They're making fun of us again guys. :(
They're making fun of us again guys. :(
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow, another retard on the internet who takes everything they see on it literally and without question.
Well you can always laugh at them when they realize that millions of muslims are waiting to make numales and women their bitches
I can't blame him. Not everyone can be Hitler, the only man who can get 100% of most of the Sup Forums vote.
his profile image is him taking a picture of himself looking out of the window
drumpfkins are such a joke
>Sup Forums mostly pro Trump
>election day is suddenly ~500 threads per hour
>majority of them some pro Hillary shit
>"Haha, that is totally them making those posts :^)"
I hope they at least pay their nerd virgins extra for the shitstorm they unleashed, that must have taken quite some effort.
I wish it was him jumping out of it
dumpfkins btfo
my buddy said the polling stations are full of hill supporters, not a single maga hat in sight
its really emberassing if you're caught to be a trump supporter, seems like everyones voting hillary
So this guys was here browsing poll just to take screenshots of retarded anons?
Or was posting it himself in order to make an "epic tweeet about le drumpfkins xD"
Literally everyone from all corners of the internet is making fun of you Sup Forumstrash
Those kind of people tend to be suicidal or at least very edgy, thus their opinions are invalid.
>mfw only come here to laugh at the Drumpfkins
>From the country that elected Trudeau into office. A literal fucking meme.
I just assume those are throll threads, aren't they?
Keep on dreaming Drumpfy
Shills screen capping shill posts. Wow!
Does that name echo?
These people should be hung, fucking psuedo intellectual idiots
BREAKING NEWS "its fucking ogre" oh shit wait thats from april.
>100% of most of the Sup Forums vote
I need to update my pics
>make idiot post
>cap it
wow truly the college educated are superior
Please fuck off back to facebook or whatever normie shithole you crawled out of
They sure are Drumpfy
>They're making fun of us&a again guys
Kek whatever makes you feel better
Wow, you're fucking idiots. You are probably a bunch of fucking neets, so you have just ONE (1, as in single) job, making sure that Trump wins, and you fucking ruin it. You should be hanged.
Fucking low energy americants
low energy excuses
>retard reads shitposting
>retard takes it literally
really makes you think
>implying these were real posts and not just posts by this faggot that he took screen shots of so he could post that and you aren't that faggot
Yeah, I saw through this ruse the first time retard.
Unlike numales and women Sup Forums cannot be courted to vote for anyone. We either agree or disagree with your stance. Sup Forums will not bow to shaming, guilt tripping, or calling us idiots or racists for thinking things you don't like.
They were smug and belittling that anyone would even think of voting Brexit. Look how that worked out for them.
God's speed burger bro's
The LARPers will be happy
someone finally took their faggotry seriously
So what, man? Making fun? Trump wins and you will drink their tears. Trump looses and they will cry cause of the most corrupt president america have ever seen. Either way YOU have already won.
>uninitiated outlanders flocking to Sup Forums because of this shitshow of an election
i need my chemo folder back
Check out this totally real post that I didn't just make!
Are you people serious are or are you bored shitposters trying to scrape up some banter?
>what are shills
>what is ironic shitposting
No actual liberal would stick around Sup Forums very long. They'd have nothing to gain from it.
>make shill posts
>report them as indicative of a website as a whole
He is only fooling himself.
probably because it's anonymous
i've been here since /news/
>trolls replying to each other
Nothing new here.
>didn't know you had to register
it's sad because nearly half of Sup Forums didn't do it !
Yeah, look what happened.
Pound crashing and the country in turmoil thanks to belming mongs like you.
I hope you get raped to death by one or more of the Indians they're going to let in.
>CTR Shills are Turbo normies
Surprise surprise...
Normie plebian. He has nooo idea whats coming after election.
low hanging fruit
I've been lurking all day, these threads were hours apart and are quite obviously bait/ shill threads
I wouldn't be surprised if this literally who is the one who's been making all of them. If not he's also been here all day which is equally pathetic for someone who is clearly hostile to the users
what do you consider "turmoil"
Trump will win!
Kek wills it!
Shadilay! Shadilay!
Hiro has a small dick
>phoneposter filenames and redditor filenames
Really made me think
Sup Forums is a mess. Trump will win.
Ryan Broderick: Dumbest Nigger Alive. I hope you're reading this you cuck.
Trump is win! Shadilay! Shadilay! Shadilay! Shadilay! Shadilay!
I mean, come on. The first time I came here today I saw 4 threads with little wording changes that were exactly the same up at the same time. This is transparent shilling. At least space it out. Not all of us are dumb enough to fall for this crap.
Was happy to find out that the two most liberal members of my family (millennials) never got around to registering, so their #ImWithHer bullshit is of no value.
Meanwhile, my absentee ballot went in a month ago.
neofags are lurking here and take literally everything seriously
>normies bullying me
It's like high school all over again.
Ryan Broderick works for BuzzFeed. I don't need to say anything else.
Probably goes to Podesta pizza parties too
Well at the cost of offending a few cucks who would've voted against him anyways Trump has near total dominance of online political discourse and an extremely dedicated and loyal fanbase, it's only through heavy shilling and admin support that reddit itself hasn't fallen, and even now r/the_donald is the largest and most active sub over there. From a political standpoint it's a really good trade off, even if the average cuckservative wouldn't have the balls to make it.
>CTR making fun of CTR
Like pottery
Kys faggot.
Hey Ryan, hopefully you kill yourself once your YAS QUEEN loses.
I made one of those shitpost and it was a lie.
>implying Ryan Broderick isn't CTR snapshotting his own posts
are you surprised?
well my shouldn't
Hey look, false flags. We had all better curl up into fetal balls because people we will never meet are a little bit mean!
Don't tug on Superman's cape, Brodders...
and you are
>all these gawker journos who're falling for these threads on twitter
Do you actually have to register to vote?
>He doesn't know they were making fun of Bernouts
Oh the ironing!
Check 'em.
>probably the same reason nobodys ever courted the 9gag facebook youtube or pornhub vote.
Back in the day we would raid this faggot's ass.
Nah there'd be a shitload of shitposters taking advantage of the situation. I don't doubt CTR did a few though.
gggg ***All posts like this are designed to waste your time to stop you from voting, go vote Trump, if you already voted, go post this comment in all non-voting related threads like this one. MAGA
Haven't you realized it yet? Globalists don't have to endure any consequences. They live in rich white gated communities. They're wealthy and many have foreign visas. They'll fuck off to somewhere nice and quiet at the first sign of trouble.
>CTR posts obvious bait
>twitter goes along with it
wow HAHA we're dumb HAHAA!!!
They're actually citing Sup Forums?
Remember that article that cited Sup Forums before?
This is why we kill them, all. Family or not the normies must go.
can confirm
Voted for Hillary today, am checking Sup Forums to laugh at retarded Trumpkins
>implying these posts aren't bait
And it's going to be even worse tomorrow