According to the final polls, this is the outcome.
Does Trump have a chance to flip any state, and which one is most likely to do so?
According to the final polls, this is the outcome.
Does Trump have a chance to flip any state, and which one is most likely to do so?
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There's still 4 hours to go faggot.
california and ny
cap it
Both of these can easily go red today.
It pisses me off that PA is always blue. Outside of Philadelphia PA is blood red.
Also possibly VA, PA, and NH
>4 hours
West coast polls don't close for 9 hours.
I think New Hampshire goes red and so does Michigan.
He's closer in Colorado than he is in Nevada isn't he?
i'm not american but why is CA worth 55 points
that's fucking overpowered, that's a fifth of the election in one state
I'm in New Hampshire right now, I'm in line to vote as we speak, there are I'm With Her and Trump for Prison shirts as far as the eye can see, and they've already asked a few disruptors in MAGA hats to leave. As one deplorable was being escorted out, he shouted "There are millions of us!" The poll sergeant just laughed at him and said, "We counted the ballots a long time ago, friend."
Everyone in line cheered uproariously. I've never been more excited to cast my vote.
CO was red for Bush. I think there's a chance it might go red this year.
NH > PA > MI > CO > VA > WI > IL > MN
Dems always get a nice bump from that. CA is always a blue state
what if no one gets 270
what happens?
>going red
you better hope texas gets red, or else you're fucked
>Trump flips NH
>Trump doesn't get the ME district
>Election is tied 269-269
>Rogue Washington State elector votes Trump instead of Hillary
>Trump wins 270-268
Not according to RCP. He's +0.8 in Nevada, and down -2.9 in Colorado.
The red and blue states are divided into two countries who each get the person they voted for. At least that's what an intelligent country would do.
Final polls lie
Trump will win
Same with Missouri, St. Louis and Kansas City are the only blue areas in the whole state
Based NH
Because California's population and economy is likely bigger than whatever shithole you come from.
Goes to house of reps for them to vote on it.
colony stop pissing up this thread
im serious
what happens?
do they run another election?
how can the land of enchantment be blue?
can someone redpill me on new mexico?
Population size
I really wish we could break the state apart, the foothills are red and I hate being ruled by LA and SF fags
The House of Representatives picks the president, the Senate picks the VP
No one cares but, Maine will be red. You guys misjudge the amount of conservative, small business farmers we have up here.
NH is most likely, MI and CO both less likely but possible. Everything else is safely blue, I think.
Welcome to Illinois. Fucking Chicago niggers.
Yeah but if Trump loses FL or NC we'll already know the outcome. If he wins both then we'll have to wait longer
Hispanics are furious at Trump's racist comments. He's losing according to vice polls.
The fact you didn't understand the likeliness scale helps prove how retarded our education is nigger.
All he needs is Virginia or Colorado, both of which are very possible. He could also swing Michigan or Pennsylvania, but the amount of niggers and cucks in those states makes that unlikely.
Also, Washington has one faithless elector who doesn't support Clinton.
Just New Hampshire
Maybe Minnesota flips. He did make one stop there and he wouldn't do it if their internals didn't see something there. We'll see.
The sad thing is, even if you split off everything but LA and SF and SD you're still going to have a blue state worth something like 40 electoral votes.
if California were its own country it would be the 6th largest economy, just above France
>implying they dont pick a true conservative like cruz/jeb
He's going to get a narrow red in PA.
they can only vote between candidates with electoral votes
You fucking twats need to drop this "PA" meme. PA is NOT going Trump. PA is a haven state for illegals (cities).
Its one thing to be hopeful, quite another to be a fucktard.
when do they start counting and revealing east cost results
also do the different municipalities count the votes in the order they arrived or more or less a random sample wwill have been counted at any time?
cool story bro
>amerilards can't into geography
He ain't getting PA no matter how much you will for it.
>Brit flag
Wew lad.
I live in California and its bullshit that we are worth 55 points. Most people here are low IQ tards besides the corperates.
Michigan will go red this year. Detriot is rained out and there are widespread voting machine outages.
Cook county IL(Chicago) fag here. Everybody i know aside from 2 or 3 people is voting Trump. Im a Cop, all Cops in this area are voting Trump. If the disgusting liberal Cook County vote is minimized the state could go red. The entire state is red outside of Cook. 30% chance.
here, a (you).
I can't wait for SF and LA to be nuked.
Vice is a leftist cuck media. Don't spread that shit
those digits say different
>Winning Florida
Too many Hispanics and they're coming out in huge numbers to vote against him senpai
NH and CO are going red, user
Nope. Trump won NH in final poll
It's raining in detroit today, and you underestimate Trump's pull with blue collars
No final polls suggest Trump will get Nevada, Florida, or North Carolina
He won't win any of those and will lose.
detroit is in michigan
Wait fuck me detroit is in Michigan
to be fair their GDP is literally just below yours in comparison to other nations, they're worth more than France and probably more than England (without the UK)
And everything outside of NYC is red. That doesn't mean it's flipping red any election soon.
Michigan or New Hampshire could go red
Most people aren't going to believe this, but CT is red tonight. Can almost guarantee it.
Screen cap and Check em'
The white vote in florida increased three times as much as the hispanic vote in florida. What's more, Cubans are not Mexicans.
>American education
>don't even know where their own cities are
It varies, but 7pm in 4 hours is when results will start coming in.
Yeah, he's gonna flip NC, FL, NV, IA, GA, and AZ.
Flip them blue, I mean
Tbqh at least 6 considering it will take time, I expect exit polls to underestimate Trump also.
>Cook County
Born and raised Northbrook here, in DC now. Honestly don't believe that cook County would ever go red
Trump wins NY my digits confirm
>NV not going to Clinton
nice bait.
He already got NH
Their autistic voting laws they have the polls close midnight on the 7th
We got a lot of fucking cities and I realized my mistake right after posting
Faithless elector will nominate Bernie.
Why on earth do you americans think this is fair? Keeping in mind I don't think Canada's is fair either
Census includes illegals, which boosts their votes higher, its a hidden way that illegals influence the vote.
Praise kek
Thank you for including georgia and arizona that way we can be sure you're not serious
It's funny because even if Trump outperforms by winning some states which he most likely won't such as Florida and Nevada he will still lose.
top kek
trump has no chance
NY, NJ, PA and CA are worth too much
>a leaf
My concern js NV voting for weed thats boosting dem vote.
But CO already has weed so.. (This is why Dems usually avoid legalizing werd but pretend to be pro-weed, to get votes, just like le weed man in canada)