Trump took a peek at Melania's ballot, just to make sure.
Trump took a peek at Melania's ballot, just to make sure
She has a learning disability you insensitive fuck
Fuck Trump and fuck white people.
nah he is just looking at her tits
He's realized he's probably getting cucked right now.
I'd like to take a peek at Melania's ballot too, if you know what I mean
Lol fucking nigger
Always gotta keep an eye for treason.
This is exactly what we need in a President folks.
I bet you having a giggle, m8.
She can barley speak English, she probably just clicked random buttons
>The only other white country saying fuck white people
Fuck you to you ruskie fuck
she can speak many different languages and has much higher intellect than you, how does it make you feel?
Kill yourself, you're literally niggers on the slav scale
Just wants to see who else she is voting for
Who did Donald vote for?
Jill Stein
>She has a learning disability
"""superior white genes"""
Being a Slav?
Ron Paul
She can't read?
Haha I sent you an upvote, friend!
Just like Trump. He has enough votes, so he donates to those less fortunate.
Trump Tower Las Vegas gave my rectal cancer suffering , bed ridden mother , THE ABILITY TO WALK . THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS!
Nothing wrong with that. Always keep the bitches in line and the pimp hand strong. Based Trump working the numales and Hilcuckd into a shoot!
Monica Lewinsky
Other races just abort their kids when they suspect there might be a problem.
Romney of course.
Isn't it time America had a legitimately funny president again? Obama's writers are never this good.
You've clearly never dated a hot ditzy type before. You get into a habit of double-checking everything they do because of their propensity to fuck up the simplest tasks. Trump's just acting on instinct.
Honestly, he was probably faced with all the other ballots like I was this morning, and was curious who to vote for for the local school board or some shit.
Every god damn election I expect to vote for my candidate, and get swamped with a bunch of local faggotry, like school boards, some referendum if the town council can investigate if the Library needs a paint job, or all the other boring shit that is meme free.
Trump's a big picture guy, so details about some $30k civil service job doesn't even blip on his radar. He was probably assuming Melania might know who to vote for because bitches go to PTA meetings and dumb shit like that when they aren't shoe shopping or whatever.
She probably just copied whoever Michelle Obama voted for.
What if he was peeking at her tits?
Fuck the dissenters. This shit right here is why I am voting for Trump.
1. Ultimate Troll President (Insults others in funny ways and forwards the democratic narrative of the people instead of the globalists)
2. Honest reactions
3. You know CNN aired this to make Trump look bad and it just looks hilarious.
He watches is wife like he watches America, lovingly
the expression on his face, trump is full of the bantz he's clearly fucking around. msm and ctr is having a stroke over this tho DRUMPFS WIFE DUNT EVAN WANT TO VOTE FORE HIM ITS OGRE BFOT
She's ugly and sluttish
Why didn't Trump choose a better wife?
this she voted johnson confirmed
Trump's not some horny teenager, he's seen her tits hundreds of times by now.
He's got a kid with her. Probably another retard is brewing.
Haha great thread OP XD
I want melania to be my sugar mommy
>Knows 6 different languages
Slavs are c and a
She wrote in Yeb!
Sorry you lost the genetic lottery and suck at life.
Didn't realise there were many dindus in russia
Tfw melania trump is Intellect capped and can wear class IV armor
Lel Trump is such a shit human being
Trust But Verify™
I'd brew tons of them with her if you catch my drift
Isn't it illegal to peek at another person's ballot? Or is it ok if they are family?
Russians ARE the dindus.
Somebody's triggered
Little Marco
why he peeked though, it's kinda beta.
She asked him a question.
You mean with suspicious and with anger.
I've always said, "It isn't that I don't trust you, but I trust me more."
Realistically though a freeze frame like this could've been spun in a few different directions.
And he reads: H I L L A R Y
Fuck the white race. Hillary 2016!
He is already crying about the results, claiming a fraud. He is a beta, no doubt.
I've been married to a Ukrainian woman for three years, it's become force of habit to make sure I'm there to help her with paperwork, which is almost always more difficult when it comes to legal/official wording.
Because he's an insecure beta attention whore who needs to yell and insult people to get attention and stay in the limelight
Hillary will win
and buddy, YOU are the LEAF now
Did you know that Obama is a sexist misogynist pedophile? Just look at this picture.
Tomasz Terka Scoorvisine :-DDD
I got 97000000000!
>Uses Latin alhabet witch was invented bye white romans.
>Uses English witch was invented bye white brits.
>Uses Computer invented bye white brits.
>Uses Iphone invented bye white steave jobs
>Uses windows white bill geits bill geits
Should i continue?
All I see is 2 Attention Whores.
>other white
USA isnt white lmao
The Bering Sea just got 10 feet deeper.
Yust like Western Europe right now.
Like father, like son.
Mauricio Macri
Enrique Peña Nieto
Who cares about whiteness , fuck trump and fuck white people
English was not invented, you thick-skulled bastard.
your mom :DDDDDDDD
And..? Why not check on your PROPERTY.
fucking nu-male cuck.
Go away stupid leaf
>It was created in a vacuum
What a retard. He's probably some siberian asian.
Because he's being a huge cuck.
>"B-but what if-f Melania d-doesn't vote for t-Trump?"
>"W-women g-got to check their p-place, right f-fellas..?"
>he married a spy
Putin obviously.
>all controlling men are just betas on the inside
Yes and I want to deport all non-Whites because I'm secretly afraid of them too.
When will they learn?
Who did Legs on the left for vote?