Why are there people voting for third parties?
Why are there people voting for third parties?
muh 5%
Because I can stupid blue pilled kike party loving faggot
>m-m-my pro federal reserve pro military industrial complex kike party is better than yours
Kys goy. Gary johnson voting in florida
because fuck tha pooleebs
I was for him at first, till he started being super pc and Bill Weld started shilling for Hillary.
>gary johnson wins the election for Hillary
Because they are virtue signaling faggots who want to be able to stroke their tiny self righteous penis even as the world burns
>you can only vote for 2 parties
Nah, fuck off. This is America. I can vote for whoever the fuck I want. Only the sheep follow the herd to choices forced on them.
He's not going to win. He's just there so the libertarian party is on the ballot. The goal is to get enough votes to get federal funding for the next election.
Because why waste your vote on the lesser of two evils? Why not put your support behind someone that sucks less?
No i knew he wasn't going to win, I did have my hopes up that he'd reach the debates. I do want them to get 5% for the future but Johnson and weld lost my vote by being faggots. Plus my nationalism comes before anything else so I got on the MAGA train.
Literally possessed by demons. 'Muh weed' makes them more susceptible to the Demon Queen's magic.
>libertarians everyone
You're right he won't need any military, since he would be Commander in Chief and doesn't even know wherre the fuck Aleppo is.
Wake up nooblet. The US is run by kikes and short of a third reich nobody is allowed to challenge them. You simply won't be elected since they ruin you with a planted scandal.
Trump is the closes to change you can get, he's a total insider for (((them))) but that's the only way.
If you play good goy and make it to POTUS then go rogue, they JFK you.
They always break away in the closing weeks, which is exactly what happened to Gary. I think he'll match Ralph Nader's % from 2000 -- 2.7% I think it was.
Amazingly, their best chance in history to be relevant has turned the Libertarians into a burned out husk. Remember when they dominated online media? You couldn't run a poll about cupcakes without Ron Paul winning it. They're dead silent now.
Because their fucking "moral code" says they can't vote for either president. So instead of saving American, biting the bullet by voting for Trump - they just fuck all of us by throwing it away.
b-b-but muh principles
They're shirking their duty, being smug about not voting for either person who can actually win.
The problem with the green and libertarian party's is that they are full of leftists but they suck up more republican votes. All they do is let a party win without ever getting a majority
I voted for Damascus but it was technically voter fraud because I live in a different state.
Because they're retards that use their vote as an expression of their inner feelings and not as a pragmatic choice that can objectively make a difference.
I hate 3rd party voters more than anyone.
>already placing blame
They're not. Every year they'll be polling 4-5 percent or whatever and then around election time it's like less than 1 percent. All talk faggots.
Can't wait to see who they run next time.
> If they get 5% in 2016 and thereby obtain matching funds in 2016
Probably another former Republican from a low population state who will fail to come anywhere close to 5% again (because WE MUST DEFEAT HILLARY or WE MUST DEFEAT TRUMP) and will piss away the money hoping to increase his book sales and speaking fees afterward.
> If they don't get 5% and don't have matching funds
Some random lawyer nobody's ever heard of.
>m-m-muh Aleppo
Don't give a fuck about alelpoopo. Why should I? That's my kind of president. Worry about THIS country and not whatever surrounds pussy Israel.
Good to see you easily manipulated monkies follow whatever meme the news media throws at you. 4 years ago it was "muh Ron Paul newsletters". You're nothing but common chimps that are amazed by car keys jingling in your face
>don't vote in your self interest
>I perpetuate the shortcomings of american democracy
lmao Chump
It's the only vote that might count for something.
>tfw in blue state
Theres no chance, i repeat, no chance trump will win in my state. Mine as well give some votes to the underdog
Voting for the 2 party candidate that most closely aligns with what you want out of government IS voting your interest you retard. Only a violent revolution will change the two party system in this country, otherwise it's mathematically impossible. It's never going to happen as much as you want it to, and your vote only serves to jerk off your ego in your social media posts.
> tfw too intelligent to care about Aleppo
lol they're so cute when they try to reason