I can't fucking wait
I can't fucking wait
How is he a fascist if he's running in a democratic election race of a liberal country with democracy?
13 ***All posts like this are designed to waste your time to stop you from voting, go vote Trump, if you already voted, go post this comment in all non-voting related threads like this one. MAGA
You don't have to wait much longer
because this is a shill
Somebody claims Trump has been stumped on Sup Forums. Is the claim true? By carefully applying the facts and rules of logic below, you can determine whether or not the post is worth your time before clicking the link.
* Can Trump be stumped?
No, the Trump can not be stumped.
* Can Trump be BTFO?
If Trump can not be stumped, then he cannot be BTFO.
* Was Trump stumped this time?
A man who can not be stumped will not be stumped.
* What if OP said "for real"?
* So was Trump stumped?
* Is OP lying?
* Is OP a faggot?
Save time. Apply the rules of logic to determine if a post about Trump being stumped is true.
>this has been a Sup Forums public service announcement
>a fucking leaf
"if you take the alleged Child Trafficking pedophiles to court after finding evidence of their 'Comet Ping Pong' 'Pizza Parties' with 'Playing Dominoes on Cheese or Pasta?' - they win."
Yup. He already lost.
I'm going to flood this place with Hillary victory posts
Finally we can all destroy Sup Forums together
This place will never be the same. We're taking over now
That's an amazing report. I hope to see this all over the internet shortly.
Drumpfsharts BTFO
Nice post man
I bet you're too much of a coward to post here after drumpf gets btfo tonight
Trump will win, Kek confirms
Mussolini ran for election? So did Hitler. So did Peron.
Fascists historically come to power democratically during times of crisis by manipulating large swaths of the electorate with the usual mix of strong arm tactics, racial animus, scapegoating, and so on.
I don't think Trump is a fascist by any measure, nor do I think he's going to win. But it's dangerous to have a politician with a cult of personality. I'm almost relieved that most people think Hillary is terrible - that's how a healthy democracy should work.
His policies are literally less authoritarian than Hillary. Why the fuck does this word get so lightly tossed around now? Its gone from being a specific set of idealogical and philisophical principals to "anyone i dont like"
I got doubles, confirmed drumpf gets btfo
Nice digits. Prepare the Prep H for soothing hurt butts, pol. Its going to be a long 4 years for you fucks
Listen, Snow Mexican...
You quite obviously don't understand what the word "fascist" means, as Hillary's actions and authoritarian ideals are much more fascist than Trump's platform.
all alt-right goobers will be beat with bats the time is now
except the whole silencing the media, shutting down certain parts of the internet, fanatical devotion to 'law and order' (rather than protecting citizens from government/police) and, of course, scapegoating minorities. Those parts of trumps policies are very much fascist.
Where is your leaf.
Because he wants to put his political opponents in prison.
Talkin a big game there, literally Sweden.
>I'm almost relieved that most people think Hillary is terrible - that's how a healthy democracy should work.
a healthy democracy does not allow lawbreakers/criminal offenders this many slaps on their wrists while running for Leader of The Nation
you obviously already know that but dem 0.10$ (((Correct The Record))) handouts are too much to refuse?
>Hillary "Vote for me because I'm a Woman [Ellen Show in early 2016?)]" Clinton
>suddenly okto:
>wreck evidence with hammers
>allow staged rioting
>allow (((John Podesta))) to ruin Fish 14-aged kids' lives by "playing Dominoes" on them at Cheesey Pizza Parties
>declare millions of recently arrived immigrants full legal voting ability
>flipflop on any social policies to fit the Current Year - simultaneously calling Trump a populist
Are you talking about Trump or Hillary?
day of the rake
This is glorious. Fuck this stupid board.
All your retarded tinfoil conspiracies for over a year and you're going to lose by a landslide LOL
Get ready for the matriarchy
Have you even been paying attention to this race?
>mfw britain will never EVER secede from the EU