mother.
Aiden Nguyen
Yeah, they did.
Arthur was actually pretty clever. There was an episode that parodied South Park and I hate South Park but that episode was pretty clever.
Justin Gutierrez
You're so pathetic it makes me laugh.
Also, shows today do suck. Have you seen Gravity Falls? That show was boring and had an unlikable asshole Mabel
Aiden Martinez
>Yeah, they did.
Your personal experience growing up in a house where your preacher father beat you and your atheist mother for not being Godly Christian Warriors doesn't speak for everyone else.
Asher Campbell
>shows today do suck.
So quit whining and go back to watching all the kiddie shows you love to show your little nieces and nephews while you rape them up their asses with no lube, you sick fuck.
>Have you seen Gravity Falls?
Fun show. Writing got a bit sloppy in Season Two, but nothing's perfect.
Josiah Cook
Noah Gray
The edgiest cartoon I was allowed to watch as a kid was Animaniacs which DID have adult jokes.
I hated Rocko and Ren and Stimpy though. Way too inappropriate. And every CN show ever sucked too including the new ones. I wasnt allowed to watch those shows ever.
Wyatt Nelson
I think that Rocket Power had it's moments. Such as the time the squid totally beefed it.
Asher Wilson
The part where he states that he hates South Park proves your point even more.
Caleb Lewis
Nathaniel Barnes
Gravity Falls sucks though. Do you realize how bad today's cartoons are? Gumball, We Bare Bears, Steven Universe, Regular Show, etc. are awful.
Owen Adams
First, an exception doesn't disprove a rule.
Second, I said "most of the best films" not "all of the best films".
Finally and most importantly, I doubt anyone would argue that it is strictly the morals, humor or broad appeal across age groups that make Beauty and the Beast great.
Asher Hall
Another bad show from the 90s was Quack Pack, as well as Mighty Ducks.
Katie and Orbie was awesome though
Kevin Harris
Nobody gives a shit. Your personal experiences and tastes don't speak for everyone else, no matter how much you think you should be able to shove them down everyone's throats like you shove your dick down your niece's throat every other weekend while her mom is busy three houses over with the black drug dealer and his crew.
Subjective opinion, you fundie fuckhead.
Jaxon Young
Beauty and the Beast also had a great story and great characters
Samuel Perry
You keep rattling off names of shows you think suck and don't suck, but so far, the only reason you give for them not sucking are "MUH MORALS".
Come up with a better argument or go come up your little brother's virgin ass.
Isaiah Hughes
Don’t take it out on us because your parents were overprotective shits. Let me guess, you think video games cause mass shootings too?
Jeremiah Turner
Is there any other 2010s cartoons you like? Just wondering, cause most are crap. I like stuff like Smurfs, Muppet Show, and Bear in the Big Blue House that are clean fun family entertainment
Xavier Allen
Beg pardon? Most of those are preschool shows, Wabbit's a joke and the DT reboot is a horribly mixed bag. Never paid any attention to T&J, so no opinion there.